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Overhoff 36/4.....

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    Overhoff 36/4.....

    This is what I call mint! ….100% mint…<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o></o>

    Attached Files

    Originally posted by Marc verstraete
    This is what I call mint! ….100% mint…<O></O>

    Whats the spotting on the piece on the left side? And why are letters scratched onto the picture?


      The "spot" on the right side of the buckle is the welding spot from the feet catch. It is common that this mark in the metal is seen trough the paint.

      As I am not an expert in PC’s and I don’t know how to ad text on top of a picture (such as "copyright" for example),and to prevent some unscrupulous persons do use my pictures asking for there own purpose without asking I added my initials on the picture with the "paint" program.

      Attached Files


        Originally posted by Marc verstraete
        The "spot" on the right side of the buckle is the welding spot from the feet catch. It is common that this mark in the metal is seen trough the paint.

        As I am not an expert in PC’s and I don’t know how to ad text on top of a picture (such as "copyright" for example),and to prevent some unscrupulous persons do use my pictures asking for there own purpose without asking I added my initials on the picture with the "paint" program.

        Don't bother too much and save your time instead. There is already many other photos done of this buckle without any need for unscrupulous persons to steal your hard work. Larry Lipps already posted in this Forum 3 photos of this exact 36/43 when he was it's owner to inquire about authenticity. After you merged Larry Lipps thread with a thread I wrote about 36/42's those three photos were disabled . So, here they are again for everybody satisfaction since they are of much better quality for forum members to see details.
        I guess you are now the new owner but does not change "copyrights" (if any) of earlier shots. So, don't bother with them.
        Jean Pierre Redeuilh
        All my collection of SS Buckles is for sale. Contact jpredeu@rogers.com for inquiries


          Front of Larry's 36/43
          Jean Pierre Redeuilh
          All my collection of SS Buckles is for sale. Contact jpredeu@rogers.com for inquiries


            Back of Larry's 36/43
            Jean Pierre Redeuilh
            All my collection of SS Buckles is for sale. Contact jpredeu@rogers.com for inquiries


              Detail of Larry's 36/43
              Attached Files
              Jean Pierre Redeuilh
              All my collection of SS Buckles is for sale. Contact jpredeu@rogers.com for inquiries


                Still a very nice buckle for one which has been worn (notice wear on high relief, catch and the bottom mark - straight line on inside - where rub of leather belt left a mark). Considering the rarity of this buckle in whatever condition we indeed can call it mint which would be not correct with another one more common.

                If you bought this one you are lucky. One was proposed to me two weeks ago (about same condition) but I had to refuse it (like anything for my collection at present time) since my purchase of a new property brought me temporarily broke . But if someone is interested I can put him in contact with the seller.
                Jean Pierre Redeuilh
                All my collection of SS Buckles is for sale. Contact jpredeu@rogers.com for inquiries


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