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Eric StahlhutTags: None
Hello To All
First of all, Thank You for the Welcome ! I am not good regarding introduction messages but I will try my best.
Well, some of you already know me from several other forums, and of course this one, but most particularly from my own, the SS Buckle Forum. I hope happy members will follow me there in this new venture!
Since interest in WWII German Belt Buckles keeps rising, and quality of reproduction is rising as well, I gladely accepted the extra work of Moderator in this great Forum. The reason is rather simple: I saw what can be done when someone or a group of people really wants to help others. In the SS Buckle Forum not a single fake is left alone. As soon we spot one, we ring the bell and I sincerely hope to be the worst nightmare of SS Buckle fakers or unscrupulous dealers of SS Buckles. Not a single member bought a fake since his membership, and in such I feel happy.
But so far, nothing has been really done for other WWII German buckles. Since I am not at all an expert in those, even if I still have good overall background and since I know my own lack of knowledge in this field I asked and obtained support for my duty in this forum by some of the most notorious collectors and researchers of German Belt Buckles.
So, I will try to guarantee the respect of any member, been newbie or advanced in collecting, and above all I will try to never leave an inquiry without answer, and I am sure you, members of this Forum, will help me to do that.
Best Regards To AllJean Pierre Redeuilh
All my collection of SS Buckles is for sale. Contact jpredeu@rogers.com for inquiries
Thanks !!
I really hope also we will bring something to a lot of members !!!Jean Pierre Redeuilh
All my collection of SS Buckles is for sale. Contact jpredeu@rogers.com for inquiries
Of course Seba, i expect a promotion & mention in despatches for suggesting these two new boards, or better yet, bone-deep discounts on some militaria.:->
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