I have no idea whatsoever of what this buckle is supposed to be? IMO a pure fantasy piece.
Thank you for your comment KC1..
Buckle was found on a field in West Bohemia - the former Sudetenland. Buckle has been deformed by the field technician (harvesters) and then straightened in a vise. I personally do not think of many reasons that it's fake. Maybe some local Sudeten semi-official pre-war production? Women's organizations from the Sudeten as a model German BDM? Processing of aluminum buckle is not very good. These buckles known about 3 to 4 pieces - all buckles during the years been found in the Sudetenland mostly in poor condition.
I have never seen this buckle before, but I know it is 100% original !!!
it has all the characteristics of a field dug buckle.
Unfortunately I don't know where the monogram stands for.
here the official officer buckle.
I have a very long personal experience with dug stuff and i just know when it is a real old dug or a fake patina. This one is real !
It is extremely difficult if not impossible to correctly and convincing fake the patina and damage of a dug item on aluminum.
Steel is much easier to fake.
This do not mean I know what the buckle is or what the abbreviation stands for . But, this text, was certainly not used after the war, don't you think.......
If I was still collecting, i would have offered a good amount of money for this buckle already as i never seen one in my 35 years off collecting.
Ref. FOREIGN LEGIONS of the THIRD REICH by D.Littlejohn (1985) VOL. 3-
pgs. 52 - 56.
The D.P.'s equivalent to the Allgemeine SS was the "Freiwillige Schutzstaffel"
(Vol. Def. Squad or F.S.).
Motto of the F.S. - "EHRE BLUT UND BODEN" (Honor, Blood, and Soil).
The males equivalent to the HJ was "DEUTSCHE JUGEND"- no referance to the female equiv. to the BDM but assume "Deutsche Madel".
There is referance to the F.S. officer's buckle w/SS eagle and swas. in shovel
emblem and motto- on pg. 54 but only a line drawing....however I have seen one or two F.S. buckles in my time....
I like the buckle too...I'm sure there's still afew new discoveries yet to be made!
John G.
I have similar officers Blut und boden buckle but i am not sure if its original! It have SS markings on the back and that makes me think! Can someone show me the back of this rare buckle?
Hi, I'm out of the loop for a few years now but as the above buckle used to be mine, I can tell you there is NO SS marking on such buckles !!
it would be easier if you could post us a picture of your buckle ...