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Cupal Reichsparteitag Badges

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    Cupal Reichsparteitag Badges

    I've seen a few Reichsparteitag 1938 badges around in Cupal, but never a 1939 one before. Both are by Brehmer. The 1939 one is shinier because the dealer polished all the tinnies he had out for sale!

    Notice the Cupal layering at the edges, especially the 1939 one where it looks like someone tried to pry the layers apart.

    Anyone ever seen Cupal Reichsparteitag badges for years other than 38 and 39?

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    sigpicFacebook "Tigers in the Ardennes" book page

    hi greg

    Your badge is but the condition is bad and points to a " bodenfund" and yes the cupal ones is named " ortskundige " and more rarerish and expensive then the regular ones, i did find one from 39 too, you can see some from my collection ( pic below ) and the thread i made some time ago, hope it helps. i have not yet found one from other years then 38-39 - yet and futher not yet seen other ortskundige made by a diffrent maker so for now hes the only maker.

    cheers mate


    Last edited by Carsten135; 02-09-2012, 01:26 AM.


      Thanks, Carsten; nice badges you have there!

      sigpicFacebook "Tigers in the Ardennes" book page


        thanks and your welcome greg , ill set new info on the thread if it turns up, i do belive the RP ortskundige might be made for more years then 38-39 but they are yet to be discovered, the 39 was very hard to find and i have only seen yours besides mine for now so imo its rare.

        cheers mate


          I also haven't seen any others than these two 39 examples ... it's funny that I had known of the one I bought for a while; the same dealer has had it at the same local show for the past 3 years, but this year I finally talked him out of it for $10!
          sigpicFacebook "Tigers in the Ardennes" book page


            10 $ is a pretty ok bargin for a orstkundige, here on the erupean front i see several german dealers take up to 75 eur for a O-38 in good kvality, and still i can see some dealers consider them as same level as the regular zink RP so they are still accesable for a humanized price, well the zinks will vaporice in a few hundred years these orstkundige was build whit purpose to last for the 1000 years reich out and ill guess that they will be pretty close



              38 and 39

              Here are my 38 and 39 cupals

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                Apparently the 38 is copper struck over aluminum while 39 is plated aluminum.
                And the usual "family shot" to round things off.

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                  Great stuff guys!! I only have a 38, never seen a 39 before. Appreciate it a lot if someone comes a across a good one and pm's me a link.

                  best regards,


                    hey there mate

                    Nice and welcome to the circle of ownes of the more or most rarish Reichspartei badge and the only badge thats connected directly to the tactic in the outbreak of the war.

                    The Reichsparteitag was originally planned at the 2 sep. 1939 and was named Reichsparteitag des Friedens or in other Words dedicated to the people outside germany for remembering that they stand for Peace...... so basicly they made a setup propaganda telling they love Peace and whit this event dont have time for war in meny ocasions the said the opposit of what they ment and was a wide out tactic or strategy in nazi ideolygi trough the 3 Reich area. they did chancel this event suddenly in late august and the outbreak of the 2 World war was a reality the 1 sep. 1939 just one day before this event.

                    I do belive they made this setup Down to the details and made alot of these badges for the event Manly of tactic resons but also bec. of Hitlers decision changes all the time opinion on how and when, but i do belive they destroyed most of them after the outbreak of the war, we just see fragments of the surviving badges.

                    cheers and congrat mate



                      Thanks Carsten. Anyone familiar with when and how it was officially cancelled "in late August"?





                          hey matthew

                          Imm sorry i wasent specific enough arround the cancelled Reichsparteitag

                          Well the Whole event was official cancelled the 26 august by runners/poster/newspaper so excatly a week before the event. So basicly all was prepered into details and the german people didtn know it before that date, and it here it gets most intresting by history bec your questions is going Deep into the " geheime" or secretsy that involved the planning of the first campaing on the Eastern front, the planning was closed the 15. Juni 1939 and was Codename " Fall Weiß " wich took place in the very secret area of Zossen / wünsdorf in the OKH bunker nr. A5 and A6 by the decissions made in Berlin. I did made a thread some time ago arround the area wich the polen,french,danish,norwedigan etc. campain planning took place wich i have been studdying troug some years now, ur welcome to read it here :


                          Meny of these files / planning etc was destroyed during the war and alot in the finals days but some still " Rattles " by facts in the arcive, these files that dont excist any longer can only be " accesed " by crossreference of multiple parametres like tracking the involved generals, use of area, activity in the army and meny more, then ull get a sight of what dont excist anymore.

                          well hopefully u got a answear to ur question, cheers mate

                          i can only Express my exelensy in the pics you have taken Ron, really nice


                            Hey guys,

                            I just wanted to add mine to the thread. I've been wanting to add one of these for a while now...I consider myself lucky to have snagged it.

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                              Here is another one in cupal, I haven't seen another in this size. Any out there?


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