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Hitler Mercedes in France

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    Hitler Mercedes in France

    Numerous pics here : http://mb770k.canalblog.com/archives.../34487419.html (my blog)

    It is through France that begins this world tour of 770 survivors. And more specifically by the Museum Henri Malartre in Rochetaillée sur Saône, near Lyon, where since 1969 is facing a Offener Tourenwagen seized by the Leclerc division Berstechgaden in May 1945.

    I must apologize prior to readers: This article is my opinion that one can do worse in the genre! I have only meager information, anecdotes and some photos. Because with the lack of rigor that characterizes to us French, nobody has retained any recollection of the capture of the car (exactly the opposite of our American and Canadian friends, who for their part have rigorously traces the route 770 brought across the Atlantic). My credibility takes a hit at the same time.

    This car has a story ... that we know only very partially and try to find out is more a treasure hunt. Along these lines you will understand why under its innocuous appearance (for a 770!), Some little mysteries remain to be elucidated.

    The history of the car Rochetaillée begins with history, and even the great history ...

    March 1, 1941. Taking Kufra, an oasis in the Libyan desert, the 2nd Armored Division of the one who is still only Colonel Leclerc has won the first French victory since the 1940 disaster With his men, who joined as he General de Gaulle after the invasion of France by the Wehrmacht, he vowed not to disarm before the french flag flies over Strasbourg.

    This will be done and after the operations, in early March 1945, the 2nd DB is sent to rest in the area of ​​Chateauroux. The Red Army reached the Oder. Three weeks ago, in Yalta, the political future of Europe took shape without France. It becomes clear that the Allies must move quickly to the east of the Rhine if they want to balance the political divisions in preparation. The rest of the division is quickly perceived as a penance, and Leclerc tirelessly involved at all levels to be sent to Germany.

    The order arrived as expected on 22 April. If starting May 2, the Russians have become masters of this symbolic place that is Berlin, Leckerc and his men manage the feat of entering Forty eight hours later, in that other place that is symbolic Berstechgaden. On 5 May 1945, the French colors were hoisted on top of Mount Kehlstein.

    We finally known about the conditions of entry of this 770. If not this short report FR3 Lorraine in which, formerly of the 2nd DB, René Grandjean, evokes the arrival of the car and repairs he had to do to get it going again ...

    It is also known that Leclerc donated the car to the US general commanding the neighboring sector and the latter left him to Paris in a garage of the Boulevard de Reims before returning to the United States. Bought by a veteran of the 2nd Armored, the 770 continued his career at exhibitions for the benefit of veterans and victims of war until 1969 and its entry in Rochetaillée Museum.
    On the following photograph, one can observe that the exhibition material is suspended in Dutch because the 770 was shown in Belgium and the Netherlands.

    Postcards were published "in favor of social work and charity" The picture seems retouched because firstly, exit three additional headlights, second registration number seems to have been drawn, and finally the presence apparent top compass, indicate that it has used the photo of another model of the same type, but in coupe F.

    Some adventures during the car presentations. In Amsterdam, a visitor grabbed a swastika flags. Continued, the thief had no other resources than diving into the waters of the harbor where the flag disappeared. Elsewhere, the tire valves disappearing, so a relief valve stock followed the car. All who hold an accessory designed for the car of Hitler were for their expenses! Finally, when the exhibition was not far from the German border, they are curious hordes which landed across the Rhine.

    Anecdote although this article in a local newspaper in 1952: "The armored car of Hitler exhibited at the fair in Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise" The magnificent armored car of Hitler who once spread terror in its wake became an object of curiosity. After being used by General Leclerc during the campaigns of Germany and Austria, it now goes from town to town
    With A.C.P.G. and their president, Mr. Charles RULENCE Hitler armored car will be Saturday (15 March) in Saint-Pol where fair visitors can admire and visit while filling the fund of aid organizations CAGP This car, 6 meters long and 2 meters 14 wide, weighs 4 tons 700: it is powered by an 8-cylinder engine with turbocharger, which can develop up to 400 hp. Very luxurious, it is further reinforced by plates of 18 mm. Its ice is formed of 7 sheets of glass 47 mm, perfectly safe from bullets. The doors, weighing 500 kg each, are electrically controlled using a button on the dashboard. The headquarters of Hitler is raised 15 cm, because the dictator was small, but did not want to show.
    Let us add that this car will be presented on the site of the former Palace of Justice (Place Georges-Graux today), that is to say in front of the new station, and remember, the benefit of A.C.P.G.

    Henri Malartre had seen the Mercedes for the first time in Lyon, in the 1950s The vehicle was on the bed of a truck on which the organizers stretched a tarp to shelter the fans. The founder of the automobile museum has from that time, wanted this vehicle appears in his collection. But aware of the difficulty to get it, he could not but admire the postcard he had bought at the exhibition. It is only a decade later, Henry Malartre learn that the car was not "exhibited" and that it was parked at a former prisoner of war in the Paris suburbs. The man did enlarge his house. After heated discussions and especially a very tidy sum of money, the squire won the market. Thus Hitler's parade car came to the museum of Rochetaillée, June 26, 1969 along with the exposure matérial (this time written in French)

    Just in the small mysteries of Rochetaillée 770 ...

    To you it was used by the Führer?
    You will observe that so far I have not spoken of Adolf Hitler. And for good reason! In the present state of my knowledge, I have very few tangible elements, if not the presence of a front seat raised 12 centimeters and a grab handle at the top of the windshield, characteristic elements of the car that was used by the Führer (which was invariably seated in the front right). Magnet Do not make mere assertions truth, I prefer to say "we can reasonably think that this 770 was one of the vehicles used by Adolf Hitler"
    The other element that intrigues me is that there is to my knowledge, no photograph of the car in position (ie with Hitler on board). While many photographs are supposed to reproduce this car at official events, and even the registration number is the same, the car is different. Indeed, the same number could be reassigned to after a change of vehicle.
    Here are ailelurs false-true AI-103708, a 540K-type W24, photographed in Breslau in 1936. Now the car Rochetaillée is a 770k-type W150 and therefore subsequent to 1938.


    The Director of the museum has kindly sent me some information
    The car museum carries the engine number 189 789 corresponding to the command 297 465 of 22 July 1938 it was delivered to the Chancellery of the Reich in the summer of 1939 and bore the body number 849 503 according to the records of the brand; the same car has a different body number, 863 802 corresponding to the command 399 777; the chassis number has disappeared (at least the corresponding plate on the firewall)

    I contacted the manufacturer who kindly answered me he gave no information outside the legal owner of the vehicle; I forwarded this information and the coordinates of the resource person to the Director of the Museum so that it can solve this problem of identification.

    For now I am at the stage of conjecture and here's the analysis I propose:

    This is a 1938-1939 model, probably the first of the series. The proof is provided by this photo. This is the same car a few details such as the front bumper double-blade from the previous series (w 07)
    In 1942, following the assassination of Heydrich, who was traveling without escort aboard a Mercedes discovery and unshielded, it was decided to equip dignitaries vehicles ensuring maximum safety: the map " Aktion P "(P for Panzerte or shield).
    770 of interest is then recarossée to be shielded, which explains that the body number is different. Similarly, we note the presence of three door hinges against two usually, indicating a level of shielding 2 (as the car of the Canadian War Museum has only two hinges a level 1 shield).
    She won, crossing the external defroster vents at the base of the windshield (defrost inside impossible due to the thickness of glass = 40 to 45 mm)

    The mystery of the bumper!
    As you can observe 770 of Rochetaillée has a bumper-strip with a rubber protection, but without the vertical bananas that are found on all other W150.
    R. Bouchardon in his article quoted above (a dictator for five tons of steel), evokes minor repairs carried out after the war, including replacing the front bumper missing.
    Similarly, a video shows the car with this original bimetal: https://youtu.be/_ipDzqVB5AE?t=57s

    The mystery of the license plate!
    All 770 of the Chancellery éteient registered in IA-148 XXX. Or it is IA-103 XXX

    The absence of light Notek!

    As you can appreciate, we still have much to learn about our 770 ...


    Welcome among us, mb770k, and many thanks for providing this interesting and historical link to Hitler's Mercedes 770!


    Br. James


      We had 5 weeks touring France in 2012, we had a couple of days in Leon
      (Beautiful city), we did see the car in question.
      Attached Files


        my last post contains mistakes

        the new post is better

        It is through France that begins this world tour of 770 survivors. And more specifically by the Museum Henri Malartre in Rochetaillée sur Saône, near Lyon, where since 1969 is facing a Offener Tourenwagen seized by the Leclerc division Berstechgaden in May 1945.

        I must apologize prior to readers: This article is my opinion that one can do worse in the genre! I have only meager information, anecdotes and some photos. Because with the lack of rigor that characterizes to us French, nobody has retained any recollection of the capture of the car (exactly the opposite of our American and Canadian friends, who for their part have rigorously traces the route 770 brought across the Atlantic). My credibility takes a hit at the same time.

        This car has a story ... that we know only very partially and try to find out is more a treasure hunt. Along these lines you will understand why under its innocuous appearance (for a 770!), Some little mysteries remain to be elucidated.

        The history of the car Rochetaillée begins with history, and even the great history ...

        March 1, 1941. Taking Kufra, an oasis in the Libyan desert, the 2nd Armored Division of the one who is still only Colonel Leclerc has won the first French victory since the 1940 disaster With his men, who joined as he General de Gaulle after the invasion of France by the Wehrmacht, he vowed not to disarm before the french flag flies over Strasbourg.

        This will be done and after the operations, in early March 1945, the 2nd DB is sent to rest in the area of Chateauroux. The Red Army reached the Oder. Three weeks ago, in Yalta, the political future of Europe took shape without France. It becomes clear that the Allies must move quickly to the east of the Rhine if they want to balance the political divisions in preparation. The rest of the division is quickly perceived as a penance, and Leclerc tirelessly involved at all levels to be sent to Germany.

        The order arrived as expected on 22 April. If starting May 2, the Russians have become masters of this symbolic place that is Berlin, Leckerc and his men manage the feat of entering Forty eight hours later, in that other place that is symbolic Berstechgaden. On 5 May 1945, the French colors were hoisted on top of Mount Kehlstein.

        We finally known about the conditions of entry of this 770. If not this short report FR3 Lorraine in which, formerly of the 2nd DB, René Grandjean, evokes the arrival of the car and repairs he had to do to get it going again ...

        It is also known that Leclerc donated the car to the US general commanding the neighboring sector and the latter left him to Paris in a garage of the Boulevard de Reims before returning to the United States. Bought by a veteran of the 2nd Armored, the 770 continued his career at exhibitions for the benefit of veterans and victims of war until 1969 and its entry in Rochetaillée Museum.
        On the following photograph, one can observe that the exhibition material is suspended in Dutch because the 770 was shown in Belgium and the Netherlands.

        Postcards were published "in favor of social work and charity" The picture seems retouched because firstly, exit three additional headlights, second registration number seems to have been drawn, and finally the presence apparent top compass, indicate that it has used the photo of another model of the same type, but in coupe F.

        Some adventures during the car presentations. In Amsterdam, a visitor grabbed a swastika flags. Continued, the thief had no other resources than diving into the waters of the harbor where the flag disappeared. Elsewhere, the tire valves disappearing, so a relief valve stock followed the car. All who hold an accessory designed for the car of Hitler were for their expenses! Finally, when the exhibition was not far from the German border, they are curious hordes which landed across the Rhine.

        Anecdote although this article in a local newspaper in 1952: "The armored car of Hitler exhibited at the fair in Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise" The magnificent armored car of Hitler who once spread terror in its wake became an object of curiosity. After being used by General Leclerc during the campaigns of Germany and Austria, it now goes from town to town
        With A.C.P.G. and their president, Mr. Charles RULENCE Hitler armored car will be Saturday (15 March) in Saint-Pol where fair visitors can admire and visit while filling the fund of aid organizations CAGP This car, 6 meters long and 2 meters 14 wide, weighs 4 tons 700: it is powered by an 8-cylinder engine with turbocharger, which can develop up to 400 hp. Very luxurious, it is further reinforced by plates of 18 mm. Its ice is formed of 7 sheets of glass 47 mm, perfectly safe from bullets. The doors, weighing 500 kg each, are electrically controlled using a button on the dashboard. The headquarters of Hitler is raised 15 cm, because the dictator was small, but did not want to show.
        Let us add that this car will be presented on the site of the former Palace of Justice (Place Georges-Graux today), that is to say in front of the new station, and remember, the benefit of A.C.P.G.

        Henri Malartre had seen the Mercedes for the first time in Lyon, in the 1950s The vehicle was on the bed of a truck on which the organizers stretched a tarp to shelter the fans. The founder of the automobile museum has from that time, wanted this vehicle appears in his collection. But aware of the difficulty to get it, he could not but admire the postcard he had bought at the exhibition. It is only a decade later, Henry Malartre learn that the car was not "exhibited" and that it was parked at a former prisoner of war in the Paris suburbs. The man did enlarge his house. After heated discussions and especially a very tidy sum of money, the squire won the market. Thus Hitler's parade car came to the museum of Rochetaillée, June 26, 1969 along with the exposure matérial (this time written in French)Just in the small mysteries of Rochetaillée 770 ...

        To you it was used by the Führer?

        Most likely though I do has very little tangible items. The presence of a front seat raised 12 centimeters and fold the hand grip at the top of the windshield, are characteristic of the car that was used by the Führer (which was invariably seated in the front right). Magnet Do not make mere assertions truth, I prefer to say "we can reasonably think that this 770 was one of the vehicles used by Adolf Hitler"

        The other element that intrigues me is that there is to my knowledge, no photograph of the car in position (ie with Hitler on board). While many photographs are supposed to reproduce this car at official events, and even the registration number is the same, the car is different. Indeed, the same number could be reassigned to after a change of vehicle.

        Here aileurs false-true AI-103708, a 540K-type W24, photographed in Breslau in 1936. Now the car Rochetaillée is a 770k-type W150 and therefore subsequent to 1938.Model 1938 or Model 1942?

        The Director of the museum has kindly sent me some information

        the car museum carries the engine number 189 789 corresponding to the command 297 465 of 22 July 1938 it was delivered to the Chancellery of the Reich in the summer of 1939 and bore the body number 849 503 according to the records of the brand

        gold, the same car has a different body number, 863 802 corresponding to the command 399 777

        the chassis number have disappeared (at least the corresponding plate on the firewall)

        I contacted the manufacturer who kindly answered me he gave no information outside the legal owner of the vehicle; I forwarded this information and the coordinates of the resource person to the Director of the Museum so that it can solve this problem of identification.

        For now I am at the stage of conjecture and here's the analysis I propose:

        This is a 1938-1939 model, probably the first of the series.

        In 1942, following the assassination of Heydrich, who was traveling without escort aboard a Mercedes discovery and unshielded, it was decided to equip dignitaries vehicles ensuring maximum safety: the map " Aktion P "(P for Panzerte or shield).

        770 of interest is then recarossée to be shielded, which explains that the body number is different. Similarly, we note the presence of three door hinges against two usually, indicating a level of shielding 2 (as the car of the Canadian War Museum has only two hinges a level 1 shield).

        She won, crossing the external defroster vents at the base of the windshield (defrost inside impossible due to the thickness of glass = 40 to 45 mm)

        Why no picture of the car situation?

        On this point, I'll throw a stone into the pond ...

        I got fooled by two pictures I thought at first period, except the curious dress who observe the car is more like the 50s would have been quite possible to imagine also, that the very first W150 resume the bumper of the W07 series (1930-1938). Finally, knowing that the registration system in force at the time was attached to the owner, not the car, it was quite conceivable that we have transferred the plates of w24 to the W150. However, from the start, I had a doubt from the aspect of the number plate of the car in the museum.

        Then I reviewed the video in which René Grandjean says the arrival of the 770 in his studio. This interview is illustrated by a video INA 50/60 years in which we may well see the bimetal bumper and the license plate AI-103708 (see here: https://youtu.be/_ipDzqVB5AE?t= 57s

        Then I took the observation of 770 Rochetaillée and especially its single blade bumper rubber protection, noting the absence of vertical banana attachment between the bumper and the front wing and we yet found on any other W150.

        The article by R. Bouchardon quoted above (Five tons of steel for a dictator), ended my doubts. It evokes minor repairs including replacing the front bumper missing.

        Everything became clearer and to understand, we must go back in time again ...

        Late April-early May 1945, the Allies and invest Upper Bavaria near the Austrian-German border. They discover a lot of rolling stock whose number of cars including several 770. One of them is that today in Rochetaillée. What more natural than to repair it and make it presentable for offir Revered General Leclerc of his men. And since the bumper is damaged or missing, there are around a magnificent organ bank ... whose w24 and beautiful bimetal bumper. Whatever the registration number, it does not matter! The beautiful later find a cause like bumper but the conditions to opera lesquelle substitution are for me unknown time.

        And we naturally come to registration, because this sleight of passes around the bumper had consequences that can be guessed to positively identify the vehicle as one of those used by Hitler.

        As I already wrote, I had very serious doubts about the authenticity of the registration of the car museum, especially because of the total absence of iconography showing W150 and registered with Hitler edge. It was simply impossible as the imagery is rich in the matter.

        We can not imagine either that such a costly car, which has a more shielding of such a level could serve only to country walks Führer.

        Another question came from the appearance of the license plate on the front, positioning below the bumper and not on top, and finally the fact that at the back, the number is painted directly on the bodywork. All W150 had a solid white background on plate holder at the front and rear, the numbers were struck and enrelief on plaquen who had screwed to the support, giving the whole a neat look and conforms to luxury car.

        Finally, be aware that all 770 of the Chancellery were registered in IA-148 XXX. Now it is in AI-103 XXX evokes a period prior to 1938.

        To me the car door of the Museum the Wrong number ... but that's where the film archives come to our rescue and especially the Deutsche Wochenschau No. 548 of March 5, 1941. Look closely at the first 30 seconds ...We are in Munich, so close to the Obersalzberg and the Führer comes from a registered 770 IA-148 655 (148 corresponding to Reichskanzlei). It has many a bumper-strip rubber bands but not banana vertical reinforcement. As the car Rochetaillée. One notable difference: the absence of central headlight carrier bar and the presence of a Notek. Commme and the headlight carrier bar has been seen on any 770 but on the 540, it is likely that during the exchange of bumper was taken and the latter and the central flagship of the famous w24 .. .


          The Pullman Limousine Z 96 501

          HI all

          Another chapter of my research you can read on my blog : http://mb770k.canalblog.com/archives.../33685677.html

          Commissioned April 4, 1941, this body 770k No. 200787, serial 150 0061 0005 was not delivered until 2 February 1943 in Munich. One can legitimately think that it was vested in the Berghof service during VIP visits or trips to some of the Führer, more sheltered in a closed car in times of increasingly uncertain for him.

          for example one sees in Salzburg at Klessheim Palace, March 15, 1944, at the meeting of Hitler and Admiral Horthy in discussions on the occupation of Hungary

          Since many of the cars of the "Complex Führer" of Berstechgaden, the limo turned into a war prize!

          There are a few years, the departmental archives of the Orne, was found a photo captioned "Mercedes Hitler, brought from Germany by François Levesque, Mortagne-au-Perche, 1945." On the plate, a big Mercedes, two men examined the engine, and a US soldier uniform. This discovery aroused the curiosity of a journalist from the daily Ouest-France; Who was François Levesque? It was his story and that of the Mercedes?

          Thus we learned that François Levesque, who died in 2011, is engaged in the 2nd Armoured August 44 at the age of 20, when the unit of General Leclerc passes Mortagne au Perche and then made entire German campaign to reach Berchtesgaden end April 1945.

          When the car of his lieutenant fails, the young sergeant proceeds to him to find another. It addresses a German prisoner, asking where to find a garage. It does attempt to "play" the two French by first leading them into an empty garage, but before the decided tone of the two soldiers ready to fight, the German eventually lead them to a few kilometers away, in the forest , where there were hidden garages. Inside a dozen Mercedes Pullman limousine on which they set their sights.

          But the fair will not start any more than others elsewhere. No doubt a final maneuver of the Germans to avoid these cars can be used for allied troops. But in the second D.B. there are mechanics and they will soon awaken the sleeping beauty.

          It shows off the spoils of war. On his way, some German exclaim "wagen Hitler!" "Hitler's car! By learning the value of their catch, François Levesque and his lieutenant take the vehicle to General Leclerc.

          But he refused the gift and May 8, 1945, he wrote an order of unusual mission "Driving the car Mercedes Benz Z 96-501 General de Gaulle, which is offered by General Leclerc With the. General de Boissieu on board, the limo takes the road to Paris (cf. to fight with de Gaulle by Alain de Boissieu).

          It was therefore returned to Paris, as evidenced by Jeanne, sister of the young soldier, who kept a picture showing his brother the Trocadero with the big sedan. "After a stop in a garage to wash and rehabilitate my brother took us for a ride in with my parents," she stated in the daily Ouest-France in 2014.

          Presented to General de Gaulle it did not wish to keep the 770k was assigned to the Army Museum.

          The arrival of the car did not go unnoticed. The newspaper "Le Monde" in its issue of 1 December 1945 announced the event in these words:. "On 1 December, to 14 h 30, in stores of Renault automobiles, 51, avenue des Champs Elysées, will be open to public and until 1 January (Note: 1946) the exhibition of the armored car of Hitler captured Derchtesgaden May 7, 1945, hosted by General Leclerc to General de Gaulle, who paid to "Victory" national organization of militant solidarity, 22 Avenue Foch admission: 10 fr, en 5 for children and military in uniform....

          Earnings entries will be assigned to the works of "Victory", which helps each day to victims of war "

          In the four years that followed, "Victory" rented the car for many events in France, to the four corners of Europe. USA and Canada, and sometimes the price of some difficulties ...

          Indeed, "Le Monde" on February 10, 1949, headlined "Hitler's car was found." Reading the article is particularly tasty: "A dispatch from Syracuse reveals that the armored car of Hitler - the famous" black limousine "immune to bullets - that was considered extinct, just be found in a garage of this city. We recall in this connection that the said car, including a group of American soldiers had seized in Berchtesgaden, had been offered to General de Gaulle, who in turn gave it to an organization dealing with french war orphans. it had leased successively to English and then to the Americans, and it is they who, having lost the garage record, did not know where they had put away ..

          She is seen here on his arrival in the port of New York, July 23, 1947

          In 1949, the Army Museum separated himself, and it was acquired by an American who used to exhibitions across the United States as the Virginia State Fair or the campaign of Senator George Wallace, candidate to the presidency.

          In 1986, she was in the hands of an American collector Philadelphia.

          We know she has not undergone any restoration, and its interior is faded. But also that she would done 9000 miles since its commissioning ... Unfortunately, it would have lost its anti mist, his Notek lighthouse, some accessories and radio. Similarly, it would have a bullet hole in the rear window, following an exhibition.

          There remains the mystery of this license plate: Z 96 501. What is certain is that this is not a German registration. Nevertheless, the Agency website of the photo images of defense, dated 5 May 1945 and taken by Philippe Berstechgaden Heir might suggest that the original registration could be AI-148696. In which case, and Deutsche Wochenschau we demonstrate, the Z 96,501 has served in the Reich Chancellery.

          Anyway, the car has not reappeared since nearly thirty years ...


            Rochetaillée 770

            Originally posted by Phronsias View Post
            We had 5 weeks touring France in 2012, we had a couple of days in Leon
            (Beautiful city), we did see the car in question.



              Very nice and interesting . Thanks for sharing



                1953 paris

                Originally posted by Badto666 View Post
                Very nice and interesting . Thanks for sharing

                soldiers of Leclerc in Paris (1953 kermesse aux étoiles)


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