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List of Gau, Kreis, Ortsgruppe etc

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    List of Gau, Kreis, Ortsgruppe etc

    Anyone have a list of the Gau broken down into their respective Kreis, Ortsgruppe etc?


    I too am looking for this type of information, any help on the matter?


      A list of the Gaue:




        This is a summary statistic of Ortsgruppen and lower organizations of the NASDA only in Bavaria:

        "Die Zahl der Ortsgruppen und Stützpunkte in Bayern betrug am 1. Januar 1935 3.260 und am 1. Dezember 1940 3.575, die der Zellen 4.833 bzw. 7.511 und die der Blocks 17.521 bzw. 43.089. Die Ortsgruppen allein beliefen sich 1935 auf 1.798. München hatte 1939 106 Ortsgruppen."

        Source: Historisches Lexikon Bayern



          Originally posted by Gerdan View Post
          This is a summary statistic of Ortsgruppen and lower organizations of the NASDA only in Bavaria:

          "Die Zahl der Ortsgruppen und Stützpunkte in Bayern betrug am 1. Januar 1935 3.260 und am 1. Dezember 1940 3.575, die der Zellen 4.833 bzw. 7.511 und die der Blocks 17.521 bzw. 43.089. Die Ortsgruppen allein beliefen sich 1935 auf 1.798. München hatte 1939 106 Ortsgruppen."

          Source: Historisches Lexikon Bayern

          Thank you Gerdan. This bit of info was helpful in letting me know it would be a rather daunting task to try and learn all of these.


            Years ago I tried to make such a list. It is hard to find information about Ortsgruppen and Stützpunkten as there were so many. It took me years to make a list with all Kreis-information (stand = 1942) in alphabetical order from A through Z. I checked them. It was just over 900. Remind that anyway over 900 Kreis-flags must have existed.
            Do not forget that often a Stützpunkt was upgraded as an Ortsgruppe.

            For the good order some information from fall 1938:
            the Kreis Landshut-Vilsbiburg was re-organized: the Ortsgruppen Landshut-Mitte, Landshut-Nord, Landshut-Ost, Landshut-Süd and Landshut West were changed into the Ortsgruppen Landshut I through X. So from 5 too 10;
            Kreis Stochach from Baden was newly organized, and agreed. This Kreis had 29 Ortsgruppen;
            Kresi Grimmen from Pomerania also re-organized and agreed. This Kreis had 22 Ortsgruppen, Kreis Rügen 35 Ortsgruppen etc.etc.

            Not even in the Verordnungsblatt der Reichsleitung der NSDAP one can find all. Maybe information can be found in the "Reichsband Adressenwerk der Dienststellen der NSDAP mit den Angeschlossenen Verbände des Staates, Regierung und Behörden und der Berufsorganisationen". The 3rd issue from 1941/1942 possibly can give you the most information. But remind it will be many ten-thousands. When I calculate an average of 25 Ortsgruppen in a Kreis we have over 22,500 Ortsgruppen.
            Last edited by wilhelm Saris; 08-18-2014, 02:54 AM.


              Thanks for the info! I knew there was a lot to this but honestly not that much. With there being over 900 kreis, its probably too much to attempt for myself.

              Would you be willing to share your list of kreis?
              Last edited by squidney86; 08-18-2014, 11:26 AM.




                Here you'll find the informations you're looking for : http://www.territorial.de/index.htm

                Read KREIS not KRIES !

                Best regards


                  Hello Debertex,

                  I tried to open the website, but I did not succeed. Do others also have this problem?

                  Hello Richard,

                  It took me many years to make a list and finally found one from 1942 to check and compare with. I do not know yet if I am willing to share it, so it will become a public list. I must think this over!



                    Hello Wim,

                    You just have to copy and paste this address : http://www.territorial.de/index.htm instead of the current page address (http://dev.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums...)

                    Best regards


                      I had done that. Then it did not work. Now it did!

                      I checked quickly some of the Kreis-list with my information from the NSDAP. What I have is the stand of 1942 and it seems they re-organized again later in the war as there are again more of them. So, the list will be endless.
                      For me a list is okay, when I can check it with information from before 1945. I do not know if there is an official list published after 1942!

                      I do not know when one compares other Kreisdienststellen with the Kreise der NSDAP. Kreisdienststellen do exist from DAF, NSV, NSF, NSKOV, NSDÄB, NSBDT, RDB, NSLB and NSRB, so other organizations as well.


                        Thanks for that link it is very useful. It is somewhat hard for me to use since my German isn't very good at all. Lots of translating but a wealth of knowledge.

                        It is totally understandable as to not wanting your hardwork to go public. I respect that!


                          Originally posted by wilhelm Saris View Post
                          I had done that. Then it did not work. Now it did!

                          I checked quickly some of the Kreis-list with my information from the NSDAP. What I have is the stand of 1942 and it seems they re-organized again later in the war as there are again more of them. So, the list will be endless.
                          For me a list is okay, when I can check it with information from before 1945. I do not know if there is an official list published after 1942!

                          I do not know when one compares other Kreisdienststellen with the Kreise der NSDAP. Kreisdienststellen do exist from DAF, NSV, NSF, NSKOV, NSDÄB, NSBDT, RDB, NSLB and NSRB, so other organizations as well.

                          Hello Wim. If you open that link, then delete "index.htm" the site will open. But is not this site concerned only with the governmental organization of Germany, not the political subdivisions of the NSDAP? There were Kreises and Orts in every Länder of the Reich. But not the same as the NSDAP Kreis and Orts. Or am I missing something in the site?


                            Originally posted by JoeW View Post
                            Hello Wim. If you open that link, then delete "index.htm" the site will open. But is not this site concerned only with the governmental organization of Germany, not the political subdivisions of the NSDAP? There were Kreises and Orts in every Länder of the Reich. But not the same as the NSDAP Kreis and Orts. Or am I missing something in the site?
                            Hello Joe,

                            yes, I have seen it (I said). Know there is more information around. But at this moment it does not interest me, as I have work to do for volume 6. And yes, you are right: the Kreise der NSDAP can differ from others. This is what I have concluded! As mentioned before, from the NSDAP I do have them with the stand of January 1942. It is however for sure they were again re-organized during the war.


                              I have been told that there have been more than 21.000 NSDAP - Ortsgruppen til the end of TR 1945



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