Billy Kramer


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Post Your Pics of Form 4 NSDAP Tunics in Wear!

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    Found by Wessel on a website--a rare pic of a combat-decorated PL, Bernhard Stuhr.
    Attached Files


      Slightly better pic of Stuhl, albeit censored. This is up for auction on the Carsten Zeige site:
      Attached Files


        Karl Schmid, who won the RK-KVK as an employee of the Messerschmitt factory in 1943:
        Attached Files


          Gauleiter Dr. Otto Hellmuth (far right) with Gau and Kreisleitung Officials -
          PS Thanks to Stonemint for keeping this excellent thread going!
          Attached Files


            Originally posted by Bob Clark View Post
            PS Thanks to Stonemint for keeping this excellent thread going!


              Bodo Lafferentz in the rare db tunic:
              Attached Files
              NEC SOLI CEDIT


                A new one for me (found by Nick G)--color shot of Forster:
                Attached Files
                NEC SOLI CEDIT


                  Bullion-wreath Gauleiter:
                  Attached Files
                  NEC SOLI CEDIT


                    The Gauleiter, in both of the photos above, is Konrad Henlein, the Sudetenland leader.
                    Had never seen him in 4th pattern NSDAP uniform before, thanks Stonemint. The Kreis
                    level PLs in the background add to the photo, too.


                      Late war - AH, Martin Bormann, Karl Sauer, Unidentified(?) white-haired Gauleiter, and General Scherff.
                      Attached Files


                        Bob, I assume that the Gauleiter with the glasses in this pic is Henlein as well?

                        Any idea as to who the PL in the Ledermantel is? His piping appears to be Reichsleitung:
                        Attached Files
                        NEC SOLI CEDIT


                          Another pic of the same event:
                          Attached Files
                          NEC SOLI CEDIT


                            Bespectacled Gauleiter is indeed Henlein. With him- Helmuth Friedrichs . The two Gauleiters in the second photo are Jakob Sprenger and Rudolf Jordan.

                            Friedrichs' bio appears in my "Leaders of the SS & German Police, Volume I", and below.

                            Best wishes,
                            ~ Mike

                            Helmuth Hermann Karl Friedrichs

                            Born: 22.09.1899 in Otterndorf / Regierungsbezirk Stade / Provinz Hannover.
                            Killed in Action (?): 00.02.1945 (Missing; officially declared dead with effect from 31.12.1945
                            by the Amtsgericht München, 13.08.1951).

                            NSDAP-Nr.: 124 214 (Joined 01.02.1929)
                            ϞϞ-Nr.: 278 229 (Joined 09.11.1936)

                            00.06.1916 Fahnenjunker
                            00.02.1918 Leutnant
                            ca. 1929 SA-Truppführer
                            00.11.1934 Reichshauptamtsleiter der NSDAP
                            00.00.1936 Leutnant d. R. (mit Wirkung vom 1924)
                            09.11.1936 ϞϞ-Obersturmbannführer
                            30.01.1937 ϞϞ-Standartenführer
                            30.01.1938 ϞϞ-Oberführer
                            30.01.1942 ϞϞ-Brigadeführer
                            00.00.1943 Oberbefehlsleiter der NSDAP
                            09.11.1944 ϞϞ-Gruppenführer
                            [09.11.1944] Oberleutnant d. R.

                            00.00.1905 – 00.00.1907 Attended Volksschule in Otterndorf.
                            00.00.1907 – 00.03.1909 Attended Realschule in Otterndorf.
                            00.04.1909 – 00.06.1916 Attended Realgymnasium in Osnabrück (passed his Notabitur).
                            00.06.1916 – 00.10.1918 Entered service as Fahnenjunker, assigned to 1.(hannoversischen)
                            Pionier-Feldbataillon Nr. 10 (Base: Minden / Westfalen). Saw service on the Eastern and Western
                            Fronts; frontline service broken only by hospitalization and attendance of an officer candidate
                            00.10.1918 – 00.12.1919 Captured by British troops and interned in England (repatriated to Germany).
                            00.01.1920 – 00.01.1920 Election campaign helper of the “Deutschnationale
                            Volkspartei” (DNVP) for the Landtag election in Prussia (together with future SA leader Karl
                            00.03.1920 – 00.00.1921 Service as a Zeitfreiwilliger (Temporary Volunteer) in Freikorps “Lichtschlag.”
                            01.04.1920 – 31.12.1920 Assigned to Reichswehr-Pionierbataillon 8.
                            Summer 1921 Service with the Selbstschutz Oberschlesien.
                            Autumn 1921 – 00.03.1925 Employed as a coalminer in Westfalen.
                            00.04.1923 – 00.03.1925 Attended the Bergschule (mining school) in Bochum / Westfalen (passed mining exams).
                            00.04.1925 – 00.00.192_ Studied mining at the Bergakademie (Mining Academy) in Clausthal (did not complete his studies).
                            01.02.1929 Joined the NSDAP.
                            00.00.1929 – 00.00.1930 SA service as SA-Truppführer in Clausthal.
                            01.05.1930 – 00.03.1934 Gaugeschäftsführer, Bezirksleiter (responsible for 4 NSDAP Kreise),
                            Gauorganisationsleiter, Gauredner, Gauinspekteur, and Gaupersonalamtsleiter of the NSDAP in
                            Hessen-Nassau-Nord (Kassel).
                            00.00.1933 – 00.03.1934 Hauptgeschäftsführer (Head Business Manager) of the NSDAP in Kassel.
                            12.03.1933 – 00.00.1933 Member of the Kommunallandtag (Communal Legislature) of Kassel and
                            the Provinziallandtag (Provincial Legislature) of Hessen-Nassau.
                            00.04.1933 – 10.07.1933 Deputy Member of the Preussischen Staatsrates (Prussian State Council).
                            12.11.1933 – 00.02.1945 Member of the Reichstag (Wahlkreis 19, Hessen-Nassau).
                            00.00.1934 Granted the rank and privileges of a stellvertetender Gauleiter.
                            00.03.1934 – 00.03.1935 Assigned as an assistant in the “Reichsleitung der NSDAP” (at the “Braunes Haus”, München).
                            00.03.1934 – 12.05.1941 Leiter of Abteilung II (Abteilung Partei) on the “Stab des
                            Stellvertreters des Führers” (Staff of the Deputy Führer [Rudolf Hess]).
                            00.07.1936 – 00.07.1936 Four-weeks’ reserve training with Pionier-Bataillon 7.
                            09.11.1936 – 30.01.1938 Joined the SS, attached to the Stab ϞϞ-Hauptamt.
                            00.00.1938 – 00.02.1945 Leiter of the “Hauptamt Politische” (Main Political Office) and
                            “Sachbearbeiter für Innere Parteiangelegenheiten” (Specialist for Internal Party Matters) in the
                            30.01.1938 – 00.02.1945 Attached to the Stab Reichsführer-ϞϞ.
                            01.05.1941 – 01.12.1942 Leiter (m.d.W.d.G.b.) of the Mob.-Abteilung (Mobilization Department) in the Parteikanzlei.
                            Autumn 1944 – 00.02.1945 Volkssturm service in Berlin.

                            Decorations & Awards:
                            00.00.191_ 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I. Klasse
                            00.00.191_ 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse
                            ca. 1938 Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938
                            ca. 1921 Schlesischer Adler 1. Stufe
                            ca. 1921 Schlesischer Adler 2. Stufe
                            00.00.191_ Braunschweigische Verdienst-Kreuz II. Klasse
                            ca. 1934 Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
                            30.01.1938 Goldenes Ehrenzeichen der NSDAP
                            00.00.194_ Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP in Silber
                            00.00.194_ Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP in Bronze
                            [30.01.1938] Ehrendegen des Reichsführers-ϞϞ
                            00.00.19__ Totenkopfring der ϞϞ
                            00.12.1936 (?) Julleuchter der ϞϞ
                            00.00.193_ Ehrenwinkel für alte Kämpfer

                            * Son of the Studienrat Karl Friedrichs and his wife Dora.
                            * Religion: Declared himself and his family “gottgläubig”, 19 _ .
                            * Married on 03.12.1932 to Herta Meyer (born 22.02.1906 in Osnabrück; NSDAP-Nr. 546 847; NSV-Nr. 130). One son (born 05.12.1934) and two daughters (born 22.08.1938 and 08.05.1943).


                              I agree with Mike on the pix he's ID'd and would offer further info on Stonemint's beautiful color pic with Albert Forster in the center: Gauleiter Konrad Henlein of Sudetenland is to the far left; next is Gauleiter Ernst Wilhelm Bohle of the Auslands Organization; next is Gauleiter Forster of Danzig; next is Reichsleiter Philipp Bouhler; and on the far right is Dr. Hans Frank, Reichsleiter, Reichsminister without Portfolio, and Governor General in the Generalgouvernment.

                              Br. James


                                Sorry to say, Br. James, that the man at far left in the color photo is Dr. Artur Seyss-Inquart rather than Henlein...

                                ~ Mike


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