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armed glider

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    armed glider

    dear stijn, here is one of the photos of a lsegler
    as promised, this came from a FJ album . I think it is not related to cholm but more with the liberation of il duce since the album has lots of photos of this operation. (there are some more lsegler photos) regards manuel
    I hope this is interesting for all the other members!
    does anyone have more photos from this great machine?
    Attached Files

    Did someone hear Stijn faint to the floor?

    Wonderful photo, thank you for sharing!


      Akira, I have talk with his doctor and nothing, only minor wounds due the fall, he used his rearend to amotiguate the falling.

      Manuel, show us more photos, always a pleasure watching unusual war machines and famous operation photos.

      Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


        OOOOOhhhhh DFS 230 AAAHHHHH

        Hello Manuel,

        Thanks so much for showing this picture , it is indeed a beauty ( for your Info , this picture is certainly not related towards Cholm ( as you mention ) , simply because the only glider used for the Cholmpocket was the Go 242 => and this one is a DFS 230 , it is possible that it is used for the Grann Sasso ( Mussolini ) , but this type was also used for the Drvar operation ( Tito ) .

        It is very interesting to see the kind of armoured plate besides the first MG , did you know that the second person ( after the pilot ) in the DFS had to fire the MG when needed ) , this is a very wel armed birdy we have here ( especially taking into consideration that it is a DFS 230 )

        For the concerned persons => im in relatively good health after the fall , i only bumped my head on a my Cholmshaped Bed + but besides from that im recovering , however keep in mind that i have a weak heart so if you show of those superb pictures it might kill me instantly

        Cordial Greetings,
        my collectionfield : German glider pilots


          cholm guys I found a foto for you!!!!!!!!
          destroyed l.segler. this is from a cholm album.
          I didnt remember this foto was in it.the album has fotos of lots of bunkers. take care and I hope you dont fell again! regards manuel
          akira show as some fotos from that lovely album you have! stijn you can also show some!
          Attached Files


            OK, Manuel, but...

            No armed gliders over here (anyway my glider photos are limited to Uffz. Sch's and another).

            The following photos are from the other glider pilot's album. Stijn, I have no books related to gliders now, I'd appreciate if you give me your thoughts about these.

            <b>Pic 1</b>
            <img src="">

            <b>Pic 2</b>
            <img src="">

            <b>Pic 3</b>
            <img src="">

            <b>Pic 4</b>
            <img src="">

            <b>Pic 5</b>
            <img src="">
            This one seems to be from Russia. And there is one photo showing similar number in Uffz.S's album. Is it possible to identify unit from this number style?

            <b>Pic 6</b>
            <img src="">

            <b>Pic 7</b>
            <img src="">


              very nice akira! check this out and tell me if you
              would be this guy? want to learn? stijn tell us something about this also ,no books on my side!
              Attached Files


                here we go..................
                Attached Files


                  great, superb =&gt; go further please ...


                  Thanks for sharing your great pictures here on this rare subject guy's , now towards your questions and some i can answer others not

                  picture 2 from Manuel R ( the Cholmlanded Go 242 ) , what other info can you provide on the picturealbum ( was it from a Heer , Luftwaffe, etc ... person ? , any info is great => please pm if it is non glider related , as you guys know im always looking for info on Cholm + soon my last cholmarticle wil available for you guys on the appropriet section => Cholmshield ) , now once again back towards your picture => this GO with ripped apart sides is specific for the Cholmbattle , the German's simply destroyed the GO 242's after the landing and unloading to prevent that the Russians put a foward observer, sniper, whatever in it , etc ... it was a ideale cover for the Russian troops and i have it confirmed from a former Cholm glider vet. that in some occasions ( the earlyer part => when the Germans had to learn ) these wrecks had to be conquered again with the natural result of loss of men ( and those could not be replaced very easely !!! ) , so it was a hard lesson for the German's but they did learn .

                  towards Akira => once again very nice , congrats , the pictures 1, 2 & 3 that you are showing are in my opinion pre war ( 1940 ) made pictures from civil ( NSFK ) training , unfortunattly i can not make out wich training ground it is ( there are names on the gliders but those are in most cases not indicative => as there where quite some glider contest in pre WWII Germany so it is very good possible that those planes where from another training ground. , the glider planes we see in these pictures are the " Rhönbussard " , do you have any further provenience on this album ? ( former owner )

                  Pictures 4,5,6 & 7 are al shots from the famous DFS 230 glider plane , number 4 & 5 give a nice clear shot of the side of the glider plane ( it is however not possible until today to identify the unit by the numbers, incredible as it may seem most of the glider unit signs are not known or identifyed today !!!!! , i have seen many unidentifyed unitemblems and amongst one is a cat symbol with one leg that is heading forward as the cat is trying to grab something , mayby you have one of those pictures Akira ? => as the Schauble grouping was presented shortly afterwards anotehr pic. album ( mayby from his estate ) was offered towards me from you know who , and the above mentioned symbol wasto find on one of the DFS gliders . I see a way in identifying the numbers, etc .. as we might find the change to find in some cases a complete estate ( with Flugbuch , Wehrpass, photoalbum, etc ... in that case we can find extra info => otherwise i doubt it )

                  Then towards picture 6 & 7 , that is the narrow inside of such a DFS 230 and the poics are taken during the flight , the last one is quite spectacular whil loocking at the angle of the plane, etc ... that shot is taken during a so called " sturzflug " training .

                  As the thread is rapidly advancing i wil comment later on the last 2 pictures Manuel
                  Last edited by Stijn David; 09-16-2002, 01:29 AM.
                  my collectionfield : German glider pilots



                    info for Manuel

                    Hello Manuel,

                    In aswer towards your question => that strange airplane is the normal glier plane used for the first training to become a military glider pilot , it looks primitive, etc .. and im sure alot of people would be scared in such a strange thing , keep in mind that those are training planes to teach the new glider pilots the basics of the glider flying, etc ...

                    I do not recall the correct typename for such a strange bird => must look it up , very nice and thanks for showing .

                    Cordial greetings,
                    my collectionfield : German glider pilots



                      Giday everyone,

                      Thank you Manuel and Akira for sharing with us your photographs of german gliders.

                      For many years I have been searching for proof that at some stage during the war German gliders were equipped with either radio or telephone eqipment which enabled the pilot to communicate with the towing aircraft while in flight.

                      Akira's photo No. 6 is very interesting as it shows a glider pilot wearing a flying helmet that is equipped with head phones. Could it be that the glider is equipped with communication equipment, or is the pilot simply wearing such a helmet because it was the only available helmet?

                      Akira, would you mind posting an enlarged view of the pilot's head?

                      Akira, do you have any photos which show the other side of the flying helmet? If yes, would you mind posting the photo here?

                      Lastly, can anyone tell whether the pilot is wearing the throat micrphones around his neck?

                      All the best,

                      Ian Tannahill


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