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SS Germania Officers - April, 1942

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    SS Germania Officers - April, 1942

    This SS Germania Officer Group Photo is dated April, 1942, and it is accompanied by other photos of an Awards Ceremony.

    I will Attached below, the Reverse Side of this Photo & another one of the photos in the grouping - so perhaps some informative data can be taken from them.

    I have enlarged the details of SS Officers into 3 sections:
    • LEFT Side of the Larger Photo
    • MIDDLE of the Larger Photo
    • RIGHT Side of the Larger Photo

    Hopefully, you will be able to Identify some of the SS Germania Officers!
    ... Txs, Dave/dblmed
    Attached Files

    Reverse Side of the Photo of SS Germania Officers (4, 1942

    Reverse Side of the Photo of SS Germania Officers (April, 1942
    Attached Files


      Reverse of a 2nd Photo Awards for of SS Germania (4, 1942)

      Reverse Side of a 2nd Photo, of Awards for of SS Germania (4, 1942)
      Attached Files


        LEFT Side of the Larger Photo - of SS Germania Officers (April, 1942)

        LEFT Side of the Larger Photo - of SS Germania Officers (April, 1942)

        The NSB Dutch Officer is Interesting!

        Hopefully, you will be able to Identify some of the SS Germania Officers!
        ... Txs, Dave/dblmed
        Attached Files


          MIDDLE of the Larger Photo - of SS Germania Officers (April, 1942)

          MIDDLE of the Larger Photo - of SS Germania Officers (April, 1942)

          Hopefully, you will be able to Identify some of the SS Germania Officers!
          ... Txs, Dave/dblmed
          Attached Files


            RIGHT Side of the Larger Photo - of SS Germania Officers (April, 1942)

            RIGHT Side of the Larger Photo - of SS Germania Officers (April, 1942)

            (The last Officer on the Far RIGHT - could be Rommel's "Body Double!!")

            Hopefully, you will be able to Identify some of the SS Germania Officers!
            ... Txs, Dave/dblmed
            Attached Files


              # 2

              I think the text on the back of the photo is not writte by a German person.

              The text is "FĂĽhrerkorps des SS E.B. Gerania (! - not Germania !) 20.4.1942"



                SS Germania Officer Corps

                Thanks Gerdan!

                Perhaps these photos were in the possession of the Dutch NSB Officer who is in the Photos? He might not have had known the correct German language in writing the captions on the Reverse of the Fotos? Great Observation! ..Txs, Dave/dblmed


                  Ersatz Bataillon (replacement battalion) is a bit tough, I didn't recognize anyone and checked but have no command/staff officers list for it in 1942.


                    The text is "FĂĽhrerkorps des SS E.B. Gerania (! - not Germania !) 20.4.1942"
                    Yeah, but I have missed a letter or two in my time.


                      Also the other German text has a mistake:

                      20.4.1942 Arnh(eim)

                      Präsentieren der Ehrenk. bein (it must bei "bei") den Nationalliedern (this is not a German expression for national anthems. Germans would say Nationalhymnen)



                        SS Germania - the Corps at Attention -Large Size -2nd Foto

                        Dank Gerdan, Mark & Mansal(!)

                        Thanks for educating me about the 'Replacement Corps' for SS Germania.
                        (& helping me with my poor German. Let's blame the quasi-German spelling usage on the Dutchman in the Foto!)

                        Here is the 2nd Foto of this Grouping - the Corps at Attention / Present Arms.

                        I enlarged the Foto (as follows) - as there are some nice SS Details to be seen.
                        Txs, Dave/dblmed
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by dblmed; 07-05-2009, 05:12 AM. Reason: Sp


                          SS Germania - the Corps at Attention-Detail Size -2nd Foto

                          Here is the enlarged Foto, which shows some very nice SS Uniform & Helmet Details.

                          The two SS Officers have just been awarded the EK2 (as well a some SS Men, who are not shown in the Enlargement.)
                          ........Txs, Dave/dblmed
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by dblmed; 07-05-2009, 05:07 AM. Reason: Sp


                            is it just me or does the guy in the middle of post 5 have SS runes on both his collars? and it might just be me but does the same guy also have an army eagle on his sleeve as opposed to the normal ss eagle?(might just be my "old" eyes though!) intresting pic though!


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