Sorry guys to bring an off-topic posting in this thread, but I know there was some thread in this forum where Stefan stated he is a member of Sudek13's team. But I can't find that thread at the moment, so I post this in the first topic on the board.
What I want to say concerns also all of you, interested in Medals and uniforms.
If I correctly remember the member of this board who claimed to be a member of Sudek13's team is Stefan de Meijer.
Here is what I want to bring to the attention of Sudek13 in behalf of very many researchers.
Hi Stefan,
as you claim to be one of Sudek's team members, I want you to read this message carefully and forward it to Sudek13 himself.
I want to believe that Sudek13's intentions are really sincere and as he thinks for the benefit of (fututre) aircraft-researchers (or researchers on other subjects such as tanks).
But I don't think he is realising what he he is doing at the moment.
Some thirty to forty years ago researchers were able to contact veterans of WW2 and meet them or correspondent with them and by that means could get new information and new photo-material for their research.
But that source of information and source for new unpublished photo's has dried out by now because most of these veterans have died by now.
So for the current researchers who want to publish a book with new information and off course new unpublished photo's the prime source for new unpublished photo's is Ebay.
Mind that very few people buy a book just because it contains new information, while the photo's in the book all have been published before.
So the crucial thing for publishing a new book about a certain subject is that is contains new unpublished photo's.
And that's where Sudek13 at the moment is blocking the research-works of many researchers.
I don't want to believe that you or Sudek13 want to stop new releases of books in the near fututre at the expense of books published in the (very) distanbt future.
If Sudek13 goes on this way he is just doing that.
As you have stated Sudek13 has a limited team to assist him in building up this huge archive.
It takes a lot of skilled manpower to classify photo's (type, date, place and so on) and make a good retrieval system for the photo's in the archive.
You state that there is some kind of filter to get access to the archive of Sudek13. A personnal visit to the archive or a fee system.
Well, not everybody is in the financial position to make such travels and the fee-system is totally unrealistic.
When I want just one publishable scan of a photo out of the archive of Sudek13 and I can give him in return dozens of publishable scans out of my photo-archive this fee-system in not a good deal.
Only if Sudek13 gives access to his archive of photo's for the present researchers at the moment and not asking high publishing fees, he is doing a good job with building up his archive.
If not he is blocking all present releases of new books with new photo-matirial only for the benefit of (distant) future releases of books.
I very much doubt if we will see thse new books with unpublished photo's in our lifetime.
I am sorry to say it, but what is legally totally justified, can become morally totally unjustified.
Sudek3 has all the right to spend his money as he wishes, but by killing all the hopes for present researchers to publish a book with unpublished data and photo's only at the expense of distant future publications of books sounds to me as something immoraal.
I really don't want to believe that Sudeks's intentions were to build up an archive of photo's for future publications realising that by doing that he totally blocks the present publications.
Let's put it in another way. Imagine you are living in a small isolated town, far from other residents. And the richest man in the town get's the idea to build up a storage of food for the beneit of future generations and he starts buying up all the food in the town.
It is a noble thing to make a storage of food so the townpeople in the future will have all the food they need, but when it means he let's the present inhabitants of the town starve to deatth from hunger, do you still believe he is doing a noble thing ?!!
So I really want to hear the counter-arguments for my statements and not from you or any other member of his team, but from Sudek13 himself.
If he really believes he is doing a good job he can react to this message by personnal mail or if he wants to be anonimous (although I know who he is), through you (Stefan).
And if Sudek13 doesn't response at all (either through personnal email or via you) I have lost all my hopes that he is a man with the best intentions and must believe he is misusing all his wealth at the expense of the present researchers.
Kind Regards,
Jan van den Heuvel
What I want to say concerns also all of you, interested in Medals and uniforms.
If I correctly remember the member of this board who claimed to be a member of Sudek13's team is Stefan de Meijer.
Here is what I want to bring to the attention of Sudek13 in behalf of very many researchers.
Hi Stefan,
as you claim to be one of Sudek's team members, I want you to read this message carefully and forward it to Sudek13 himself.
I want to believe that Sudek13's intentions are really sincere and as he thinks for the benefit of (fututre) aircraft-researchers (or researchers on other subjects such as tanks).
But I don't think he is realising what he he is doing at the moment.
Some thirty to forty years ago researchers were able to contact veterans of WW2 and meet them or correspondent with them and by that means could get new information and new photo-material for their research.
But that source of information and source for new unpublished photo's has dried out by now because most of these veterans have died by now.
So for the current researchers who want to publish a book with new information and off course new unpublished photo's the prime source for new unpublished photo's is Ebay.
Mind that very few people buy a book just because it contains new information, while the photo's in the book all have been published before.
So the crucial thing for publishing a new book about a certain subject is that is contains new unpublished photo's.
And that's where Sudek13 at the moment is blocking the research-works of many researchers.
I don't want to believe that you or Sudek13 want to stop new releases of books in the near fututre at the expense of books published in the (very) distanbt future.
If Sudek13 goes on this way he is just doing that.
As you have stated Sudek13 has a limited team to assist him in building up this huge archive.
It takes a lot of skilled manpower to classify photo's (type, date, place and so on) and make a good retrieval system for the photo's in the archive.
You state that there is some kind of filter to get access to the archive of Sudek13. A personnal visit to the archive or a fee system.
Well, not everybody is in the financial position to make such travels and the fee-system is totally unrealistic.
When I want just one publishable scan of a photo out of the archive of Sudek13 and I can give him in return dozens of publishable scans out of my photo-archive this fee-system in not a good deal.
Only if Sudek13 gives access to his archive of photo's for the present researchers at the moment and not asking high publishing fees, he is doing a good job with building up his archive.
If not he is blocking all present releases of new books with new photo-matirial only for the benefit of (distant) future releases of books.
I very much doubt if we will see thse new books with unpublished photo's in our lifetime.
I am sorry to say it, but what is legally totally justified, can become morally totally unjustified.
Sudek3 has all the right to spend his money as he wishes, but by killing all the hopes for present researchers to publish a book with unpublished data and photo's only at the expense of distant future publications of books sounds to me as something immoraal.
I really don't want to believe that Sudeks's intentions were to build up an archive of photo's for future publications realising that by doing that he totally blocks the present publications.
Let's put it in another way. Imagine you are living in a small isolated town, far from other residents. And the richest man in the town get's the idea to build up a storage of food for the beneit of future generations and he starts buying up all the food in the town.
It is a noble thing to make a storage of food so the townpeople in the future will have all the food they need, but when it means he let's the present inhabitants of the town starve to deatth from hunger, do you still believe he is doing a noble thing ?!!
So I really want to hear the counter-arguments for my statements and not from you or any other member of his team, but from Sudek13 himself.
If he really believes he is doing a good job he can react to this message by personnal mail or if he wants to be anonimous (although I know who he is), through you (Stefan).
And if Sudek13 doesn't response at all (either through personnal email or via you) I have lost all my hopes that he is a man with the best intentions and must believe he is misusing all his wealth at the expense of the present researchers.
Kind Regards,
Jan van den Heuvel