I don't know that it is a "P" in the "P.O." there, under the peeled glue backing. That's just what it looks like to me.
G 19 I would have said was the vessel designation-- but when I look up in my one WW2 source, it says that class was cancelled unbuilt. You need somebody who knows a LOT more about Kriegsmarine ships than me!
Great, now this seems to come together! I am also assuming that G19 is a group of people rather than a boat class because a boat cannot "antreten". Only human beings can do that.
P.O. (or whatever that letter before O. is) must be an abbreviation for that officer in the pic that is obscured (verdeckt) by the man in the foreground who turns his back to us.
yes, I think G19 stands for his training class. I thought maybe it was a ship since some Torpedoboote were classified Gx. However, I could find no refence for a vessel by this name.
Many of the photos were taken at Murwik - a big KM training area. Maybe it simply means "Gruppe 19."
P.O. is a little more difficult.... maybe "P____ Offizier?"