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Flieger-Regiment 71 Kampfgruppe Simon Retreat France 1944

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    Flieger-Regiment 71 Kampfgruppe Simon Retreat France 1944

    I am the grandson of a German soldier, Helmut Friese, *15.8.1913, who died at the beginning/middle of September 1944 near of Cusset/Villeurbanne and is now buried at the German military cemetery of Dagneux (Information of WASt-DD). He was buried at the Ancient Cemetry of Villeurbanne first (16.09.1944, first identification at La Doua?) and transfered on the 23rd of December to Dagneux. Cause all personal documents were lost he was identified probably in 1953 only with his identification tag.
    He served at least in the II. Bataillon of the Flieger-Regiment 71, Stab, Rank: Leutnant K.O. (I got the remnants of his "Personalakte" from the BA Freiburg), Nr.: 17 A 1.A./Fl.Ausb.Rgt.71 (“Erkennungsnummer”).
    He took part of the retreat of the German forces from Southern France (Montelimar, Valence, Lyon…), from 19.August-September 1944). The German units were divided into different marching groups, the unit of my grandfather was part of the group under the command of the IV. Luftwaffen-Feldkorps. These units retreated (from Carcassonne) over the west bank of the river Rhone to Lyon. At Lyon (around the 29/30.August 1944) was formed a fighting group under the command of Generalleutnant von Schwerin (189. Reserve Infanterie Division) to build up and defend a bridgehead southeast, east of Lyon.
    My grandfather was with high probability part of the belonging II. Bataillon of the Flieger-Regiment 71 (“Kampfgruppe Simon”) under the subcommand of Oberstleutnant Fritz Simon (*23.08.1892). This “Kampfgruppe Simon” consisted of about 400 soldier and 13 officers (Source "Rhoden Collection T-971, Roll 51, Retreat of the 1. Flieger-Ausbildungsdivision from France). They struggled against US-American Troops, i suppose the 36. Infantry Division, especially the 142nd and the 143rd US-Infantry Division. The KG Simon was attacked between 01.-12.09.1944, maybe also by tanks (191 or 753th US-tank bataillon) about 15 km east of Lyon. Mostly all man were killed, some of them were captured as prisoners of war. The leader of this unit, Oberstleutnant Fritz Simon (*23.08.1892), was probably captured by American troops on 3th of September 1944.
    To know about the fate of my grandfather, especially the last few days (between the retreat from Carcassonne and his death beginning of september 1944) could be reconstructed, i have some questions:
    - Does somebody know antything about fights of the 36th US-Infantry Division (142nd, 143th Infantry Regiments, 191, 753th tank bataillons) or French Units (for instance the 1st French Tank Division, Maquis etc.) with the Kampfgruppe Schwerin, especially with the Kampfgruppe Simon (remnants of the II. Bataillon Flieger-Regiment 71)?
    - Does somebody know anything about the fate of Oberstleutnant Simon (leader of the II. Bataillon Flieger-Regiment 71), especially details of interrogation (G2, G2, G3-protocols, after actions reports etc.)?
    - Does somebody know anything about the fate of my grandfather, for instance lists of prisoners, death lists, interrogation protocols?
    Thank you for your attention and support.
    Best regards

    Sorry to be unable to help you about that. I am also interested but these units and events. Did Obsltnt Simon member of Lw ?


      Oberstleutnant Fritz Simon, (DOB: 23.08.92). 01.07.42 Kdr. I./Fl.Ausb.Rgt. 71, promo to Obstlt. 08.44 Obstlt., acting Kdr. Flieger-Rgt. 71. c.03.09.44 Obstlt., appt Kdr. Flieger-Rgt. 71 (to 10.44). 12.05.45 selected for promo to Oberst with effect from 01.07.45., led at least the remnants of the II. Bataillon of the Flieger-Regiment 71. He was captured probably 15 km east of Lyon.

      What is the background for your interests concerning these events?

      Best regards.

      Originally posted by Luft 76 View Post
      Sorry to be unable to help you about that. I am also interested but these units and events. Did Obsltnt Simon member of Lw ?


        Originally posted by Myrdun View Post
        What is the background for your interests concerning these events?
        One of my main interest cocern the Lw ground units in France.
        And I have a gasmask canister of a member of Flg. Regt. 71, who wa found in southern France.
        Thanks for additionnal information about Oberst Simon. But it seems to have a problem or mistake with his last dates of promotion (1945 ??) ?


          Originally posted by Luft 76 View Post
          One of my main interest cocern the Lw ground units in France.
          And I have a gasmask canister of a member of Flg. Regt. 71, who wa found in southern France.
          Thanks for additionnal information about Oberst Simon. But it seems to have a problem or mistake with his last dates of promotion (1945 ??) ?
          Hi Luft 76,
          Its no mistake, Simon was suggested to be appointed for promotion in 1945.But he was already captured on 2nd of September 1944 as the last Commander of the FlgRgt. 71. Where was the canister found and to which Unit it was belonging?
          Best Regards
          What else questions do you have concerning the FlgRgt. 71?


            Originally posted by Myrdun View Post
            Hi Luft 76,
            Its no mistake, Simon was suggested to be appointed for promotion in 1945.But he was already captured on 2nd of September 1944 as the last Commander of the FlgRgt. 71. Where was the canister found and to which Unit it was belonging?
            Best Regards
            What else questions do you have concerning the FlgRgt. 71?
            OK. But 12.05.45 date for selection to promotion is curious, isn't it ?
            About the canister, the exact place of discovery is now unfortunatly forgotten. And I must look of which bataillon it comes. After perhaps, I will ask question.
            See you later.


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