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Spanish Volunteers?

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    Spanish Volunteers?


    Who wrote the article about the Spanish volunteers that appears on this site?

    I would like some information, please.

    Besten Dank,

    Erich Craciun

    I wrote it Eric, what were you looking for?
    Sebastián J. Bianchi


      Ask your questions right her, other Spanish members and myself try to give you answers as acurate as posible. (Of course non Spanish members do it also)

      Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


        Great! Thanks for answering. My question:

        My grandfather fought (and died) with the 357. ID in Hungary. You mentioned that Spanish Volunteers were attached to it??? I have written probably the largest Divisional History of this unit (not too large since it was from the 21. Welle) with the help of two of the last remaining veterans of the division. No one ever mentioned any Spanish being attached to this unit. Where, may I ask, did you get your information? I will be headed back to Hungary, between Hatvan and Budapest with a friend of mine in March. His Grandfather was also with the 357. I need to collect as much information as possible!

        As soon as I am done with the article, PLEASE let me know HOW I can post this divisional history!

        Sebastian, Angel - Vielen Dank!

        Erich Craciun



          The article is a few years old, when I was not so organized, but I will look through my reference books and let you know where I got it from.

          Contact me via PM regarding the divisional history!
          Sebastián J. Bianchi


            Unafortunately I have no documented sources of Spanish attached to units fighting in Hungary, only those with the 3.Geb.Jag.Div. in Rumania, but post war studies usually are focused in the volunteers post March 1.944 when the Spanish Blue Legion was disolved and the Spanish Government forbade the enlistment in the Wehrmacht. I know that several Spanish were members of Heer and Waffen SS units almost from 1.940 so it's posible that a small group or isolated cases of Spanish soldiers could be found in different units along the war. Also after the repatriation of the Spanish forces several hundreds of workers and former soldiers decided to stay in the Reich and some could be enlisted in the nearest unit as personal decision. If I found more info I let you know. I hope early we can see the divisional history in this site.

            Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


              357. Infanterie-Division

              1. Aufstellung:

              * 11.11.1943 als Division 21. Welle auf dem Truppenübungsplatz Radom/Generalgouvernement aus
              Stab und Rahmen der bei der 4. Panzerarmee aufgelösten 327. Infanterie-Division (13. Welle,
              Wehrkreis XVII) mit Divisionsstab, Nachrichten-Abteilung, Versorgungseinheiten und den
              Stäben/Grenadier-Regiment 595 (mit I.) und Panzerjäger-Abteilung sowie aus Teilen der bei der 8.
              Armee aufgelösten 39. Infanterie-Division (20. Welle, Wehrkreis VI): Grenadier-Regiment 114 mit
              I./114, II./Grenadier-Regiment 113, Artillerie-Regiment 139 (mit II.) und Pionier-Bataillon 139;
              ferner aus der bei der 8. Armee umgegliederten 106. Infanterie-Division (12. Welle, Wehrkreis VI)
              (Grenadier-Regiment 241, I./241, Aufk1ärungs-Abteilung 106) und der 52. Infanterie-Division
              (III./Artillerie-Regiment 152). Den Stamm der drei Infanterie-Regimenter bildeten das Grenadier-
              Ausbildungs-Bataillon l./132 (Wehrkreis XVII) und die Reserve-Grenadier-Bataillone 173 und 456
              (174. Reserve- Division, Generalgouvernement).

              2. Gliederung:

              Grenadier-Regiment 944 I., II. aus Regimentsstab und Stab I./Grenadier-Regiment 595 (327.
              Infanterie-Division) und Grenadier-Ausbildungs-Bataillon I./132 (Wehrkreis XVII) Grenadier-
              Regiment 945 I., II. aus Regimentsstab und Stab I./Grenadier-Regiment 114 (39. Infanterie-Division)
              und Reserve-Grenadier-Bataillon 173 (Cholm)
              Grenadier-Regiment 946 I., II. aus Regimentsstab und Stab I.(Grenadier-Regiment 241(106.
              Infanterie-Division) und Reserve-Grenadier-Bataillon 456 (Radom)
              Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 357 aus Aufklärungs-Abteilung 106
              Artillerie-Regiment 357 I.-IV. aus Stab II./Artillerie-Regiment 139 (39. Infanterie-Division) und
              III./Artillerie-Regiment 152 (52. Infanterie-Division) Divisionseinheiten 357.
              Die Division wurde am 28.8.1944 durch die (am 3.8.1944 in Neuhammer aufgestellte) Schatten-
              Division ?Infanterie-Division Breslau? (31. Welle) aufgefrischt. Das ganze Grenadier-Regiment 945
              und II./944 erltielten neue Feldpost-Nummern. Die Division geriet bei Deutsch-Brod in russische

              3. Unterstellung:

              1943 Dezember in Aufstellung BdE Radom
              1944 Januar/März in Aufstellung BdE Radom
              April/Mai XXXXVIII 4. Panzerarmee Nordukraine Osten Kowel
              Juni XXXXIll 1. Panzerarmee Nordukraine Osten Duklapaß
              Juli XXXXVIII 1. Panzerarmee Nordukraine Osten Duklapaß
              August in Auffrischung - Nordukraine Osten Slowakei
              September XXIV 1. Panzerarmee Nordukraine Osten Karpaten
              Oktober XXIV 1. Panzerarmee "A" Osten Karpaten
              November (Kampfgruppe) XI 1. Panzerarmee "A" Osten Karpaten
              Dezember (Kampfgruppe) LVII 6. Armee Süd Osten nördl. Budapest
              1945 Januar (Reste) LVII 6. Armee Süd Osten nördl. Budapest
              Februar/April Feldherrnhalle 8. Armee Süd Osten Gran
              Mai Feldherrnhalle 8. Armee Ostmark Osten Dt. Brod

              4. Ersatz:

              Wehrkreis XVII, E I./134 Brünn, 1944 E II./486 Kremsier


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