The following is a BSW marked (full marking) pilot badge from my collection.
If you have a good look at the feature, you'll find something strange,
- the bird is "blind" in the eye (maybe it's just heavy worn...)
- the upper edges of the wings are obviously different from common BSW pieces
(full marking ones or clover leaf marking ones)
But after had a comparing with J. Deutschbein Euskirchen marked ones,
I found that they have the same features there,
the character in eagle's eye doesn't only appear in my BSW piece, but also J. Deutschbein ones.
I don't know if there is any other BSW piece which is just like this.
If you have a good look at the feature, you'll find something strange,
- the bird is "blind" in the eye (maybe it's just heavy worn...)
- the upper edges of the wings are obviously different from common BSW pieces
(full marking ones or clover leaf marking ones)
But after had a comparing with J. Deutschbein Euskirchen marked ones,
I found that they have the same features there,
the character in eagle's eye doesn't only appear in my BSW piece, but also J. Deutschbein ones.
I don't know if there is any other BSW piece which is just like this.