wonder if you can help me with this?
Its about 3 inches long,made of two parts soldered togheter.
It has some blue gray color remaining in back
My father found 3 of these togheter with about 35 miniatures of PanzerStorm Wer.Abz Inf.abz al with the neadles cut of,on a flee market here in Sweden at
the end of 1985
the soldering in the middle was made by my father to put a needle so he could fasten it on the wall :-(
No trases of any other fastening device
Its about 3 inches long,made of two parts soldered togheter.
It has some blue gray color remaining in back
My father found 3 of these togheter with about 35 miniatures of PanzerStorm Wer.Abz Inf.abz al with the neadles cut of,on a flee market here in Sweden at
the end of 1985
the soldering in the middle was made by my father to put a needle so he could fasten it on the wall :-(
No trases of any other fastening device