The object of this thead is to image the recent series of good quality Schwerin KM Badge reproductions side-by-side with original examples.
The repros, sometimes referred to as "Cave Creek Specials" (derived from one of their main points of sale in the USA) are known and easily detected by most long term KM collectors but still continue to fool and deceive newer collectors. They have been in circulation since approximately the mid to late 90s.
The basemetal quality of these repros is fairly good as they attempt to reproduce Schwerin tombak versions. The hardware is close, but not exact, and the main pin is relatively easy to bend out of shape at the hinge. Note that the dome-headed hinge pin tends to have a much larger dome than used on original examples. The finish on all of these earlier generation repros are incorrect.
The aim here is not for me to point out all the bad points for each of the repros, although if you concentrate on the finish, hardware and maker marks (even if some are not fully visible in scans) you will go a long way to quickly figuring out bad from good. I hope this is used more as a learning exercise, whereby the user does their own compare and contrast. To this end, I have always found examining the reverse profile of any badge very useful. Although the pics have had to be reduced to stay within forum limits, there are still many easy give-aways to obverse, even for the "simpler" designs like the Minesweeper, Coastal Artillery and Destroyer Badges.
PS: I'd like to thank Rob Hudspith, Tony (entasis) and Jimmy for sharing some of their images.
PPS: At some stage I will add a U-boat Combat Clasp comparison. The Spanges were, of course, also reproduced
The repros, sometimes referred to as "Cave Creek Specials" (derived from one of their main points of sale in the USA) are known and easily detected by most long term KM collectors but still continue to fool and deceive newer collectors. They have been in circulation since approximately the mid to late 90s.
The basemetal quality of these repros is fairly good as they attempt to reproduce Schwerin tombak versions. The hardware is close, but not exact, and the main pin is relatively easy to bend out of shape at the hinge. Note that the dome-headed hinge pin tends to have a much larger dome than used on original examples. The finish on all of these earlier generation repros are incorrect.
The aim here is not for me to point out all the bad points for each of the repros, although if you concentrate on the finish, hardware and maker marks (even if some are not fully visible in scans) you will go a long way to quickly figuring out bad from good. I hope this is used more as a learning exercise, whereby the user does their own compare and contrast. To this end, I have always found examining the reverse profile of any badge very useful. Although the pics have had to be reduced to stay within forum limits, there are still many easy give-aways to obverse, even for the "simpler" designs like the Minesweeper, Coastal Artillery and Destroyer Badges.
PS: I'd like to thank Rob Hudspith, Tony (entasis) and Jimmy for sharing some of their images.
PPS: At some stage I will add a U-boat Combat Clasp comparison. The Spanges were, of course, also reproduced