The Schickle-design Minesweeper in zinc. These early zincers used the same setup as the Tombak Schickle without any use of base plates for the hardware.
This is the Schickle-design zincer with the rounded sheet metal catch but this example has been stamped L/56 (Funcke & Brueninghaus, Lüdenscheid). Interestingly a Schickle-design zinc Destroyer was posted with the same mark. It's also the same mark that appeared on an S&L-style S-Boat badge here. It's not known whether these L/56 marks were wartime or post-war applied.
Two variants of the B.H. Mayer zinc Minesweeper - one with the stamped sheet metal catch and the other with the curled flat-wire catch. Both used catch plates.
Two typically crude examples attributed to Alois Rettenmaier (formerly the "flatback" maker), showing the usual features of highly variable hand-trimmed margins, striations on the reverse and variable setups.