Billy Kramer


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Stamped IAB in bronze by Mayer.

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    Stamped IAB in bronze by Mayer.

    I posted this badge last week and received negative feedback from the moderators and some other members, to include opinions that it was a silver version with the finish polished off previously or even a ground dug in poor condition:

    I respect the expertise of WAF members, but I was confident that this badge is a fine bronze IAB with a heavy layer of oxidation (a.k.a. patina).

    I know that I will receive a LOT of flak, but the negative assessments prompted me to use a mild jewelry "dip" to remove the thin layer of patina and reveal the true nature of this badge. NO scrubbing or polishing was done. This was only done after much consideration that maybe this badge was bad.

    I can live with my actions because it verified that I have an original bronze version - much of the light bronze wash/plating was exposed as well as the darker recesses. Only the high points (such as around the bayonet and leaf tips) reveal the underlying brass/tombak base metal.

    I plan to keep this IAB in my collection in perpetuity, so I will enjoy it in its original beauty. Please note that I don't advocate "restoration" or anything that alters an artifact from its original factory-issued appearance and condition.

    Posted are the original photograph from a week ago and one from today after the "dip."

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    Reverse comparison.
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      So which is it folks...A bronze example or a cleaned tombak badge with no finish left?



        The "visual" on whatever finish is left just isn't enough to green light the bronze grade. For me it's a heavily worn silver as Fischer and Graeme mentioned. Tough one...

        --Rgds, Ken


          This photo in sunlight shows the factory-applied colors of the badge much better. The high points along the upper/outer edge of the eagle's wing (on the right in photo) reveal the coppery base metal worn through the lighter bronze plating as well as the darker bronze recesses. If this badge had been polished at one time, then the whole badge would have the copper-like appearance.
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            Hello Matt,

            if you look closely on your first picture, you can still see traces of the silvering beneath the arms of the swaz. It shows the same discolouring as I would expect on a silver piece. So I would agree with the first comments, that this piece indeed started his life as an assault badge in silver.




              This new shot doesn't show any "finish" whatsoever IMO. What I "see" there is just the patinated tombac base metal. Let's see what the other chaps have to say though.

              --Rgds, Ken


                I realize we may get nowhere unless you have the item in hand. I am providing this additional one for reference.

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                  A couple photos to show that I know a little bit about the difference between bronze and silver plating on early brass base metal badges, as well as how to examine them with a loupe to notice small details in the finish and wear patterns. With that being said, I do realize that it is sometimes difficult to discern bronze and silver in photos. There is NO silver whatsoever on the IAB posted in this thread. FYI - the IAB causing all this controversy is in the lower left of these two photos.

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                    I just saw this thread, I think Matt got this one from me, IMHO a bronze grade and not played with, or ground dug etc, here are my original pictures, John
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                          more pix
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                            If you think assessing your badge is tough, try assessing the amount of finish left (if any) on an NS Juncker when a seller provides bright scans to "enhance" the condition of the badge. If you're eyes are seeing a bronze grade -that's fine, but based on all your shots -thus far, I wouldn't go on anything more than a heavily worn silver grade to be safe.

                            --Best, Ken
                            Last edited by Panzercracker; 02-17-2013, 01:59 PM.


                              John - I have purchased from you in the past with no worries at all. However, in this instance, the IAB you posted is not the one I purchased recently.

                              In the end, I will likely take my controversial IAB to the Show of Shows in a couple weeks and allow anyone who cares to examine it. Maybe Mr. Durante will be gracious enough to give an opinion after examining it in hand with a loupe at SOS.


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