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Dutch SS Sports Badge Details

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    Haven’t checked in here for a while.
    I am surprised and delighted that you and I, for a change, can have a civil discussion.
    Looking back to the beginning of this thread, to the present day, is like going back in a time machine.
    I know a huge amount more now, than I did in 2009. I was wrong back then. I admit it.

    I finally agree with you- I believe that these badges were all made post-War.
    I will also agree - that outsiders (non-Dutchmen) could not understand war-time conditions in your country.
    However, you say a small amount of booklets were produced, somehow, but no badges or prototypes were ordered. You say there is proof, but you don’t want to share it. You mentioned this proof years ago also.

    So, ignorant non-Dutchmen like me, must just ‘take your word for it?’

    I’m not trying to be insulting, not in the least. But help us less knowledgeable out here - we non-Dutchmen- to understand the timeline and why prototypes are impossible, but booklets Are possible.
    Perhaps you have access to historical information you don’t want to give out freely?
    I strongly suspect this is the case here.

    If so, I can understand that, owning one very rare document from the war concerning W Wi Füs, that not even the Allies could find before the Nürnberg trial.

    However, until you publish such information, ‘ignorant’ collectors such as I will continue to hope on this badge.

    By the way, the version of the Dutch SS newspaper with the pictures of the badges published upside down, that you seem to mention, was someone’s effort to help me. They took the original newspaper and, following what I said, turned the drawings upside down. I brought up the fact that all versions of this badge follow the Dutch SS newspaper - and I was the first to point out that the badge drawn with swords has an entirely different shape than the one without swords. I mentioned that to see the difference in the shape of the wreaths, all you had to do was turn the badges upside down. So, my sincere thanks to whoever turned the badges upside down on the post.

    Which only proves - Someone - whoever made these badges - followed very closely - the original drawing in the Dutch SS newspaper.
    The rumors of who made these badges post-war, I have heard. So we won’t go into that.

    Thanks Gaston. I just want to get these non-Dutchmen in the collecting community a bigger answer than you or me telling them that these badges are post- War, ‘just take my word for it.’


      I re-read your post, and my reply, and I want to point out again that I am playing Devil’s advocate here. I believe as you do, that these are post-War fantasy badges.

      I also want to say that you bring up 2 crucial points that stand out to me:

      1. That knowledge of your own country does in fact give you unique insight to its badges and awards, which is invaluable in knowing which are real;
      And 2. You and others actually remember the time period when the fakes started hitting the market. That to me is a powerful piece of knowledge. I have seen other items that seem legitimate, until I have asked dealers or older collectors, who actually rememember the years when the items hit the market- damning evidence against such fantasy pieces and crucial to know.
      Cheers Gaston, and thanks for the discussion.




        I am almost convinced that a booklet for the Dutch SS Sports Badge WAS produced, but somehow, a prototype badge is totally inconceivable.
        My example is of three piece construction, I am trying to compare it to other known examples. If possible, I want to have a metallurgy scan of my badge along with other examples, to rule it out once and for all as impossible. It’s a pretty unique piece.
        For those interested in more information about this topic, a great deal of relevant information can be found here:
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