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Totemkopfverbande watch

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    #16 here is a much clearer shot of the eagle


      You seem determined to ignore the long experianced collectors about this pocket watch....

      The watch is undoubtedly period.....but the face plate is a total fake! There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY the SS Runes & Totenkopf are period....they've been done and aged to make the watch more valueable....seems they've found one "believer"....(I was going to say "sucker"....but don't mean to be offensive)

      You received the same reply on the AHF as you have here....maybe on a watch forum where they know NOTHING ABOUT MILITARIA or SS you may find a fellow "believer", but I doubt you'll find any here!

      This is just an old German pocket watch....the rest is fantasy!
      John G. (Mainemilitaria)


        Originally posted by Mainemilitaria View Post
        You seem determined to ignore the long experianced collectors about this pocket watch....

        The watch is undoubtedly period.....but the face plate is a total fake! There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY the SS Runes & Totenkopf are period....they've been done and aged to make the watch more valueable....seems they've found one "believer"....(I was going to say "sucker"....but don't mean to be offensive)

        You received the same reply on the AHF as you have here....maybe on a watch forum where they know NOTHING ABOUT MILITARIA or SS you may find a fellow "believer", but I doubt you'll find any here!

        This is just an old German pocket watch....the rest is fantasy!
        John G. (Mainemilitaria)
        I would never ignore any input, and i respect the more experienced collectors, all i am saying is, it is quite possible that the faceplate on the watch was put on by someone for a member of the SS, it could have been for a promotion or commemoration, the decals are part of that face plate, in fact they were printed to it, decades ago.
        When the specialist watchmakers WHO RESEARCH ITEMS OF HISTORY FULLY deliberate on it i will post the details link here,
        remember you already denonced that old alarm clock as being a fantasy piece to up the value by the Eastern Europeans, over on the Axis forum, and you have still failed to say you got it wrong, so please be fair where due, the fact is you you turned out to be 100 percent wrong about the clock, anyone interested please read this link on it, very interesting history on the eagle.

        Last edited by Furher; 10-04-2011, 04:37 AM.


          The watch is a FAKE.



            Originally posted by GEPRUFT View Post
            The watch is a FAKE.

            But Mike! He didn´t want to hear comments like that!


              Originally posted by Ludwig View Post
              But Mike! He didn´t want to hear comments like that!
              I am open to all comments, honestly their is a very good chance this watch is legitimate and a concentration camp museum took interest in it, if it's not genuine then no serious hassle, it's very artistic and if you had it to hand you would feel the history in it, all joking aside it is not your ordinary run of the mill fake,that if it is fake, watch specialists are looking at it.
              Last edited by Furher; 10-05-2011, 06:32 AM.


                Then, be happy with it


                Originally posted by Furher View Post
                I am open to all comments, honestly their is a very good chance this watch is legitimate and a concentration camp museum took interest in it, if it's not genuine then no serious hassle, it's very artistic and if you had it to hand you would feel the history in it, all joking aside it is not your ordinary run of the mill fake,that if it is fake, watch specialists are looking at it.


                  He is so happy with it because he is selling it to some gullible fool....


                    Originally posted by Don Doering View Post
                    He is so happy with it because he is selling it to some gullible fool....
                    actually i am donating it


                      Originally posted by Furher View Post
                      actually i am donating it
                      These are common fakes and come out of eastern Europe:


                      William Kramer
                      Please visit my site:


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