Hi guys,
Sorry for the late reply, trying to get this para book to the printers has left me very busy the last few days with the editor
But now she is off, so I can enjoy some time on the forum 
Greg, very nice clasps you have there, especially the silver one. I don't think the pin is repaired at all, its just VERY uncommon to find an FLL with fluted pin like this. The finish on it looks to be consistent with the rest of the silver finish on the clasp, so that is a great sign. Also notice the charactristic "FLL dent" in the pin near the hinge, and shown on page 194. Very characteristic of FLL pins, so no problems at all with this one my friend.
But I would agree with the others that you are likely holding a very worn bronze grade. I think I see remnants of some bronze brennlack on the obverse bayonet and it does look bronze to me rather than gold. Its also VERY typical that bronze FLL clasps with have a bronze-colored backplate, whereas the gold and silver usually have black plates. This isn't a 100% rule, but correct in 95% of the cases IMO. Yours has the typical FLL bronze-colored plate, so that "seals the deal" for me that yours was originally a bronze grade before all the finish wore off.
Unfortunately, worn finish is all-to-common aspect of original FLL clasps.
Sorry for the late reply, trying to get this para book to the printers has left me very busy the last few days with the editor

Greg, very nice clasps you have there, especially the silver one. I don't think the pin is repaired at all, its just VERY uncommon to find an FLL with fluted pin like this. The finish on it looks to be consistent with the rest of the silver finish on the clasp, so that is a great sign. Also notice the charactristic "FLL dent" in the pin near the hinge, and shown on page 194. Very characteristic of FLL pins, so no problems at all with this one my friend.
But I would agree with the others that you are likely holding a very worn bronze grade. I think I see remnants of some bronze brennlack on the obverse bayonet and it does look bronze to me rather than gold. Its also VERY typical that bronze FLL clasps with have a bronze-colored backplate, whereas the gold and silver usually have black plates. This isn't a 100% rule, but correct in 95% of the cases IMO. Yours has the typical FLL bronze-colored plate, so that "seals the deal" for me that yours was originally a bronze grade before all the finish wore off.
Unfortunately, worn finish is all-to-common aspect of original FLL clasps.
