An Austrian WWI veteran NCO. The last award on the ribbon bar is the ubiquitous Rumanian Anti-Communist Medal. I cannot make out the three middle awards, neither can I find the ribbon chart you had posted here a few days ago.
Top one: EK2 '14, WW2 KVK2X, Hindenburg X, Wehrmacht 4m Hungarian WWIX, Bulgarian WW! X
Luftwaffe NCO-- EK 2 '14, a light colored WW1 with swords (probably Bavarian MMC3X), Hindenburg X, Austrian WW1X, Third Reich 25 Years Treudienst, probably Hungarian and Bulgarian WW1s with Xs.
Bottom EK 2 '14, KVK2X, Hindenburg X, two blurs with swords probably incorrectly mounted Hungarian and Bulgarian WW1 Commems, Sudeten 1938.
I didn't post a ribbon chart here-- it's permanently over on the other half of the website.
Both may be found by clicking on "" down at the bottom of the main Forums index page to take you to the Permanent half of this website