I just bought these 2 helmets. They are found in Holland. The person who found them showed me the photo's when he digged up the helmets. And yes i have my doubts about the wire and the painted that still on the helmet. But they really came out of the ground. I saw the roots grow through the helmet and wire. This person give me one picture just after he found a couple helmets the one with wire is show on the picture. What's your opinion.
I just bought these 2 helmets. They are found in Holland. The person who found them showed me the photo's when he digged up the helmets. And yes i have my doubts about the wire and the painted that still on the helmet. But they really came out of the ground. I saw the roots grow through the helmet and wire. This person give me one picture just after he found a couple helmets the one with wire is show on the picture. What's your opinion.