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Odd box

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    Odd box

    Found these two pics recently, what is the box?

    Wooden drop canister maybe on a makeshift trolley (old pushchair?). Looks a bit like a trunk, too small to get a Goliath in.

    the side say.. Goliath?
    I believe the Goliath was a remote controlled "bomb"? i think i have read this somewhere about remote vehicles packed full of explosives being used.


      Goliath was the name of a German remote controlled tracked explosive vehicle - a mobile mine. They were introduced on all fronts in 1942 and were usually employed by Pionier units. They were small enough to fit into the box labeled Goliath in the photo, so that may be what it is.


        Originally posted by Homer Hodge View Post
        Goliath They were small enough to fit into the box labeled Goliath in the photo, so that may be what it is.
        Here is a pic of Goliath. I don't think that Goliath fits well into this box.

        Last edited by pimpf; 04-03-2009, 01:17 PM. Reason: spelln'


          It's "Golliath" on the front and "Ic" on the side...
          what was Ic on German army???
          (you could also look at Didier lodieu's book, dying for St Lo)



            Officers clothing and personal gear trunk


            This looks more like a pimped private clothing / personal gear trunk/case from a fresh new officer in some FJ unit. After beeing (re)placed in/to a (other) unit they took all there personal gear in such trunks and took of to there next unit. His familyname could just be Goliath. Maybe some people on the forum know his name. There is also a small suitcase and a well filled attachécase in the pictures. 1c could stand for an officer in the staff of the Division or Korps.. Which also could be a plus for his theory. GOLIATH is a family name that is used in Germany. There are several GOLIATH's listed on the Gräbernachweis des Volksbundes.

            I've seen several real old trunks from WH officers with there names painted in large letters all over the trunk. Some where more then 100 years old and in the family for years. Painted also with heraldic art related to the family's name of the officer in case.

            As an extra a overview of the German ranks. (from:

            <table class="MsoNormalTable" style="" rules="all" frame="box"><tbody><tr><th colspan="2">U. S. Designations:</th> <th>A H Comd
            (OKH)</th> <th>A Gps
            (Heeresgruppenkommandos)</th> <th>As
            (Armeeoberkommandos)</th> <th>Corps
            </th> <th>Divs
            </th></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">C G</td> <td>Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres</td> <td>Oberbefehlshaber der Heeresguppe</td> <td>Befehlshaber des Armeeoberkommandos</td> <td>Kommandierender General</td> <td>Divisionskommandeur</td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">C of S</td> <td>Chef des Generalstabes des Heeres</td> <td>Chef des Generalstabes</td> <td>Chef des Generalstabes</td> <td>Chef des Generalstabes</td> <td> (I-a)</td></tr> <tr> <td rowspan="2">G-1</td> <td>Offs</td> <td>Heerespersonalamt</td> <td>II-a, 1. Adjutant</td> <td>II-a, 1. Adjutant</td> <td>II-a, 1. Adjutant</td> <td>II-a, 1. Adjutant</td></tr> <tr> <td>EM</td> <td>Allgemeines Heeresamt, Truppenabteilung</td> <td>II-c, 2. Adjutant</td> <td>II-c, 2. Adjutant</td> <td>II-c, 2. Adjutant</td> <td>II-c, 2. Adjutant</td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">G-2</td> <td>Oberquartiermeister IV</td> <td>I-c, 3. Generalstabsoffizier</td> <td>I-c, 3. Generalstabsoffizier</td> <td>I-c, 3. Generalstabsoffizier</td> <td>I-c, 3. Generalstabsoffizier</td></tr> <tr> <td rowspan="2">G-3</td> <td>Opns</td> <td>Oberquartiermeister I</td> <td>I-a, 1. Generalstabsoffizier</td> <td>I-a, 1. Generalstabsoffizier</td> <td rowspan="2">I-a, 1. Generalstabsoffizier</td> <td rowspan="2">I-a, 1. Generalstabsoffizier</td></tr> <tr> <td>Tng</td> <td>Oberquartiermeister II</td> <td>I-d, 4. Generalstabsoffizier</td> <td>I-d, 4. Generalstabsoffizier</td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">G-4</td> <td>Generalquartiermeister (Gen. Qu.)</td> <td>I-c, 2. Generalstabsoffizier</td> <td>Oberquartiermeister (0. Qu)</td> <td>Quartiermeister (Q- Qu.)</td> <td>I-c, 2. Generalstabsoffizier</td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">C Arty O</td> <td>General der Artillerie</td> <td>Stabsoffizier der Artillerie (Stoart)</td> <td>Höherer Artilleriekommandeur (Harko)</td> <td>Artilleriekommandeur (Arko)</td> <td>Artillerieführer (Arfü)</td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">C Engr O</td> <td>General der Pioniere und Festungen</td> <td>General der Pioniere (Gen. d. Pi.)</td> <td>Armeepionierführer (A. Pi. Fu.)</td> <td>Stabsoffizier der Pioniere (Stopi)</td> <td>Kommandeur des Pionierbataillons</td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">C Sig O</td> <td>Chef des Heeresnachrichtenwesens</td> <td>Heeresgruppennahrichtenführer (H. Gr. Nachr. Fu.)</td> <td>Armeenachrichtenführer (A. Nachr. FU.)</td> <td>Korpsnachrichtenführer</td> <td>Kommandeurder Nachrichtenabteilung </td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">C Clm O</td> <td>General der Nebeltruppen</td> <td>Höherer Kommandeur der Nebeltruppen?</td> <td>Stabsoffizier für Gasabwehr</td> <td>Gasabwehroffizier (Gabo)</td> <td>Gasabwchroffizieror Gasschützoffizier (Gabo) </td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">C AT O</td> <td>General für Panzerabwehr</td> <td>Stabsoffizier für Panzerbekämpfung?</td> <td>Stabsoffizier für Panzerbekämpfung (Stopak)</td> <td>Stabsoffizier für Panzerbekämpfung</td> <td>Kommandeur der Panzerjägerabteilung </td></tr></tbody></table>


            Eric Mill
            Last edited by Eric Mill; 04-03-2009, 02:22 PM.


              Originally posted by pimpf View Post
              Here is a pic of Goliath. I don't think that Goliath fits well into this box.

              Might be a flatpack Goliath, you know with dodgy instructions and a few screws missing??

              Interesting pics..


                Ic stands for = Third General Staff Officer (Intelligence)

                3. Generalstabsoffizier (Feindnachrichtendienst)

                With the trunk and the rolled up maps it looks like they are relocating this Officer.


                  Originally posted by Eric Mill
                  Last edited by Eric Mill; Today at 01:22 PM.
                  I'm not trying to start an argument here but I personally find it slightly impolite to edit an earlier post and add information that another user contributed... (making it appear as if you added the info to the thread first)... It is alot like in a thread where a guy asks what maker a certain badge is, if you make a post like "hmm not sure but it looks familiar" then a few moments later another user afterwards posts the correct maker but then you come back and edit your earlier post to say "This maker is probably -----".

                  As in this thread about the box I personally wouldn't have bothered to spend the time posting what "Ic" abbreviated if someone else had contributed the answer already... The polite thing to do would have been to add another reply after my post which stated "Ok yes I was thinking the same thing... This adds further credence to my original thought that it was an officer being moved..."



                    I have a trunk that looks exactly like that at my home with the same 3 wooden rales on top.


                      1e reaction

                      I never had any intention to be impolite. I just dumped all I know en all I could find on information in the one post I added because it was the most easy way to do. So if wished I will delete my complete post or post the overview in a separate post.

                      So if I offended here someone. I want to apoligize for this. I've forgot fore a moment about the "rules of engagement" on the WAF



                        double post

                        double post...sorry


                          Sorry if we're taking this thread off topic:

                          To Eric: No need to edit anything and I appreciate your response.


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