I picked up this helmet and a few other odds and ends at an antique store last month. They were on display and they weren't asking a lot for the items so I purchased them all hoping that maybe the para would be correct. The helmet is a standard greenish paint with a single decal Luft Eagle. Has the mid war bolts. The foam padding is hard and they are dark in color, like a dark gray or faded black. The liner has the ink stamps and a sewn line down the center, which has started to break due to the liner starting to dry out. There are also sweat stains and chaffing. The chinstrap is bluish gray leather outer and a suede type material that would go against your head. There is metal catch with a tiny leather tab; two slide snaps and a button. At the end of the chinstrap is a "T". The helmet is stamped ET71 and 150. I don't know if this is a repro or original and was looking for some assistance.
I have read the threads about the size 71 being repro and viewed some of the photos of helmets, but I just can't tell with mine.
When I wrote this I attempted to post my photos, but I was unable to. If I can forward my photos to the Moderator or another member of this particular forum so they can post them, I would appreciate it.
I have read the threads about the size 71 being repro and viewed some of the photos of helmets, but I just can't tell with mine.
When I wrote this I attempted to post my photos, but I was unable to. If I can forward my photos to the Moderator or another member of this particular forum so they can post them, I would appreciate it.