Before letting go of this group, I would like to present it here, because it's a pretty unique one...
Eberhard Bochmann, born 1928, was one of those last-ditch child soldiers that you may have seen in the movie 'Der Untergang'. He belonged to the “Panzervernichtungs-Brigade Hitlerjugend”, created from volunteering HJ boys between 15 and 17 years old specifically recruited to knock out tanks. In March 1945 they were trained, in April they swore their oath. As part of AOK9, they fought in the sector of the Reichsstrasse near Löwenberg. There, he knocked out a Soviet tank on the 25th and got five days of leave, returning to his unit on the day Hitler committed suicide.
Eberhard Bochmann, born 1928, was one of those last-ditch child soldiers that you may have seen in the movie 'Der Untergang'. He belonged to the “Panzervernichtungs-Brigade Hitlerjugend”, created from volunteering HJ boys between 15 and 17 years old specifically recruited to knock out tanks. In March 1945 they were trained, in April they swore their oath. As part of AOK9, they fought in the sector of the Reichsstrasse near Löwenberg. There, he knocked out a Soviet tank on the 25th and got five days of leave, returning to his unit on the day Hitler committed suicide.