This is all I have on the last unit shown:
Leichte Reserve-Flak-Abteilung 765
Formed Summer 1940 in Luftgau XI with 3 Batteries; Renamed leichte Flak-Abteilung 765 (v) since Summer 1943,lastly with 4 Batteries (4 from 5./322); Action near Boulogne (Flak Regiment 132, 16 Flak Division, lastly in Luftgau
Nothing regarding Dunkirk, however Flak units can be difficult sometimes to find correct info on!
Leichte Reserve-Flak-Abteilung 765
Formed Summer 1940 in Luftgau XI with 3 Batteries; Renamed leichte Flak-Abteilung 765 (v) since Summer 1943,lastly with 4 Batteries (4 from 5./322); Action near Boulogne (Flak Regiment 132, 16 Flak Division, lastly in Luftgau
Nothing regarding Dunkirk, however Flak units can be difficult sometimes to find correct info on!