Hi to all!
This is the soldbuch of RK winner Major Hans Guhr. The description was made by his son, Michael, so I just add the photos:
If you want to learn more about the life of this brave soldier, go to: http://dev.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru...=609656&page=2
I hope you enjoy it
Page 1.
Inside the front cover there was nothing - page was blank -, but in 1944 there was a regulation to have a photo of the holder ( unfortunately withdrawn ), but this is why it is stampeled by the Kriegsakademie where Hans studied at that time and it is signed by Hans.
At the top of page 1 the serial number of this Soldbuch is handwritten, number 23; the next entries gave Hans`ranks and promotion days, where the promotion became effective; followed by the Erkennungsmarke -so called dog tag-
8. (M.G.) 52 -23 ( can not explain why -23 ), next line Blutgruppe- bloodgroup- O, the gasmask size is next 2 ( that means medium ),and the following number is Hans`special number, no one else had to have this number 16/336/10
16 stands for the last two when hans was born, 336 is the police district number where Hans was registered for service and 10 shows the induction sheet, on which Hans was registered.
( This is shown on the document Personal-Nachweis of Hans)
His promotion record, as shown here, states the following:
• Oberleutnant - 12/01/1941
• Hauptmann - 02.01.1944
• Major - 01/01/1945
Page 2
This page records some personal details:
born 24.10.1916;
where: Dresden;
religion: ev. luth. (Lutherian)
personal discription: high 184; build: slim
Face: can not read, but slim would be best; Hair: blond, I personelly know him with black hairs, but may be...
Beart: none; Eyes: brown
next line: any distinguishing features: none
next: shoe size: nothing at all, no feet no shoes, that`s it
next: signitured by Hans Guhr, to confirm all these details and informations.
Soldbook issued day: 18th March 1940
unit responsible for issuing: 12.(M.G.) I.R. 513
and verified by the issuing officer: not yet found, who did it, rank and position unknown
Stamped with the unit seal.
Page 3
Alternations to the information shown on the first pages, but in this case only update and upgrades
first line/column: serial number
second line: type of amendment to be made
third column: showed the page of the soldbook, where the change was made
forth column: the date
fifth column: the relevant unit in witch my father was serving
sixth column: signiture and rank and position.
Hans was promoted to Oberleutnant,01.11.41, officer of the Inf.Rgt.513, signed by his Rgt.Kdr. Oberst Görner ( line 1 )
Changed RDA,( RangDienstAlter) o1.11.42, signed by Major Staats, Ia of 294.Inf.Div. ;after Hans was awarded with KC (line 2)
Change of rank, promoted to Hauptmann, as of1.2.44, location Heeres-Kur-Lazarett Semmering, signed by Oberstabsarzt und Chefarzt ( name unknown, line 3 )
Change of rank, promoted to Major, as of 1.1.45, signed by Hauptm. u. Offz.z.b.V. of Kraftf.Park Ers.u.Ausb.Abt.4, signiture unknown
Page 4.
Sectioc C shows all field units where Hans had served
8.(M.G.) I.R.52 and the Kriegsstammrolle 23
III./ I.R. 513 , 12.Kp 16
Stab 294 I.Div, Stab, 24
Stab I.R.513, Stab, 44
Stab I.R.514, Stab
Stab II./ I.R.Rgt 513
section d
different replacement units which were responsible for Hans through his military life and the location of the unit
4. (M.G.) Er.I.R. 52 location not readable nicht entziffert
possible Leitmeritz but unknown
Inf.Ers.Btl 10, Dresden
Inf.Ers.Btl 514, Dresden
Inf.Ers.Btl 513, Leitmeritz (?)
Inf.Ers.Btl 514, Dresden
Page 5.
Recording next of Hans family
1. Hans `wife, Ilse Guhr, former Lemmerzahl ( in one of the existing documents it is to read, that Hans had to ask for and got the permission to marry Ilse Lemmerzahl, that is great),
living in Essen 1943-44 with her parents, later in Dresden 1945 and Rohrbach near Saalfeld 1945
Section 2
Information concerning Hans parents.
Page 6.
Equipment report and some extra pages
issued clothing and equipment
The first column is to report the reason (Grund) why the items were recorded
first line Gen.Kdo XXXVII AK, 18.01.43
1 Kradmantel ( motor cycle coat), 1 Tarnanzug ( camouflage), 1 Tarnkappe, 1 Fausthandschuh, and some other special equipment, all withdrawn when transfered to Kriegsakademie, 21.1.45
1 Filzstiefel, 1 Pelzmantel, 1 Gummistiefel, and so on
there Hans got some other special equipment such as Brotbeutel (sack for bread).
Page 8.
A) page to record special clothing notes
nothing to add
B), C) and D) weapons and other special equipment
Input of Kriegsakademie, 19. III.45: gas-mask GM 30 and on a special sheet of paper, handwritten and signed by OLt. u.Btl.-Adj. as of 17th August 1943: Oblt Hans Guhr received a pistol, Unique No 53035 and became owner of this pistol.
Page 9.
Inoculations with four main inoculations
a. smollpox: successfully given 10.1.42
b. Typhoid and Paratyphoid: given three times to every soldier after beeing enlisted, done; last one mentioned 28.9.44
c. inculation against Dysentery: 6 times, last 17.6.43
e. very rarely used, if ever: reason that it is mentioned not known but it is something mentioned in his last medical report as of 20.May 1945; the last input to his Soldbook is: 29.May 1945.
Page 10 - 11
specifications of eye-glasses
although Hans had eye-glasses, no input.
Pages 12 - 13
Military hospital
first column: name of the hospital
second : date of arrival
third: illness , code number or written
forth: signiture of the sending unit
six: dismissed date from hospital
seven: almost abbreviation regarding his condition
eight: signiture of the official of the hospital to be ordered back to unit
1.Feldlazarett 6./ 572 date 24.9.39, Ruhr, 30.9.39 fit for duty
2.F.P.Nr. 27013 ( 294.Inf.Div), 20.9.42, Verstauchung re. Sprunggelenk, (10.9.42 awarded with KC), 29.9.42 fit for duty
3.Feldlazarett (mot) 620, 18.II.43 -20- teeth and gum deseases, 20.2.43, moved to
4.Res.Laz. Dresden IV, 26.2.43, -12- other contagious deseases, 12.4.43, g.v.H. fit for limited duty back home
5.Res.Laz. Bad Elster, 17.4.43, -9- Malaria, 16.5.43. entlassen zur Truppe, fit for combat duty
6.Teillaz. Berggiesshübel, 26.7.43, -23- kidney problems, 6.9.43, Vfg.z.Tr., fit for combat duty
7.Heereskurlazarett Semmering, 17.1.44, -36- suspected of faking illness, 14.2.44, z.Truppe, fit for combat duty
8.Res.Laz. Gars am Inn, 28.4.45, 2.5.45, zur Truppe
9. Res.Laz. Wasserburg, 6.5.45, Wolhyin Fieber, 21.5.45 Entlassung
Page 14 - 15
These two pages are part of the Soldbuch to record any personal effects taken along with Hans during his hospital stays.
There are three inputs on the left (14) and three on the right page:
Fliegerhorstkompanie Holzkirchen, Obb
Hans got his money from 1.-30.04.45 and a smoking card from 8.4. to 8.5.45 from Rechnungsführer Baak and Day of entrance to Res.Lazarett Wasserburg/Inn Teillazarett Englisches Institut, 6.5.45 and on the right in the middle, the signiture of Oberst i.G. Staats, the colonal who was supervising Hans as Hauptmann in the ArmeeKorpsKdo XXVII in 1943, being the chief of generalstaff of the Armeekorps, where General Völckers was in command. Oberst i.G. Joachim Staats was taken prisoner and came back as PoW from Russia 16.01.1956; this is mentioned in my fathers diary during his tour of duty as the speaker of the so called Amt Blank, later the Bundesministerium der Verteidigung ( Minister of Defence ). The other inputs are from the Artillerieschule 20.May 1943 and of the Kriegsakademie, 1.September 1944.
Page 16 - 17
Dental work station: nothing to report
page 17 was a continuation of page 4 to report the military history of Hans.
a. Stab/ Gen.Kdo.XXVII.A.K. 165
b. Kriegsakademie 1491
Page 18 - 22
These pages are full of surprises, they should actually report the pay history...Hans got his war fine soap and his shave soap, he got the pay for fighting in the frontier, he received the Führer gift 12.1.44 in his hometown Dresden, and his Wehrsold in the Heereskurlazarett Semmering.
the coloumn "erhält die Gebührnisse der"showed every pay office how much Hans was authorised to be paid.
1.4.39 Wehrsoldgruppe 10 = Leutnant
1.12.41 Wehrsoldgruppe 9 = Oberleutnant
1.2.44...... gruppe 8 = Hauptmann
1.1.45 Stellengruppe 7 = Major, this is signed by Herresstandortverwaltung Rudolstadt, this is where my older sister was born, April 45
Page without number but of great importance:
This page shows the awards of my father:
Erinnerungsmedaille Einsatz Österreich 13.3.38
Sudeten-Medaille mit Spange ( awarded 134.563 )
E.K.II. Klasse 24.10.1939 ( as a platoon leader, 23rd birthday of my father)
E.K. I. Klasse 26.9.41
Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz 23.5.42
Infanterie-Sturm-Abzeichen 13.6.42
Medaille " Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42" ( Ostmedaille )
Königl.bulg.Tapferkeitsorden IV. Klasse, 2.Stufe
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes gemäß H Qu OHK PA 1 St.VA Nr 98 23/42 vom 10.9.1942
All decorations awarded are signed (in pencil) by Oberst Theodore Pilling with the stamp of the IR 513. (Oberst Pilling was awarded the DKiG on 20/08/1943)
The most important page of the Soldbuch: the entry of the Ritterkreuz, awarded 10.09.1942, but written here on 19.09.1942.
Again, the signature of Oberst Pillipi can be seen below. The RK was without a doubt one of the most important decorations of the Wehrmacht during WWII. Being decorated was truly a moment of significant importance in the life of the soldier who got it, receiving the respect of his comrades and superiors
In today's German army the term Ritterkreuz-Auftrag ("Knight's Cross Mission") refers to a duty that is extremely aggravating, or a no-win situation.
Justification for the award of the Knight`s Cross:
" During the attack carried out by two battalions of the regiment positioned in the bend of the river Don, Lieutenant Guhr - who had been sent to the front line as a liaison - realized that the enemy was bringing in additional forces to the hill overlooking the terrain. Correctly assessing the situation, he concluded that only an immediate and decisive counter-attack would prevent a later attack on the hill that could cost many casulties. He therefore decided to attack the enemie`s defaece lines immediately without waiting for any support from the artillery and other heavy weapons. Driving ahead in a jeep and firing his machine gun, he and the few infantery men near him attacked the enemy forces and managed to destroy these in spite of being heavily outnumbered. After overcoming the enemy`s resistance, the fortified positions on the hill were taken, over 200 prisoners were captured andall the enemy weaponry was confiscated. However, the enemy also recognized the crucial importance of the hill for further actions and tried for four days to regain their lost positions. They were beaten successfully every time losing many more soldiers as well as military equipment.
Lieutenant Guhr`s bold attack at the top of a few soldiers spared the regiment some heavy fighting"
Page 23.
Periods of authorized leave:
Hans did his duty beginning from the Operation Barbarossa, 22. June 1941 up to his study at the Kriegs-Akademie, September 1944 always in the eastern front line, as a platoon leader of a machine gun platoon, as a companie commander as Rgt.Adj. or O1 of the 294. Infanterie Division.
He is named in the small bucklet "Millerowo" and found the time to visit the Frontbuchhandlung Orscha.
Back cover of the Soldbook
1.The Paybook serves the soldier in war as his personal identification and authorises the receipt of pay from his own or other pay offices. It also identifies him to receive mail, for railway travel, when under command or while on leave.
2. The Paybook must always be carried by the soldier in his tunic pocket. Leaving it in baggage, in quarters etc is not permitted. Careful retention is in the intrest of the owner.
3. The Paybook must be kept in order. The owner himself is to ensure that all chances to pay grade with transfer or promotion are immediately registered by his commanding unit.
4. The Paybook is an official document. Only entries made by units of the Armed Forces are authorized. Unauthorized changes are punishable as falsification of official documents.
5. The loss of the Paybook is to be reported by the owner to his unit or service location immediately. The issue of a new Paybook is to be required. see" The Heer Soldbuch- What you got for doing your duty".
"My father died in 1969, I am writing a book about his life to honor him....but you can see what my friend sepp already wrote in the Groupings and Individual Soldier`s History Archive Forum. Enjoy it, sepp is one of the honest historians and of great knowledge". - Michael Guhr
This is the soldbuch of RK winner Major Hans Guhr. The description was made by his son, Michael, so I just add the photos:
If you want to learn more about the life of this brave soldier, go to: http://dev.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru...=609656&page=2
I hope you enjoy it
Page 1.
Inside the front cover there was nothing - page was blank -, but in 1944 there was a regulation to have a photo of the holder ( unfortunately withdrawn ), but this is why it is stampeled by the Kriegsakademie where Hans studied at that time and it is signed by Hans.
At the top of page 1 the serial number of this Soldbuch is handwritten, number 23; the next entries gave Hans`ranks and promotion days, where the promotion became effective; followed by the Erkennungsmarke -so called dog tag-
8. (M.G.) 52 -23 ( can not explain why -23 ), next line Blutgruppe- bloodgroup- O, the gasmask size is next 2 ( that means medium ),and the following number is Hans`special number, no one else had to have this number 16/336/10
16 stands for the last two when hans was born, 336 is the police district number where Hans was registered for service and 10 shows the induction sheet, on which Hans was registered.
( This is shown on the document Personal-Nachweis of Hans)
His promotion record, as shown here, states the following:
• Oberleutnant - 12/01/1941
• Hauptmann - 02.01.1944
• Major - 01/01/1945
Page 2
This page records some personal details:
born 24.10.1916;
where: Dresden;
religion: ev. luth. (Lutherian)
personal discription: high 184; build: slim
Face: can not read, but slim would be best; Hair: blond, I personelly know him with black hairs, but may be...
Beart: none; Eyes: brown
next line: any distinguishing features: none
next: shoe size: nothing at all, no feet no shoes, that`s it
next: signitured by Hans Guhr, to confirm all these details and informations.
Soldbook issued day: 18th March 1940
unit responsible for issuing: 12.(M.G.) I.R. 513
and verified by the issuing officer: not yet found, who did it, rank and position unknown
Stamped with the unit seal.
Page 3
Alternations to the information shown on the first pages, but in this case only update and upgrades
first line/column: serial number
second line: type of amendment to be made
third column: showed the page of the soldbook, where the change was made
forth column: the date
fifth column: the relevant unit in witch my father was serving
sixth column: signiture and rank and position.
Hans was promoted to Oberleutnant,01.11.41, officer of the Inf.Rgt.513, signed by his Rgt.Kdr. Oberst Görner ( line 1 )
Changed RDA,( RangDienstAlter) o1.11.42, signed by Major Staats, Ia of 294.Inf.Div. ;after Hans was awarded with KC (line 2)
Change of rank, promoted to Hauptmann, as of1.2.44, location Heeres-Kur-Lazarett Semmering, signed by Oberstabsarzt und Chefarzt ( name unknown, line 3 )
Change of rank, promoted to Major, as of 1.1.45, signed by Hauptm. u. Offz.z.b.V. of Kraftf.Park Ers.u.Ausb.Abt.4, signiture unknown
Page 4.
Sectioc C shows all field units where Hans had served
8.(M.G.) I.R.52 and the Kriegsstammrolle 23
III./ I.R. 513 , 12.Kp 16
Stab 294 I.Div, Stab, 24
Stab I.R.513, Stab, 44
Stab I.R.514, Stab
Stab II./ I.R.Rgt 513
section d
different replacement units which were responsible for Hans through his military life and the location of the unit
4. (M.G.) Er.I.R. 52 location not readable nicht entziffert
possible Leitmeritz but unknown
Inf.Ers.Btl 10, Dresden
Inf.Ers.Btl 514, Dresden
Inf.Ers.Btl 513, Leitmeritz (?)
Inf.Ers.Btl 514, Dresden
Page 5.
Recording next of Hans family
1. Hans `wife, Ilse Guhr, former Lemmerzahl ( in one of the existing documents it is to read, that Hans had to ask for and got the permission to marry Ilse Lemmerzahl, that is great),
living in Essen 1943-44 with her parents, later in Dresden 1945 and Rohrbach near Saalfeld 1945
Section 2
Information concerning Hans parents.
Page 6.
Equipment report and some extra pages
issued clothing and equipment
The first column is to report the reason (Grund) why the items were recorded
first line Gen.Kdo XXXVII AK, 18.01.43
1 Kradmantel ( motor cycle coat), 1 Tarnanzug ( camouflage), 1 Tarnkappe, 1 Fausthandschuh, and some other special equipment, all withdrawn when transfered to Kriegsakademie, 21.1.45
1 Filzstiefel, 1 Pelzmantel, 1 Gummistiefel, and so on
there Hans got some other special equipment such as Brotbeutel (sack for bread).
Page 8.
A) page to record special clothing notes
nothing to add
B), C) and D) weapons and other special equipment
Input of Kriegsakademie, 19. III.45: gas-mask GM 30 and on a special sheet of paper, handwritten and signed by OLt. u.Btl.-Adj. as of 17th August 1943: Oblt Hans Guhr received a pistol, Unique No 53035 and became owner of this pistol.
Page 9.
Inoculations with four main inoculations
a. smollpox: successfully given 10.1.42
b. Typhoid and Paratyphoid: given three times to every soldier after beeing enlisted, done; last one mentioned 28.9.44
c. inculation against Dysentery: 6 times, last 17.6.43
e. very rarely used, if ever: reason that it is mentioned not known but it is something mentioned in his last medical report as of 20.May 1945; the last input to his Soldbook is: 29.May 1945.
Page 10 - 11
specifications of eye-glasses
although Hans had eye-glasses, no input.
Pages 12 - 13
Military hospital
first column: name of the hospital
second : date of arrival
third: illness , code number or written
forth: signiture of the sending unit
six: dismissed date from hospital
seven: almost abbreviation regarding his condition
eight: signiture of the official of the hospital to be ordered back to unit
1.Feldlazarett 6./ 572 date 24.9.39, Ruhr, 30.9.39 fit for duty
2.F.P.Nr. 27013 ( 294.Inf.Div), 20.9.42, Verstauchung re. Sprunggelenk, (10.9.42 awarded with KC), 29.9.42 fit for duty
3.Feldlazarett (mot) 620, 18.II.43 -20- teeth and gum deseases, 20.2.43, moved to
4.Res.Laz. Dresden IV, 26.2.43, -12- other contagious deseases, 12.4.43, g.v.H. fit for limited duty back home
5.Res.Laz. Bad Elster, 17.4.43, -9- Malaria, 16.5.43. entlassen zur Truppe, fit for combat duty
6.Teillaz. Berggiesshübel, 26.7.43, -23- kidney problems, 6.9.43, Vfg.z.Tr., fit for combat duty
7.Heereskurlazarett Semmering, 17.1.44, -36- suspected of faking illness, 14.2.44, z.Truppe, fit for combat duty
8.Res.Laz. Gars am Inn, 28.4.45, 2.5.45, zur Truppe
9. Res.Laz. Wasserburg, 6.5.45, Wolhyin Fieber, 21.5.45 Entlassung
Page 14 - 15
These two pages are part of the Soldbuch to record any personal effects taken along with Hans during his hospital stays.
There are three inputs on the left (14) and three on the right page:
Fliegerhorstkompanie Holzkirchen, Obb
Hans got his money from 1.-30.04.45 and a smoking card from 8.4. to 8.5.45 from Rechnungsführer Baak and Day of entrance to Res.Lazarett Wasserburg/Inn Teillazarett Englisches Institut, 6.5.45 and on the right in the middle, the signiture of Oberst i.G. Staats, the colonal who was supervising Hans as Hauptmann in the ArmeeKorpsKdo XXVII in 1943, being the chief of generalstaff of the Armeekorps, where General Völckers was in command. Oberst i.G. Joachim Staats was taken prisoner and came back as PoW from Russia 16.01.1956; this is mentioned in my fathers diary during his tour of duty as the speaker of the so called Amt Blank, later the Bundesministerium der Verteidigung ( Minister of Defence ). The other inputs are from the Artillerieschule 20.May 1943 and of the Kriegsakademie, 1.September 1944.
Page 16 - 17
Dental work station: nothing to report
page 17 was a continuation of page 4 to report the military history of Hans.
a. Stab/ Gen.Kdo.XXVII.A.K. 165
b. Kriegsakademie 1491
Page 18 - 22
These pages are full of surprises, they should actually report the pay history...Hans got his war fine soap and his shave soap, he got the pay for fighting in the frontier, he received the Führer gift 12.1.44 in his hometown Dresden, and his Wehrsold in the Heereskurlazarett Semmering.
the coloumn "erhält die Gebührnisse der"showed every pay office how much Hans was authorised to be paid.
1.4.39 Wehrsoldgruppe 10 = Leutnant
1.12.41 Wehrsoldgruppe 9 = Oberleutnant
1.2.44...... gruppe 8 = Hauptmann
1.1.45 Stellengruppe 7 = Major, this is signed by Herresstandortverwaltung Rudolstadt, this is where my older sister was born, April 45
Page without number but of great importance:
This page shows the awards of my father:
Erinnerungsmedaille Einsatz Österreich 13.3.38
Sudeten-Medaille mit Spange ( awarded 134.563 )
E.K.II. Klasse 24.10.1939 ( as a platoon leader, 23rd birthday of my father)
E.K. I. Klasse 26.9.41
Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz 23.5.42
Infanterie-Sturm-Abzeichen 13.6.42
Medaille " Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42" ( Ostmedaille )
Königl.bulg.Tapferkeitsorden IV. Klasse, 2.Stufe
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes gemäß H Qu OHK PA 1 St.VA Nr 98 23/42 vom 10.9.1942
All decorations awarded are signed (in pencil) by Oberst Theodore Pilling with the stamp of the IR 513. (Oberst Pilling was awarded the DKiG on 20/08/1943)
The most important page of the Soldbuch: the entry of the Ritterkreuz, awarded 10.09.1942, but written here on 19.09.1942.
Again, the signature of Oberst Pillipi can be seen below. The RK was without a doubt one of the most important decorations of the Wehrmacht during WWII. Being decorated was truly a moment of significant importance in the life of the soldier who got it, receiving the respect of his comrades and superiors
In today's German army the term Ritterkreuz-Auftrag ("Knight's Cross Mission") refers to a duty that is extremely aggravating, or a no-win situation.
Justification for the award of the Knight`s Cross:
" During the attack carried out by two battalions of the regiment positioned in the bend of the river Don, Lieutenant Guhr - who had been sent to the front line as a liaison - realized that the enemy was bringing in additional forces to the hill overlooking the terrain. Correctly assessing the situation, he concluded that only an immediate and decisive counter-attack would prevent a later attack on the hill that could cost many casulties. He therefore decided to attack the enemie`s defaece lines immediately without waiting for any support from the artillery and other heavy weapons. Driving ahead in a jeep and firing his machine gun, he and the few infantery men near him attacked the enemy forces and managed to destroy these in spite of being heavily outnumbered. After overcoming the enemy`s resistance, the fortified positions on the hill were taken, over 200 prisoners were captured andall the enemy weaponry was confiscated. However, the enemy also recognized the crucial importance of the hill for further actions and tried for four days to regain their lost positions. They were beaten successfully every time losing many more soldiers as well as military equipment.
Lieutenant Guhr`s bold attack at the top of a few soldiers spared the regiment some heavy fighting"
Page 23.
Periods of authorized leave:
Hans did his duty beginning from the Operation Barbarossa, 22. June 1941 up to his study at the Kriegs-Akademie, September 1944 always in the eastern front line, as a platoon leader of a machine gun platoon, as a companie commander as Rgt.Adj. or O1 of the 294. Infanterie Division.
He is named in the small bucklet "Millerowo" and found the time to visit the Frontbuchhandlung Orscha.
Back cover of the Soldbook
1.The Paybook serves the soldier in war as his personal identification and authorises the receipt of pay from his own or other pay offices. It also identifies him to receive mail, for railway travel, when under command or while on leave.
2. The Paybook must always be carried by the soldier in his tunic pocket. Leaving it in baggage, in quarters etc is not permitted. Careful retention is in the intrest of the owner.
3. The Paybook must be kept in order. The owner himself is to ensure that all chances to pay grade with transfer or promotion are immediately registered by his commanding unit.
4. The Paybook is an official document. Only entries made by units of the Armed Forces are authorized. Unauthorized changes are punishable as falsification of official documents.
5. The loss of the Paybook is to be reported by the owner to his unit or service location immediately. The issue of a new Paybook is to be required. see" The Heer Soldbuch- What you got for doing your duty".
"My father died in 1969, I am writing a book about his life to honor him....but you can see what my friend sepp already wrote in the Groupings and Individual Soldier`s History Archive Forum. Enjoy it, sepp is one of the honest historians and of great knowledge". - Michael Guhr