According to a 300+ page glossary of abbreviations, KP was the abbreviation for Kriminalpolizei, and Gerätstaffel would be an equipment section or column about the size of a small company (c.100 personnel).
But I have never heard of SS-Kriminalpolizei 500 Gerätstaffel, so I have no idea what it would have been, other that the equipment column belonging to Geheime-Feldpolizei-Gruppe 500? the men of the GFP nearly all belonged to the Kriminalpolizei branch.
But I have never heard of SS-Kriminalpolizei 500 Gerätstaffel, so I have no idea what it would have been, other that the equipment column belonging to Geheime-Feldpolizei-Gruppe 500? the men of the GFP nearly all belonged to the Kriminalpolizei branch.