Hello, I sit a beetje in a doubt to buy these Soldbuch. On the one hand he is rare and searc I already a moment for a Soldbuch of the SS/Polizei. Also I want be there 1 concerning the jew-destroction(sorry for the bad orthography).(the prosecution important events in wo2, therefore I find that I must of it something in my collection. On the one hand 110 euro best, however, much are for a notebook where this way terrible much have not been written in. Offered super rare soldbuch of member of Polizi Reiterabteilung 2. Polizei, and particularly this regiment, stood confessed for its gruwelijkheden around the partisanenbestrijding and persecution of the Jews. Some action of this regiment Soldbuch have the Eintragung 1./ss pol. For the abbot. II (with stamp feldpostnummer 41047B). The Polizei had two Reiterabteilungen, of which this is there. Have in Russia in 1941-1942 considerable house-obliged what concerns Jews and Partisanen. In 1943-1944 exclusively partisanenbekampfung in Russia.
1942: detection and destruction of Jews and gypsies surroundings Stolin in association with SD entities. Example: little girl and boy of 12 and 13 years had dig their own sepulchre and afterwards to be shot. September 1942, liquidation ghetto van Stolin in association with SD and Ukrainischer militias. In each other beat and shooting Jews, patients was settled in their bed, seem in the streets. Jews had deliver cost ingot present and afterwards to be shot, the remaining inhabitants of the Ghetto (6,500 people) in range abmarschiert there of 100-300 people to a surrounding bunch and in a large pot-hole were shot. In the same month the ghetto van Pinsk were destroyed in the same way by the 1st Schwadron (where these just also of are) and on 1 day 1000 people in the Ghetto were settled and 1500 again in a large pot-hole shot with all are horrified of serve. The total number of victims in Pinsk was 18,000. To end 1943 these Reiterabteilung remained in these surroundings and at bandenbekampfung were used. As from 6 January 1944 they have been used as a front entity in the surroundings of Rowno under Kampfgruppe Prutzmann. The Soldbuch themselves have been spent on 17 June 1943 (just Soldbucher of this type was then spent) and zat he probably for a long time at these Abteilung. Furthermore, therefore he has no Eintragungen to the end of the war here at substantial (differently its change had stood at).
Prijs €110,-
1942: detection and destruction of Jews and gypsies surroundings Stolin in association with SD entities. Example: little girl and boy of 12 and 13 years had dig their own sepulchre and afterwards to be shot. September 1942, liquidation ghetto van Stolin in association with SD and Ukrainischer militias. In each other beat and shooting Jews, patients was settled in their bed, seem in the streets. Jews had deliver cost ingot present and afterwards to be shot, the remaining inhabitants of the Ghetto (6,500 people) in range abmarschiert there of 100-300 people to a surrounding bunch and in a large pot-hole were shot. In the same month the ghetto van Pinsk were destroyed in the same way by the 1st Schwadron (where these just also of are) and on 1 day 1000 people in the Ghetto were settled and 1500 again in a large pot-hole shot with all are horrified of serve. The total number of victims in Pinsk was 18,000. To end 1943 these Reiterabteilung remained in these surroundings and at bandenbekampfung were used. As from 6 January 1944 they have been used as a front entity in the surroundings of Rowno under Kampfgruppe Prutzmann. The Soldbuch themselves have been spent on 17 June 1943 (just Soldbucher of this type was then spent) and zat he probably for a long time at these Abteilung. Furthermore, therefore he has no Eintragungen to the end of the war here at substantial (differently its change had stood at).
Prijs €110,-