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Soldbuch to member of GJR 136

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    Soldbuch to member of GJR 136

    I have a recently puchased a Soldbuch to an Austirian Gebirgjaeger who served in GJR 136. I am having difficulty reading some of the entries especially pages 12 and 13, the hospitalisation entries. He seems to have been a regular visitor to hospital throughout the war. Can anyone help me with the reasons why he was in hospital? The entries in 1944-45 seem to be for wound '31b or c'. Which I believe is for wounds by grenades or burns. Do you think this is 'b' or 'c'. Also, the writing above this for his earlier entries is difficult to read. Can anyone take a look and help me out. Thank you for your time
    Attached Files

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      Units continued
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        Wounds and hospitalisation.
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          Hospitalisation and wounds close up
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              Can't make out the entry for jan-March '42 but the wound in May reads that he was shot through the right hand by a sub-machinegun, he then moved through various hospitals, i guess winding up back home and then becoming unfit to return to his unit. Then later in the war he seems to have been sent to J******228;ger Rgt.228 perhaps it was there he received his next wound in nov.44 which does refer to grenade splinters, requiring another long period in hospital.

              As it happens the circumstances and events around his wound in May '42 are well recorded...if you can read German that is, in the book Winterschlacht im Mai by Karl Ruef. It describes how Gebirgs Korps Norwegen countered a Soviet offensive against their Soutern flank at that time. Your man would have been in the thick of things, being part of III./GJR 136 under Hptm.Otto Stampfer who won the RK for his leadership of the Btl. during that fighting.
              Last edited by Simon O.; 11-04-2006, 02:34 PM.
              Collecting German award documents, other paperwork and photos relating to Norway and Finland.


                He also had problems with hearing with both his ears. Which means he could not hear people within a range of 1 meter of whispering, or: he was deaf on one ear.

                He also suffered from Lues. That's a German word which I do not know what it means. Perhaps a German member can help out.



                  He also suffered from light diabetic.



                    This is my best attempt with the Lazarett entries; the Suetterlin sometimes is just confounding. Anyone can feel free to correct the errors or fill in the blanks...

                    >> [ ]halb-Lazarett 710
                    Jan. 27 '42 - Mar. 6 '42

                    "Abzess am li[nks] [ ]"
                    (Abscess on left ----- )


                    >> Ortslazarett [ ]
                    May 6 '42 - May 10 '42

                    "Machinpistole durch [ ] re[cht] Hand"
                    (Machinepistol through ---- [of the] right Hand)

                    "Verlegt wir [ ]"
                    (Evacuated to -----)


                    >> Kriegslazarett 1/521
                    Chirg. (Surgical) Abteilung
                    May 11 '42 - May 23 '42

                    -- 11 --

                    "verlegt nach Reserve";
                    (Evacuated to Reserve Lazarett)


                    >> Kriegslazarett 1/509
                    May 23 '42 - Jun. 8 '42

                    "H.G. Durchschuss re[cht] Hand
                    mit Breuch der metacarpale IV"

                    (--- shot through right hand
                    with break of fourth metacarpal bone)


                    >> Reserve-Lazarett 3, Neustrelitz.
                    Jun. 11 '42 - Jul. 11 '42

                    4 --

                    (I'm assuming the <i>Sanitats</i>
                    making the entry wrote a numeral '4'
                    -- it could be '9' [Malaria]. By this time,
                    the guy had been in hospitals for 6 weeks
                    with an apparent gunshot wound to the right
                    hand, possible fluid in his lungs, and then
                    an infectious disease.)


                    >> R[eserve} Lazarett 5/332
                    Nov. 5 '44 - Nov. 18 '44

                    -- 31 b --
                    (Handgrenade or artillery shrapnel wounds)

                    "Mit BZD in rueckw. Laz."


                    >> Feldlazarett 613
                    Nov. 21 '44 - Jan. 21 '45

                    -- 31 b --

                    "Granatspl. r[echt] [ ],
                    r[echt] O. [ ]"

                    (Grenade splinter right [ ],
                    right O[ber?] [ ])


                    >> Reserve-Lazarett Kitzbeuhel
                    Jan. 24 '45 - Mar. 14 '45

                    -- 31 b --




                      Thank you for your patience and time in looking at this. The war seems to have taken a terrible toll on his health.

                      Necker - You mention the problems with his ear(s). I presume this was a result of battle and not a problem when he joined the Army?

                      Simon Orchard - Thank you for letting me know about Winterschlacht im Mai. I will try and get a copy for my research.

                      Monet - I agree with you about the Sutterlin schrift. It always has me beaten!

                      Awards. I have 1 October medal, wound badge in black and East medal. Do you agree?

                      I would appreciate your thoughts on page 14. This is signed 9 May 1945 so I presume Kipper survived the war.

                      Thanks again for your time.
                      Best regards,
                      Attached Files


                        Hello Andy,
                        The problems with his ears are probably due to battleconditions. This is the
                        31b code.



                          Originally posted by Andy F-P View Post
                          Thank you for your patience and time in looking at this. The war seems to have taken a terrible toll on his health.

                          Necker - You mention the problems with his ear(s). I presume this was a result of battle and not a problem when he joined the Army?

                          Simon Orchard - Thank you for letting me know about Winterschlacht im Mai. I will try and get a copy for my research.

                          Monet - I agree with you about the Sutterlin schrift. It always has me beaten!

                          Awards. I have 1 October medal, wound badge in black and East medal. Do you agree?

                          I would appreciate your thoughts on page 14. This is signed 9 May 1945 so I presume Kipper survived the war.

                          Thanks again for your time.
                          Best regards,
                          Can you read anything of the stamp on page 14? It shows him being discharged from service so would indicate he was in an area still in German hands.
                          Collecting German award documents, other paperwork and photos relating to Norway and Finland.


                            The stamp is so smudged that it impossible to read. This is a shame. There was not that much territory still held on 9 May 1945. A guess, but maybe Austria or Czechoslovakia?


                              Well if Jäger Rgt.228 of the 101 Jäger division was his last unit then he would have been in the Austria\Czech region
                              Collecting German award documents, other paperwork and photos relating to Norway and Finland.


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