Is there anyone who can help me in deciphering what battle entry there is entered in the WP ? He belonged towards the 12./I.R. 3 during the Poland campaign.
I can decipher so far:
01.09 bis 04.09.1939: Kämpfe üm Graudenz
09.09 bis 10.09.1939: Kämpfe üm … ?????
12.09.1939: Czerwony-Bor
15.09 bis 18.09.1939: Kämpfe um Bialystok u. Ostwärts
So what city did they fight for on 09 & 10.09.1939 ?
Cordial greetings and thanks for the help,
Is there anyone who can help me in deciphering what battle entry there is entered in the WP ? He belonged towards the 12./I.R. 3 during the Poland campaign.
I can decipher so far:
01.09 bis 04.09.1939: Kämpfe üm Graudenz
09.09 bis 10.09.1939: Kämpfe üm … ?????
12.09.1939: Czerwony-Bor
15.09 bis 18.09.1939: Kämpfe um Bialystok u. Ostwärts
So what city did they fight for on 09 & 10.09.1939 ?
Cordial greetings and thanks for the help,