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Almost time to hang up my collecting boots

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    Almost time to hang up my collecting boots

    I have spent many years collecting TR medals with a strong passion for the DKiG. For various reasons I am thinking its time perhaps to stop collecting and move onto another chapter of my life. I have strived to accumulate each and every variante of the DKiG and save for a few which have always managed to elude me i have succeeded. The passion was always in the hunt spending hours which turned into days, weeks, months and years of searching. The thrill of finding the next on the list consumed me. I have ultimately come to realise that i will never have the whole list of variants of the DKiG which I so desired. So, what to do with the collection. I would like ideas from the community. Is it better to sell piece meal or all together? Would anyone even want the whole collection? What would you guys do? Where would you sell if you were in my shoes? Would you sell?
    Operation Cobra Normandy 44

    In order to maintain peace we must prepare for war.

    Why not keep it and enjoy it. Just because you don't want to collect any more doesn't mean the items you collected have to be sold.
    Looking for a 30 '06 Chauchat magazine.


      Originally posted by Jeff V View Post
      Why not keep it and enjoy it. Just because you don't want to collect any more doesn't mean the items you collected have to be sold.
      Good point.

      Keep it and enjoy what you have put so much effort into.

      Who knows maybe one of those elusive missing pieces will turn up.



        What occasionally happens is that we decide to stop collecting for various reasons (for me it was my kids) but get called back due to our love of collecting. I would keep what you really love in case this happens to you.


          If I had a small, frameable collection I might hang on to it just as a reminder of a past hobby, but I suspect your collection is higher value.

          I would sell, individually, which would allow you to have almost as much fun as the buying in reverse. Dumping to a dealer is faster, but I have had the experience of selling nice pieces to junior collectors who absolutely couldn't afford it if they couldn't get it at half price or less. And just hooking up grateful collectors is satisfying in it's own right.

          Usually, a collection such as your cost a good chunk of change to accumulate. For me, a stop to German collecting would be due to a total shift in collecting interest, or the need to help my family by selling off my collection which has been a pure joy to collect. Either way, I couldn't afford to sit on the pile - I would sell.

          This is just me, and my perspective regarding options.

          s/f Robert


            My .02 cents is to keep it and enjoy it. There are two things that are certain. One, you will return to the hobby at some point in the future. Two, the examples you still search for will turn up at sometime. You can count on it as they always do.
            We all take a break in our collecting pursuits at one time or another. Besides, its oh so much easier to buy than it is to sell....

            Zinc stinks!


              interesting question

              On one side I say keep it,, but on the other hand,,,you had your fun, the hunt, the time the reward etc..let it pay you back now, since in reality it is only stuff,, Sounds like you're over it..I say dont feel guilty about moving on,, you're no less whole without those crosses sitting in a case in your room.
              Last edited by birdie; 02-02-2018, 01:13 PM.


                From my side I had one of the best SHB collections going including the 1918 set. But I got to the stage I really enjoyed the research and finding new pieces over the years. I fully enjoyed my collection and have pictures of everything I had. One day I decided it was time to let go and let others enjoy what I had collected. It was not only for financial reasons but it ment I paid my house off for my son in the future which is important to me as you cannot take it with you. I still buy as I still post but I no longer concentrate on one area. I have a great helmet collection and that goes also naturally to my son who likes the helmets more and the Luger I gave him.
                To me is to enjoy and hunt but to know when to let others have the opportunity to actually own some very rare pieces that are nearly impossible to find or even get offered.
                My view only


                  Originally posted by Operation Cobra View Post
                  I have spent many years collecting TR medals with a strong passion for the DKiG. For various reasons I am thinking its time perhaps to stop collecting and move onto another chapter of my life. I have strived to accumulate each and every variante of the DKiG and save for a few which have always managed to elude me i have succeeded. The passion was always in the hunt spending hours which turned into days, weeks, months and years of searching. The thrill of finding the next on the list consumed me. I have ultimately come to realise that i will never have the whole list of variants of the DKiG which I so desired. So, what to do with the collection. I would like ideas from the community. Is it better to sell piece meal or all together? Would anyone even want the whole collection? What would you guys do? Where would you sell if you were in my shoes? Would you sell?
                  What do you have and what are you looking for?
                  Don´t sell the first thing you do, just because your interest has faded.
                  Just put the collection aside for a year or so.


                    I must agree with Ludwig on this, I sold my collection in the 80s when I thought I had lost interest only for it to be re-kindled 20 years later. I do regret some things I sold!
                    Think long and hard before you sell, if you can just put it all away for a while that would be my advice.


                      All things considered, follow your heart; it will never lead you wrong. I speak from experience. When you find a 'pearl of great price' in your life you won't be completely happy until you sell out everything to obtain it. Its value to you will always keep you from looking back!



                        very hard to read
                        what drives you to stop your hobby?
                        i could not let it down!


                          I have these kind of thoughts every week, but keeping all I have, always wins.


                            Originally posted by Operation Cobra View Post
                            I have spent many years collecting TR medals with a strong passion for the DKiG. For various reasons I am thinking its time perhaps to stop collecting and move onto another chapter of my life. I have strived to accumulate each and every variante of the DKiG and save for a few which have always managed to elude me i have succeeded. The passion was always in the hunt spending hours which turned into days, weeks, months and years of searching. The thrill of finding the next on the list consumed me. I have ultimately come to realise that i will never have the whole list of variants of the DKiG which I so desired. So, what to do with the collection. I would like ideas from the community. Is it better to sell piece meal or all together? Would anyone even want the whole collection? What would you guys do? Where would you sell if you were in my shoes? Would you sell?
                            Keep your collection for a year and then if you still want to sell it ....sell it one or 2 pieces at a time until they are all will get more for your collection than selling it to dealer.

                            Dennis J



                              many are assuming yhe made this decision yesterday and should wait a year or? I bet ya he has thought about it for some time.


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