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Prinzen EK 1

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    Prinzen EK 1

    Haven't seen anything like this!
    What are your opinions???

    EK has thirty ridges on frame.


    "Better to understand a little than misunderstand a lot"

    Never seen one of these, or in fact ever heard of one.

    I would guess if such an item ever existed, it would be fetching a sight more than what he's asking. Interesting though.



      Firstly, someone else out there should have an Assmann catalogue - do they list a Prinzen 1939EK1 and if so do the obverse features appear to match?

      I've only seen images of 1 or 2 Prinzen 1939 EK1s before - none of them like this. I don't recall ever seeing a 1939 EK with any sort of maker's logo (as opposed makers numbers or LDO marks) and I also don't recall seeing any Assmann badge with that maker's mark combination. One piece could be acceptable as some UNMARKED early full-size (and Schinkel) 1939 EK1s were one-piece. Not sure that it has the patina of silver but that could be the images. I don't like the political eagle on the case (the case may be OK and from a political badge though). I've seen some nice original items from this seller in the past but also some repros being sold as originals.

      All in all I think this one might be too good to be true but I'm sure there will be more informed opinions on this very rare variant-type.

      Mike K

      PS: the Prinzens I've seen are in Bowen's book.
      Last edited by Mike Kenny; 04-09-2002, 02:01 AM.

      Evaluate the item, not the story and not the seller's reputation!

      If you PM/contact me without the courtesy of using your first name, please don't be offended if I politely ignore you!



        ...the pin looks suspiciously like the 'Baltic' fakes. Big pin (too thick) for a small badge.


          Not quite right...

          While this seller has had some very nice items, he has also been selling questionable EKs, particularly in the last year or so. One particular example that springs to mind was a cased 1870 EK1 marked 'G' that garnered a thumbs down from viewers on the Imperial forum. It was determined to be one of the many fakes from the Baltic region that are now fairly widespread on the internet and at shows. Could this be yet another example that we have not encountered? In any case I would be very reticent in bidding on this. My two pennies worth...


            I am suspicious also. If real, this item would be rarer than hen's teeth. I have seen some questionable items for sale from the seller in the past. Somehow I thought there were some Baltic connections here, too. Maybe they were honest errors, but.......


              If you have Bowen's Prussian and German iron cross, look at page 178. There are two very nice examples of the 1939 Prinzen 1st class. However I have never seen real examples before and I also have asked Mr Niemann about prinzen size 1939 EK and he said he never encounter such item. So i guess this is just another grey area in collecting EK, I hope Mr Gordon Williamson can answer our questions.
              best regards
              Last edited by Hannibal; 04-10-2002, 01:10 PM.


                A couple of things

                One thing is this: the metal color of the cross in question comes across EXACTLY the same as the bogus Latvian 1870, 1914, and 1939 Eks that I have previously seen on the web, regardless of the silver hallmark stamp. it doesn't matter:the .800, .835, .900, or .935 versions all look the same with the same type of patina.Same goes for the 1939 EK1s.
                The case has a suspicious indentation for the pin instead of a cut-out just like the bogus 1870 EK1 and others that I have seen sold by other dealers. It doesn't even seem to be lined up flush with the catch on the case.

                As Mike K stated previously, hallmark is also suspect..

                Who knows?

                Afterthought: Has enyone encountered a one piece Prinzen from any era?!?

                Prinzens were quality special made items for a discerning customer.
                Last edited by Eric Stahlhut; 04-10-2002, 01:27 PM.


                  Personally, I don't trust this one at all. I agree with Eric about the lustre of the metal. Loooks like many of the current fakes, also many of the fake EK1 Spange.

                  I over 30 years of collecting EKs I have never encountered a genuine 1939 Prinzen EK1. Its just too good to be true.



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