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39' EK 1. Klasse rarity statistics

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    Originally posted by Douglas 5 View Post
    Dear Dietrich and Blitz :

    What happened to L/21 ( as of post 540) ??? If it was sold , then it is off the chart . But ... something regards to accuracy , just my thoughts :
    At this time as I would like to ask if a small amendment to the chart setup could be done . As this L/21 being a good example to use . We had one( presumably identified as original) in our stats and now we do not not . Could for those few Crosses - mostly rare ones I would think ....: only those that have been posted here - we could keep the associated number and a 'empty' place holder in the chart still for them - until another one gets registered ????
    This would not alter any stats graphs but would show that maker did make and we had one ! This to be done for Ek2 and other survey charts as well .
    Would this not - visually improve the low or rare end of this progressive rarity stats ? And are we not changing the Statistical Survey Population by taking them out again ??? It is still part of the survey even if none are on hand . Over time we may get most them .

    Regards Douglas
    Sorry but EK1 L/21 is a FLOCH COPY
    Attached Files


      Thanks Stefan ;
      That explains why it is gone .


        Indeed it does, thanks for clearing that up Stefan.



          Here is a list of my EKI

          L/II cased 2
          L/II with envelope 1
          L/12 cased SB 1
          L/13 cased 1, SB 1
          L/15 SB 1
          L/16 SB 1
          L/18 SB 1
          L/52 SB 1
          L/54 SB 1
          L/56 SB 1
          L/57 SB 1
          L/58 SB Non-Magnetic 1
          L/58 SB Cased 1
          L/59 SB Cased 1
          20 cased 1
          L/65 cased 1
          Souval (unmarked) cased 1
          S&L cased 1
          Schinkel SB 1
          Deumer SB 1

          Does anyone know how many envelopes Deumer used for his EKIs. I heard very few. Thanks Jim


            Hi Antti,

            You can add two uncased EKI to the list :

            6. and L/56



              Remember all EKs are magnetic and pinback's unless something otherwise is said..

              Summa Summarum part 50

              8 cased
              2 cased (blue case)
              1 cased with marked box
              1 unmarked, uncased
              4 uncased

              1 uncased

              6 cased
              1 cased and vaulted
              4 uncased
              1 uncased, thin tapered pin

              1 cased, both marked
              22 cased
              1 cased, convex
              1 cased, case with button working with feather
              2 cased, double marked (L/16)
              8 uncased
              1 uncased, double marked(L/16)
              1 uncased with inscription

              11 cased
              2 cased with outer carton
              12 uncased
              1 uncased, vaulted

              3 cased, both marked
              2 cased, unmarked
              9 cased
              3 cased with outer carton
              1 cased with marked old-style pin
              1 cased with old-style pin
              9 uncased
              1 uncased, doublemarked "L/13"
              1 uncased with old-style pin

              1 cased
              1 uncased

              1 uncased

              1 cased, vaulted
              1 cased, brass core
              2 uncased with non-magnetic core
              11 cased
              8 uncased
              3 uncased with brass core

              16 cased
              7 cased and double marked (L/52)
              1 cased and double marked (L/52) with outer carton
              1 cased, both case and cross vaulted
              1 cased(halbetui), (L/52) double marked and vaulted
              1 cased, (L/52) double marked with a "famous trippel mark"
              2 slightly vaulted, cased
              1 slightly vaulted, uncased
              1 cased, vaulted
              5 uncased and (L/52) double marked
              1 uncased with mark outside the pin
              18 uncased
              1 uncased, vaulted
              1 uncased, convex

              1 cased

              2 uncased

              28 cased
              3 cased (rectangular button)
              1 cased(rectangular button) with outer carton
              1 cased(rectangular button) with outer carton (marked 621 KB)
              5 cased with outer carton
              3 cased with variant hinge and pin
              1 cased with variant hinge, pin and green case
              2 cased with vaulted D&B case
              1 cased, convex
              2 uncased, convex
              17 uncased
              2 uncased, vaulted

              1 uncased, double marked

              23 cased
              2 cased(green case)
              1 cased, slightly vaulted
              21 uncased

              3 cased, unmarked
              3 unmarked, uncased

              19 cased
              11 uncased
              1 uncased, convex

              10 cased
              1 cased, green case
              1 cased with outer carton
              3 uncased

              4 cased
              4 uncased
              1 uncased, vaulted

              1 in a large case with a miniatur stickpin
              32 cased
              1 cased with tissue & envelope also marked
              2 cased, slightly vaulted
              2 cased, vaulted
              2 cased with mark in the pin
              1 cased(case with a rectangular button)
              3 cased (halbetui)
              1 cased screwback, slightly vaulted, case marked and with pricetag
              1 cased screwback
              3 cased (case marked)
              1 with envelope
              20 uncased
              1 uncased, vaulted by hand
              1 uncased, screwback (clamshell)
              1 uncased, screwback
              6 uncased, vaulted
              1 uncased, convex

              1 cased+outer carton
              1 cased, vaulted
              4 cased
              2 cased, screwback
              1 uncased, convex
              8 uncased
              3 uncased, screwback

              9 cased
              1 cased with old-style pin
              2 cased, screwback
              1 cased, vaulted
              1 cased, engraved
              1 cased, case marked
              9 uncased
              8 uncased, screwback
              1 uncased, vaulted

              2 uncased, screwback

              8 cased
              1 cased(Souval core and frame)
              1 cased(Souval frame)
              1 cased(drop shape pin)
              1 cased with outer carton
              5 uncased
              1 uncased, screwback
              1 uncased, convex
              1 uncased, brass core
              1 uncased(Souval)

              2 cased
              1 cased, case with rectangular button
              3 cased, screwback
              1 cased, brass core
              1 cased, non-magnetic
              1 vaulted, screwback
              1 uncased, screwback, non-magnetic
              5 uncased, screwback
              2 uncased

              1 cased, screwback, both marked
              3 cased, screwback
              1 cased, non-magnetic
              1 cased
              9 uncased, screwback
              1 uncased, convex screwback
              3 cased
              2 uncased

              2 cased
              2 cased, brass
              1 cased, "halbetui"
              2 cased, non-magnetic
              3 uncased, brass
              4 uncased, non-magnetic
              1 uncased

              11 cased
              1 cased, "halbetui" box(a simple box with a paper hinge and no lock)
              1 uncased, vaulted
              1 uncased, screwback
              8 uncased
              1 uncased (as L/52 but marked L/50)

              6 cased
              2 cased, screwback
              3 uncased
              8 uncased, screwback

              3 cased
              1 cased(abnormal case)
              1 cased, screwback
              2 uncased
              1 uncased, screwback

              10 cased
              1 cased with curved makermark
              2 cased, vaulted, screwback
              2 cased, screwback
              1 cased, "halbetui"
              1 cased, "halbetui", screwback
              1 screwback, vaulted, uncased
              4 uncased
              11 uncased, screwback
              1 uncased, convex screwback

              4 cased
              1 cased, non-magnetic
              4 uncased, screwback
              2 uncased

              7 cased
              1 cased, screwback
              5 uncased
              3 uncased, screwback

              1 cased
              2 cased, screwback
              1 cased(unusual case), engraved
              1 uncased, screwback
              1 uncased, vaulted

              1 cased with "L/58" stamped on the lid
              1 cased
              1 cased, vaulted
              2 cased, screwback
              1 cased, brass
              1 uncased vaulted screwback
              8 uncased screwback
              4 uncased screwback, nonmagnetic
              3 uncased screwback with brass core
              3 uncased
              1 uncased (Souval frame)

              3 cased, screwback
              4 cased
              1 cased with "~" mark
              1 cased with "~" and hook opening to the left side
              1 cased with case bottom stamped "L/59" in white ink
              1 cased and doublemarked
              1 cased and also marked "oo"
              1 cased screwback with "~" mark
              2 uncased with additional 3 dots
              4 uncased with additional "~" mark
              1 uncased, vaulted with a double struck makers mark and with additional "~", "diamond" and roller marks
              1 uncased with additional "o" mark
              2 uncased with additional square mark
              1 uncased with square and "~" marks
              1 uncased with acorn mark
              2 uncased, screwback with additional "x" mark
              1 uncased, screwback with additional "~" mark, hand vaulted
              1 uncased with "~" and "x" marks
              1 uncased, convex screwback with aditional "S" and "F" marks
              2 uncased, screwback with additional square mark
              1 uncased, screwback with triangle mark
              2 uncased, crewback
              1 uncased, vaulted screwback
              1 uncased

              2 cased
              1 cased, black case
              1 cased, one piece construction
              5 uncased
              2 uncased screwback
              1 uncased screwback, one piece construction
              1 uncased clamshell screwback
              2 uncased, clamshell screwback, unmarked L/11
              1 uncased, convex, 1 piece with brass core and early pinback
              1 uncased, non magnetic center

              Round 3
              4 cased
              2 uncased


              27 cased
              2 cased with "5" hinges
              6 cased, brass
              1 cased, zinc
              2 cased with a round "3"
              1 cased with outer carton
              1 cased, "26"
              2 cased, "4"
              1 cased, "4", dark blue vaulted case
              1 cased, "6"
              1 cased, "7", unmarked with an old-style pin
              1 cased, "7"
              1 cased, "11"
              1 cased, "20"
              4 cased, "100"
              1 cased, "65"
              1 cased and vaulted "23"
              2 cased, "L/11"
              1 cased, "L/11" with early pin
              1 cased, "L/12"
              1 cased, "98"
              1 cased, vaulted, (LDo case)
              5 cased, vaulted
              1 cased, vaulted(drop shape pin)
              2 cased, non-magnetic
              1 cased(leather hinge) with outer carton
              3 cased (LDo case)
              1 cased (halbetui, FW200 P/O)
              3 cased, engraved
              1 cased Maybauer
              1 cased Maybauer, early pin
              2 cased Souval
              1 cased Souval, brass core
              1 vaulted, "HW" scratched on reverse

              43 uncased
              7 uncased, screwback
              1 uncased, screwback, one piece constructrion
              1 uncased convex screwback, one piece construction, non-magnetic
              2 uncased, non-magnetic, screwback
              2 uncased, non-magnetic
              1 uncased with early-style hinge, pin, and catch
              1 uncased, one-piece striking, vaulted, non-iron
              1 uncased, one piece construction, non-magnetic
              1 uncased, non-iron centered
              1 uncased, "4", brass core
              9 uncased, brass core
              1 uncased, convex with brass center
              1 uncased, convex
              1 uncased, convex screwback
              1 uncased, vaulted
              1 uncased, steel pin, Souval frame
              5 uncased, Souval frame
              1 uncased, clamshell screwback (Souval frame)
              2 uncased, "L/11"
              1 uncased, "L/11", clamshell screwback
              2 uncased, early Meybauer
              1 uncased, Meybauer
              1 uncased, Meybauer pin
              4 uncased, Souval
              1 uncased, Souval with dripping 3
              2 uncased, "4"
              1 uncased "4" with die flaw
              1 uncased, "7"
              1 uncased, "20"
              1 uncased, "26"
              2 uncased, "65"
              3 uncased, "100"
              1 uncased, "L/16" screwback
              1 uncased, brass core, nonmagnetic, "100"
              1 uncased, "L/13"
              1 uncased, "L/59"
              1 uncased, copper coated core, L/19
              1 uncased, convex L/19
              1 uncased, copper coated core

              2 uncased Hermann Wernstein
              1 uncased screwback, Hermann Wernstein

              1 cased, Schinkel-form, semi-vaulted with Maybaer-style pin
              1 cased EK 2 to EK 1 conversion
              1 uncased EK 2 to EK 1 conversion

              I am, as always, in your dept.


                Here is my meager collection, I started Feb. 2008 collecting EKI's
                1-Unmarked Meybauer-Early pin, Cased
                2-MM 15 Friedrich Orth, Cased
                3-MM 20 C.F. Zimmermann, Cased
                4-MM 65 K&Q, Cased square button
                5-MM L/19 Ferdinand Hoffstätter Brass core, I need an LDO case for this, please help!!!
                6-MM L56 Funcke & Brüninghaus, LDO marked pushbutton case
                7-MM L59 o~ Vaulted, Cased
                So far In my time of collecting I have been able to purchase one EKI per month, I have a long way to go looking at others collections!!! Special thanks To Stu Wood, Robert Pierce, Jeff (Colorado), Mike and all others that have helped me to not get Floched yet!!!!!!
                Last edited by WEISNER; 09-02-2008, 01:31 PM.


                  Here's mine.

                  Here they are I have one times:

                  65 cased
                  unknown cased
                  107 uncased
                  L/55 uncased
                  15 (brass core) uncased


                    Thanks Guys!




                        Doing my thing....




                            Early PB Wiedmann.
                            Last edited by robert pierce; 11-15-2008, 11:26 AM.



                              Update on my EKI

                              L19 Screwback converted pin
                              L55 Screwback
                              L50 Screwback
                              Half Schinkel Pin back
                              Half Schinkel Screwback
                              Wiedmann Screwback unmarked
                              Round 3


                                Originally posted by robert pierce View Post
                                (1) Ubergrosse.
                                oversize ek1 ?


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