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39' EK 1. Klasse rarity statistics

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    Thanks Guys!
    Long time no see Eric..


      Originally posted by Blitz View Post
      Thanks Guys!
      Long time no see Eric..
      Well I went to graduate school for two years. Basically, school owned my life. I just finished in May of this year and now I am getting back into the swing of things. Hopefully I can add a few more things in the future.

      I once flew in a B-17, B-24, & a B-25. Next, I want to fire an 88 round.


        A new addition,

        1 = L58 uncased, brass core screw back



          Originally posted by Eric Sowersby View Post
          Well I went to graduate school for two years. Basically, school owned my life. I just finished in May of this year and now I am getting back into the swing of things. Hopefully I can add a few more things in the future.

          Good for you Eric! I'll be in school for another 2 and a half years...

          Thanks Dan!


            Remember all EKs are magnetic and pinback's unless something otherwise is said..

            Summa Summarum part 45

            8 cased
            1 cased with marked box
            1 unmarked, uncased
            3 uncased

            1 uncased

            5 cased
            1 cased and vaulted
            4 uncased
            1 uncased, thin tapered pin

            1 cased, both marked
            18 cased
            1 cased, convex
            1 cased, case with button working with feather
            2 cased, double marked (L/16)
            7 uncased
            1 uncased, double marked(L/16)
            1 uncased with inscription

            11 cased
            2 cased with outer carton
            10 uncased

            3 cased, both marked
            2 cased, unmarked
            8 cased
            3 cased with outer carton
            1 cased with marked old-style pin
            1 cased with old-style pin
            9 uncased
            1 uncased, doublemarked "L/13"
            1 uncased with old-style pin

            1 cased
            1 uncased

            1 uncased

            1 cased, vaulted
            1 cased, brass core
            2 uncased with non-magnetic core
            10 cased
            8 uncased
            3 uncased with brass core

            14 cased
            7 cased and double marked (L/52)
            1 cased and double marked (L/52) with outer carton
            1 cased, both case and cross vaulted
            1 cased(halbetui), (L/52) double marked and vaulted
            1 cased, (L/52) double marked with a "famous trippel mark"
            2 slightly vaulted, cased
            1 slightly vaulted, uncased
            1 cased, vaulted
            5 uncased and (L/52) double marked
            1 uncased with mark outside the pin
            17 uncased
            1 uncased, vaulted
            1 uncased, convex

            1 cased

            2 uncased

            27 cased
            2 cased (rectangular button)
            1 cased(rectangular button) with outer carton
            1 cased(rectangular button) with outer carton (marked 621 KB)
            4 cased with outer carton
            3 cased with variant hinge and pin
            1 cased with variant hinge, pin and green case
            2 cased with vaulted D&B case
            1 cased, convex
            2 uncased, convex
            15 uncased
            2 uncased, vaulted

            1 uncased, double marked

            23 cased
            2 cased(green case)
            1 cased, slightly vaulted
            19 uncased

            3 cased, unmarked
            3 unmarked, uncased

            19 cased
            11 uncased
            1 uncased, convex

            9 cased
            1 cased, green case
            1 cased with outer carton
            2 uncased

            4 cased
            4 uncased
            1 uncased, vaulted

            1 in a large case with a miniatur stickpin
            29 cased
            1 cased with tissue & envelope also marked
            2 cased, slightly vaulted
            2 cased, vaulted
            2 cased with mark in the pin
            1 cased(case with a rectangular button)
            2 cased (halbetui)
            1 cased screwback, slightly vaulted, case marked and with pricetag
            1 cased screwback
            3 cased (case marked)
            16 uncased
            1 uncased, screwback (clamshell)
            5 uncased, vaulted
            1 uncased, convex

            1 cased+outer carton
            1 cased, vaulted
            4 cased
            1 cased, screwback
            6 uncased
            2 uncased, screwback

            8 cased
            1 cased with old-style pin
            1 cased, screwback
            1 cased, vaulted
            1 cased, engraved
            1 cased, case marked
            8 uncased
            8 uncased, screwback
            1 uncased, vaulted

            2 uncased, screwback

            8 cased
            1 cased(Souval core and frame)
            1 cased(Souval frame)
            1 cased(drop shape pin)
            1 cased with outer carton
            5 uncased
            1 uncased, convex
            1 uncased, brass core
            1 uncased(Souval)

            2 cased
            1 cased, case with rectangular button
            3 cased, screwback
            1 cased, brass core
            1 cased, non-magnetic
            1 vaulted, screwback
            1 uncased, screwback, non-magnetic
            4 uncased, screwback
            2 uncased

            1 cased, screwback, both marked
            3 cased, screwback
            1 cased, non-magnetic
            8 uncased, screwback
            1 uncased, convex screwback
            3 cased
            2 uncased

            2 cased
            2 cased, brass
            1 cased, "halbetui"
            2 cased, non-magnetic
            3 uncased, brass
            4 uncased, non-magnetic
            1 uncased

            11 cased
            1 cased, "halbetui" box(a simple box with a paper hinge and no lock)
            1 uncased, vaulted
            1 uncased, screwback
            8 uncased
            1 uncased (as L/52 but marked L/50)

            6 cased
            2 cased, screwback
            2 uncased
            7 uncased, screwback

            3 cased
            1 cased(abnormal case)
            1 cased, screwback
            2 uncased
            1 uncased, screwback

            10 cased
            1 cased with curved makermark
            2 cased, vaulted, screwback
            2 cased, screwback
            1 cased, "halbetui"
            1 cased, "halbetui", screwback
            1 screwback, vaulted, uncased
            4 uncased
            9 uncased, screwback
            1 uncased, convex screwback

            4 cased
            1 cased, non-magnetic
            4 uncased, screwback
            2 uncased

            5 cased
            1 cased, screwback
            4 uncased
            2 uncased, screwback

            1 cased
            2 cased, screwback
            1 cased(unusual case), engraved
            1 uncased, vaulted

            1 cased with "L/58" stamped on the lid
            1 cased
            1 cased, vaulted
            1 cased, screwback
            1 cased, brass
            1 uncased vaulted screwback
            7 uncased screwback
            3 uncased screwback, nonmagnetic
            3 uncased screwback with brass core
            3 uncased
            1 uncased (Souval frame)

            2 cased, screwback
            4 cased
            1 cased with "~" mark
            1 cased with "~" and hook opening to the left side
            1 cased with case bottom stamped "L/59" in white ink
            1 cased and doublemarked
            1 cased and also marked "oo"
            1 cased screwback with "~" mark
            2 uncased with additional 3 dots
            4 uncased with additional "~" mark
            1 uncased, vaulted with a double struck makers mark and with additional "~", "diamond" and roller marks
            1 uncased with additional "o" mark
            2 uncased with additional square mark
            2 uncased, screwback with additional "x" mark
            1 uncased, screwback with additional "~" mark, hand vaulted
            1 uncased with "~" and "x" marks
            1 uncased, convex screwback with aditional "S" and "F" marks
            2 uncased, screwback with additional square mark
            2 uncased, crewback
            1 uncased, vaulted screwback
            1 uncased

            2 cased
            1 cased, black case
            1 cased, one piece construction
            5 uncased
            1 uncased screwback
            1 uncased screwback, one piece construction
            1 uncased clamshell screwback
            2 uncased, clamshell screwback, unmarked L/11
            1 uncased, convex, 1 piece with brass core and early pinback
            1 uncased, non magnetic center

            Round 3
            2 cased
            2 uncased

            27 cased
            2 cased with "5" hinges
            6 cased, brass
            1 cased, zinc
            2 cased with a round "3"
            1 cased with outer carton
            1 cased, "26"
            2 cased, "4"
            1 cased, "6"
            1 cased, "7", unmarked with an old-style pin
            1 cased, "7"
            1 cased, "11"
            3 cased, "100"
            1 cased, "65"
            1 cased and vaulted "23"
            2 cased, "L/11"
            1 cased, "L/11" with early pin
            1 cased, "L/12"
            1 cased, "98"
            1 cased, vaulted, (LDo case)
            5 cased, vaulted
            1 cased, vaulted(drop shape pin)
            2 cased, non-magnetic
            1 cased(leather hinge) with outer carton
            3 cased (LDo case)
            1 cased (halbetui, FW200 P/O)
            3 cased, engraved
            1 cased Maybauer
            1 cased Maybauer, early pin
            1 cased Souval
            1 cased Souval, brass core
            1 vaulted, "HW" scratched on reverse

            42 uncased
            7 uncased, screwback
            1 uncased, screwback, one piece constructrion
            1 uncased convex screwback, one piece construction, non-magnetic
            2 uncased, non-magnetic, screwback
            2 uncased, non-magnetic
            1 uncased with early-style hinge, pin, and catch
            1 uncased, one-piece striking, vaulted, non-iron
            1 uncased, one piece construction, non-magnetic
            1 uncased, non-iron centered
            1 uncased, "4", brass core
            9 uncased, brass core
            1 uncased, convex with brass center
            1 uncased, convex
            1 uncased, convex screwback
            1 uncased, vaulted
            1 uncased, steel pin, Souval frame
            5 uncased, Souval frame
            1 uncased, clamshell screwback (Souval frame)
            2 uncased, "L/11"
            1 uncased, "L/11", clamshell screwback
            2 uncased, early Meybauer
            1 uncased, Meybauer
            1 uncased, Meybauer pin
            4 uncased, Souval
            1 uncased, Souval with dripping 3
            1 uncased, "4"
            1 uncased "4" with die flaw
            1 uncased, "7"
            1 uncased, "20"
            1 uncased, "26"
            1 uncased, "65"
            3 uncased, "100"
            1 uncased, "L/16" screwback
            1 uncased, brass core, nonmagnetic, "100"
            1 uncased, "L/13"
            1 uncased, "L/59"
            1 uncased, copper coated core, L/19
            1 uncased, convex L/19
            1 uncased, copper coated core

            2 uncased Hermann Wernstein
            1 uncased screwback, Hermann Wernstein

            1 cased, Schinkel-form, semi-vaulted with Maybaer-style pin
            1 cased EK 2 to EK 1 conversion
            1 uncased EK 2 to EK 1 conversion

            I am, as always, in your dept.


              Doing my thing.......


                Doing my thing.....


                  1 cased L/11
                  1 cased "20"
                  1 cased "4"
                  1 uncased "4"
                  1 uncased unmarked




                    All uncased:



                      Add an L/59 uncased please its got ~ and a square.


                        Thank you so much Guys!


                          Hi Antti,
                          It's been a long time since I've added anything here but I've just added a cased "15".

                          Zinc stinks!



                            Add 1 cased unmarked W&L with brass core please.



                              Put me down for a cased L/13 by Paul Meybauer.


                                cased unmarked "20"
                                uncased 26
                                uncased L/11
                                uncased screw back L/58


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