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Dogout Krim Shield...need opinions

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    HI 777,

    Don't be greedy!! You don't need a whole bunch of Krim shields. Didn't your mother ever tell you that you should share. These Krims are a waste of money. They're just holding you back from buying that dagger you always wanted. Let me, us know if you're getting rid of them. Dagger, Dagger, Dagger!!!!

    Last edited by kenneth wolfe; 10-24-2007, 09:08 AM.


      Krims are like crack rock!
      Iam Uncle Sam
      That’s who Iam
      Been hiding out
      In a rock and roll band


        Well, I must disappoint you, but I don't have much for sale now . If you read my previous post, you'll see that all the story is dated in the early 80's. More details now. I hope you'll find it interesting: In 1983 (I was a teenager) some fellow shared with me the information about the place when you could find some german badges. 'The place' turned out to be a half ruined storage building belonging to Wroclaw(Breslau) city harbor. It looked like it was hit by a bomb right in the middle of a roof, since the walls were undamaged and the big piece of a roof has fallen down inside the building. The building was ground level only, more like basement with small windows, max. 1,50 meter high above the ground and 1,50 under. There was some debris and soil inside and you could find some stuff digging there, but I've found that under the concrete plate, which used to be a piece of a roof, there was much more badges, papers and armbands to be found. They were all unissued pieces, armbands were pressed/covered with Naphthalene (I still like the smell ).
        It could be removed by boiling. Most common awards found were: GAB, IAB, KRIM shields, KUBAN shields, AFRIKA & KRETA cufftitles, Winterschlacht im Osten medals, and Heeres Flak badges. And also few Spangen for EK 2nd, and few DEMJANSK and CHOLM shields in very bad conditions, and lot of Tank Destruction badges, but very poor too. In a 25 year period I sold or traded most of the stuff, keeping only couple of best (for a ground found) conditioned items. Some, like Heeres Flakabzeichen I didn't keep, and I deeply regret it . Recently I've found one forgotten box of GABs and IABs plus the documents in my parents' basement (see below). Unfortunately their conditions are bad, so that's why they were forgotten. The pictures shall add to my story.
        Attached Files


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              the "HERO" of this thread
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                ... and his cousin.
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                  Some backings, the brown colour is caused by rust, dirt and who knows what else...
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                    Demjansk and Cholm.
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                      Tank destruction or rather tanks destructed
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                        Nice cufftitles (only 2 I kept for myself) together with some pieces.
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                          At the end few nice assault badges to show you, that good stuff was there as well
                          Attached Files




                              Originally posted by Jean-Loup View Post


                                Once again, amazing find, 777 ! The Krim’s averse does look the way you’d expect it to be on an original and it sure makes me more believing in this shield’s right to exist. I’m certain , had we started this thread with this piece of information , the discussion would have taken a different course. But questions are still there as there is still plenty of evidence that not all shields shown in this thread , including Alessio’s, might have been born equal. Not only am I referring to the fakes shown , but also to the “originals’ that differ in number of ways among themselves. To make things even worse, this piece bellow came into view today. It does resemble the “hero “ , but clearly, it never had any details to begin with. It is described as an infield hand made WW2 shield. Go figure.

                                PS Can you , please , post Demjansk and Kuban close-ups ?
                                Last edited by Filip; 02-24-2008, 07:23 PM.


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