I'm fairly sure this is a T90 helmet, but was hoping you might be able to confirm. It has a rivet at the front with a painted star. I don't know if this was done by its original owner, or possibly done as a post war addition. The paint looks like it has been on there for a long time. I have seen this type of rivet at the front with an anchor painted over it, but not with the star. I am sorry about the poor quality photos, but this is how they came to me. I will take a few of my own when I can and add them. I would appreciate your thoughts.
I'm fairly sure this is a T90 helmet, but was hoping you might be able to confirm. It has a rivet at the front with a painted star. I don't know if this was done by its original owner, or possibly done as a post war addition. The paint looks like it has been on there for a long time. I have seen this type of rivet at the front with an anchor painted over it, but not with the star. I am sorry about the poor quality photos, but this is how they came to me. I will take a few of my own when I can and add them. I would appreciate your thoughts.