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Holders of The Kriegsmarine Honor Roll Clasp in the Bundesmarine

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    Holders of The Kriegsmarine Honor Roll Clasp in the Bundesmarine


    So far I knew four Bundesmarine officers who were holders of the Kriegsmarine Honor Roll Clasp that they were awarded during World War II. They were Rupprecht Rossinger ( who was the holder of the DKiG),Karl Hetz (DKiG holder),Otto Nordt (DKiG and Knight's Cross holder),and Paul Salmanbach who was First Gunnery Officer of the German heavy cruiser "Prinz Eugen". Can anyone find some more holders of the rare Kriegsmarine Honor Roll Clasp that went to serve in the Bundesmarine in the mid 1950's?


    Edward L. Hsiao


    Joost Kirchoff





      There is a rather lengthy thread on attributed 57er awards on the 1957 Awards forum that you might want to check. As you know these Honor Roll Clasp awardees were few and far between.

      I have the 57er awards of a Policeman who was an Honor Roll awardee while serving with the SS-Polizei Division on the Eastern Front. He is the only Policeman I know who held the Army version of the Honor Roll Clasp. He was also a Gold Medal winner in the 1936 Olympics. The grouping is pictured here.


      I hope this link is helpful.


        Hard To Find!


        Joost Kirchoff is a new name to me. A good start. I know it's going to be hard in finding more names of Kriegsmarine Honor Roll Clasp Holders that served in the Bundesmarine after WWII. But I know there had to be more than five that I know so far. I have yet to see a German ribbon bar of post-WWII that had a "Ehrentafelspange der Kriegsmarine" among the ribbons.


        Edward L. Hsiao



          I have read that ccording to the official records there were only 21 Kriegsmarine officers awarded the Honour Role clasp. As SCHPO says, Honour Clasp awards were very few and even fewer in the Kriegmarine. Therefore I would not expect to find many holders of this award in the Bundesmarine.




            Bundesmarine w/honor roll clasp in Hormann's book

            Hello - I was interested in the same question, having come across the picture of an unnamed "Korvettenkapitaen from 1969" on page 183 of Jörg-M. Hormann's 1987 book "Die Bundeswehr und ihre Uniformen: 30 Jahre Bekleidungsgeschichte"

            Interestingly enough, he is wearing both the iron cross second class on a parade mounting as well as having the ek ribbon bearing the Honor Roll claps in his button hole (though I suppose that makes sense, since that would be the only way to wear the clasp on a "parade" mounting)

            Anyone have any idea who he is? I've been trying to search the list of Kriegsmarine clasp bearer's with the word "Bundesmarine" in the hopes of finding some photos, but it's a dead end.



              Deutsches Marinearchive name list

              By the way, here is a link to the Deutsches Marinearchiv list of the "Träger der Ehrentafelspange der Kriegsmarine" - they give the total number as 29, though I think this includes posthumous awards.




                Thanks for posting the list of recipients on the forum. There probably not many forum members that have a copy of Horrmann's. It is one of the first West German uniform books that I bought. Since the Korvettenkapitän in the picture is wearing the Kriegsabzeichen für Minnensuch-, Uboots-jagd, und Sicherungsverbände (Mine sweepers, Sub-Chasers, and Escort Vessels War Badge) we can probably rule out some of the men on this list. Unfortunately, most of them would have qualified for this badge. Here is a translation of the list.



                Www.deutsches-marinearchiv.de 1935 - 1945 Last updated: 24.03.2010
                Support the roll of honor clasp of the Navy
                The introduction of the roll of honor of the German Navy was determined by decree of 23/02/43 by the commander of the Navy. In the "Ehrentafel" all knight cross bearers as well as the bearers of the German cross were called in gold. In addition, it was also possible to mention men who had the EK I and whose deed was not quite sufficient for the Knights Cross or the German Cross in gold. For this group of persons, the designation in the honorary board meant a special tribute, which was not visible at first. For this reason, was on 05/13/44 Ehrentafel clasp donated. The previously mentioned without RK or DKG retroactively received the Ehrentafelpange.
                A total of 21 plates of honor were published on the Naval Order, in which 1,254 soldiers were named. 149 of these were awarded the Knight's Cross, 1,081 with the German Cross in Gold, so that 24 soldiers did not possess either of the two awards and were therefore decorated with the "Ehrentafelspange". Five other names were provided for the Ehrentafel, which, however, were no longer published towards the end of the war. All in all, you get 29 names:

                Bitter, Wilhelm (* 03.12.1911 in Vienna)
                Designation at 11:01:45 / ceremony at 09:12:44
                as OLt. (W), director of a demolition squads, locking arms inspection

                Cordesmeier, Paul (* 23.11.1914 in Schöttmar / lip)
                Designation at 09:10:44 / ceremony on 26.10.44
                as OLt. (V) (KrO) Flottillenverwaltungsoffizier 7.Vorpostenflottille

                Eggers, August (* 11.11.1909 in Friedrichstadt / Eider)
                Designation at 18:11:44 / ceremony on?.?. 44
                than KLT., Cdr. K 4 ( 1.Sperrbrecherflottille )

                Fischer, Klaus (* 06.28.1913 in Blumenthal / Weser)
                Designation of the?.?. 45 / ceremony on 13.02..45
                as OLt. (MA) dR, leader of an escort party 4./MAA 613

                Graf, Kurt (* 13.12.1920 in Memel)
                Designation at 18:11:44 / ceremony on 25.10.44
                as MatrObergefr., Combat helmsman S 26 ( 1.Schnellbootsflottille )

                Hetz, Karl (* 05.11.1910 in Hanau)
                Designation on? / Ceremony at 01:02:45
                as KKpt., Cdr. Z 34

                Kayser, Günther (* 01.25.1897 in Krakow)
                Designation at 10:10:43 / ceremony at 06:09:44
                as KLt.dR, Cdr. M 1102 (11.Minensuchflottille)

                Kirchhoff, Joost (* 03.02.1914 in Dyksterhusen)
                Designation at 11:01:45 / ceremony on?.?. 45
                as Lt.zS (KrO), Cdr. RA 3830 u. Gruppenfhr.id 38.Minensuchflottille

                Knauth, Karl-Heinz (* 01.11.1915 in Darmstadt)
                Designation at 08:11:43 / ceremony at 06:09:44
                as OLt.zS WHERE minelayer Roland

                Krone Jung, Günter (* 06.12.1917 in Solingen)
                Designation at 17:12:44 / ceremony at 11:11:44
                as OLt. (MA) dR, battery commander 3./20.Marinebordflakabt.

                Kruse, Richard (* 08.27.1915 in Borstel / Schleswig-Holstein)
                Designation at 08:11:43 / ceremony at 06:09:44
                as boatswain's mate aK, Cdr. A special vehicle id Schnellbootsschulflottille

                Lerch, Kurt (* 10.20.1912 in Stralsund)
                Designation at 08:11:43 / ceremony at 06:09:44
                than KLT. Specialist, Kdt. Of a mine ship

                Müller, Heinz (* 29.01.1911 in Leer / Ostfriesland)
                Designation on? / Ceremony at 10:01:45
                as OLt.zSdR, Cdr. Flj.23 ( 11.Vorpostenflottille )

                Nordt, Otto (* 12.01.1902 in Dreschwitz / Rügen)
                Designation at 08:11:43 / ceremony on?.?. 44
                than KLT., Cdr. M 476 and Gruppenfhr. id 26.Minensuchflottille
                (later Ritterkreuzträger)

                Offermann, Franz (* 10.21.1908 in Wesel / Rhein)
                Designation at 11:01:45 / ceremony at 13:12:44
                than KLT. (MA), Chief 2./MArtAbt.286

                Pampuch, Alois (* 06.16.1920 in wood / Opole)
                Designation at 18:11:44 / ceremony on 10.25.44
                as Oberbootsmannsmaat, Seem.Nr.1 u.Flakführer UJ 2101 ( 21.U Hunt Fl. )

                Paul, Karl (* 03.19.1908 in Kiel)
                Designation on? / Ceremony at 01:02:45
                as Kdt. Z 31

                Paulshen, Ottokar (* 10.11.1915 in Charlottenburg / Berlin)
                Designation at 09:10:44 / ceremony on 26.10.44
                as KKpt., Cdr. U 557

                Rademaker, Hans (* 03.23.1915 in Bonn)
                Designation on 12.31.43 / ceremony at 06:09:44
                as OLt. (MA) dR, Bttr. boss id MArtAbt.242

                Rößger, Ruprecht (* 08.30.1915 in Leipzig)
                Designation at 18:11:44 / ceremony on?.?. 44
                than KLT., Chief 21.Räumbootsflottille

                Rübel, Gustav (* 06.29.1898 in Dortmund)
                Designation at 08:11:43 / ceremony on?.?. 44
                as KKpt.dR, Cdr. Minelayer Brandenburg

                Schmalenbach, Paul (* 21.08.1909 in Schalksmühle / Altena)
                Designation on? / Ceremony at 11:04:45
                as KKpt., I.AO Prinz Eugen

                Schütz, Ulrich (* 02.18.1915 in Lehe / Stade)
                Designation at 11:01:45 / ceremony at 02:12:44
                id as OLt.zSdR, leader of a group marinefährprahm 15.Landungsflottille

                Black, Paul (* 12.04.1905 in Rädnitz / Oder)
                Designation on 06.28.43 / ceremony at 06:09:44
                as OLt. (Ing.) (KrO), damage control officer Gneisenau

                Weilkes, Friedrich (* 06.12.1906 in Essen)
                Designation at 11:01:45 / 09:12:44 ceremony on
                as chief armorer (Prov.), Sprengsonderkdo., Locking arms inspection

                Weiss, Günther (* 10.03.1918 in Kiel)
                Designation at 08:11:43 / ceremony at 06:09:44
                as boatswain's mate, Cdr. A special vehicle id 10.Landungsflottille

                Wilhelm, Herbert (* 11.12.1916)
                Designation at 11:01:45 / ceremony at 09:12:44
                as Obermechanikermaat (Prov.), Sprengsonderkdo., Locking arms inspection

                Wolf, Alfred (* 07.11.1903 in Berlin)
                Designation at 11:01:45 / 02:12:44 ceremony on
                as a special guide (OStrm.), Cdr. Power Leger Rau 7

                Wolf, Emil (* 12.12.1893 in Siegen)
                Designation at 06:09:44 / ceremony at 21:09:44
                as OLt.zSdR, Cdr. UJ 2144 ( 21.U Hunting flotilla )

                It is possible that more soldiers were envisaged for the Ehrentafel, but they could no longer be named, since shortly before the end of the war, no honors were issued.

                Further nominations were made in the form of the "Ehrentafel", which were not included in this category. These names are therefore missing in the above list.



                  I've reduced the possibility of who this is in the photo to 8 men. First I went through the list and eliminated those who would not have qualified for the Sub Chaser badge because of the vessel they were serving at the time of the award. I also left in the chap who served in 7.Vorpostenflottille as these Auxhillary craft were sometimes used as Sperrbrecher. Then I ruled out the men who were probably too old to join the Bundesmarine in 1954. They have a double asterisk in front of their name. I also left out Otto Nordt as he was an RKT later in the war and the man in the picture was not an RTK.
                  As a side note, it was agreed at the Yalta Conference that all sailors on board mine sweeping craft would remain at their station upon the cessation of hostilities and start sweeping for mines so commercial shipping could resume in a somewhat normal manner. This lasted until 1948 when the Russians complained that the allies were recreating a German navy and the men in the mine sweeping flotilla were dismissed. However, they were offered berths with other organizations in the British and American forces, one was a Fast Boat Squadron with the Brits, and it was these men who were the first sailors of the Bundesmarine.



                  Cordesmeier, Paul (* 23.11.1914 in Schöttmar/Lippe)
                  Nennung am 09.10.44 / Verleihung am 26.10.44
                  als OLt.(V) (KrO), Flottillenverwaltungsoffizier 7.Vorpostenflottille

                  Eggers, August (* 11.11.1909 in Friedrichstadt/Eider)
                  Nennung am 18.11.44 / Verleihung am?.?.44
                  als KLt., Kdt. K 4 (1.Sperrbrecherflottille)

                  **Kayser, Günther (* 25.01.1897 in Krakow)
                  Nennung am 10.10.43 / Verleihung am 06.09.44
                  als KLt.d.R., Kdt. M 1102 (11.Minensuchflottille)

                  Kirchhoff, Joost (* 02.03.1914 in Dyksterhusen)
                  Nennung am 11.01.45 / Verleihung am ?.?.45
                  als Lt.z.S. (KrO), Kdt. RA 3830 u. Gruppenfhr.i.d. 38.Minensuchflottille

                  Knauth, Karl-Heinz (* 11.01.1915 in Darmstadt)
                  Nennung am 08.11.43 / Verleihung am 06.09.44
                  als OLt.z.S., WO Minenschiff Roland

                  Lerch, Kurt (* 20.10.1912 in Stralsund)
                  Nennung am 08.11.43 / Verleihung am 06.09.44
                  als KLt. u. Sonderführer, Kdt. eines Minenschiffes

                  Müller, Heinz (* 29.01.1911 in Leer/Ostfriesland)
                  Nennung am ? / Verleihung am 10.01.45
                  als OLt.z.S.d.R., Kdt. Flj.23 (11.Vorpostenflottille)

                  Rössger, Ruprecht (* 30.08.1915 in Leipzig)
                  Nennung am 18.11.44 / Verleihung am ?.?.44
                  als KLt., Chef 21.Räumbootsflottille

                  **Rübel, Gustav (* 29.06.1898 in Dortmund)
                  Nennung am 08.11.43 / Verleihung am ?.?.44
                  als KKpt.d.R., Kdt. Minenschiff Brandenburg

                  **Wolf, Emil (* 12.12.1893 in Siegen)
                  Nennung am 06.09.44 / Verleihung am 21.09.44
                  als OLt.z.S.d.R., Kdt. UJ 2144 (21.U-Jagd-Flottille)

                  possibly eight if they all survived the war


                    Thanks for the detective work on this, Gordon - now one would just have to track down whether there are photos accessible of any of these individuals. As far as Hormann's book is concerned, I find that - while it might not be as systematic as Kunstwadel's or as exhaustive as Schuster's - it has some real gems of information and some great photos, particularly of the early Bundeswehr.
                    Chris Bauermeister



                      I'll continue with my research on these 8 men and see what happens.




                        Cordesmeier, Paul (* 23.11.1914 in Schöttmar/Lippe)
                        Nennung am 09.10.44 / Verleihung am 26.10.44
                        als OLt.(V) (KrO), Flottillenverwaltungsoffizier 7.Vorpostenflottille

                        Eggers, August (* 11.11.1909 in Friedrichstadt/Eider)
                        Nennung am 18.11.44 / Verleihung am?.?.44
                        als KLt., Kdt. K 4 (1.Sperrbrecherflottille)

                        **Kayser, Günther (* 25.01.1897 in Krakow) KIA June 14th, 1941
                        Nennung am 10.10.43 / Verleihung am 06.09.44
                        als KLt.d.R., Kdt. M 1102 (11.Minensuchflottille)

                        Kirchhoff, Joost (* 02.03.1914 in Dyksterhusen)
                        Nennung am 11.01.45 / Verleihung am ?.?.45
                        als Lt.z.S. (KrO), Kdt. RA 3830 u. Gruppenfhr.i.d. 38.Minensuchflottille

                        Knauth, Karl-Heinz (* 11.01.1915 in Darmstadt)
                        Nennung am 08.11.43 / Verleihung am 06.09.44
                        als OLt.z.S., WO Minenschiff Roland

                        Lerch, Kurt (* 20.10.1912 in Stralsund) DKiS April 11th, 1944
                        Nennung am 08.11.43 / Verleihung am 06.09.44
                        als KLt. u. Sonderführer, Kdt. eines Minenschiffes

                        Müller, Heinz (* 29.01.1911 in Leer/Ostfriesland)
                        Nennung am ? / Verleihung am 10.01.45
                        als OLt.z.S.d.R., Kdt. Flj.23 (11.Vorpostenflottille)

                        Rössger, Ruprecht (* 30.08.1915 in Leipzig) DKiG November 22nd, 1944
                        Nennung am 18.11.44 / Verleihung am ?.?.44
                        als KLt., Chef 21.Räumbootsflottille

                        **Rübel, Gustav (* 29.06.1898 in Dortmund)
                        Nennung am 08.11.43 / Verleihung am ?.?.44
                        als KKpt.d.R., Kdt. Minenschiff Brandenburg

                        **Wolf, Emil (* 12.12.1893 in Siegen) DKiG October 6th, 1944
                        Nennung am 06.09.44 / Verleihung am 21.09.44
                        als OLt.z.S.d.R., Kdt. UJ 2144 (21.U-Jagd-Flottille)

                        possibly eight if they all survived the war[/QUOTE]

                        For some are also DKiS or DKiG holders, you can shorten your list



                          Thanks for the comment. I'll have to look at my lists of DKiS and DKiG holders.





                            I had look at my list of holders of the DKiG and DKiS and none of these men were awarded that honour. I didn't think any of them would be because the man in the photo is not wearing either one. I checked in case he had received this award but wasn't wearing it.





                              This is going to be a pretty interesting research. Slow but interesting.


                              Edward L. Hsiao


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