David Hiorth


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Mods missing in action!

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    Mods missing in action!

    Dear Forum Members - During the next few days Gordon and I may not be heard from as he is preparing to move from Europe to Canada and I am traveling to a remote location for my company and won't have regular access to e-mail. One can only imagine the work Gordon will have to prepare his world class uniform collection for shipment to his native Canada.

    Have no fear, Ralph Pickard will provide "top cover" as always and Gordon and I will be back before you know it. I'll return for sure this Saturday, 1 August 09.

    In the meantime, keep those posts coming! I'm sure I can speak for Ralph and Gordon when I say that we are very pleased with the way the BRD Forum is progressing so far. I hope you are all enjoying this new venue as much as we are. Thanks for your contributions!

    Talk to you soon - TJ
    Last edited by Thomas J. Cullinane Jr.; 07-28-2009, 07:46 PM.

    Team - Gordon and I will be off on extended trips again for the next two weeks leaving Ralph Pickard as the "lone ranger".

    Gordon and I will have periodic web access on our varying journies but obviously won't have access to our references or collections.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding and stay on your best behavior for Ralph.

    All the best - TJ


      Team - I'm back home and look forward to getting actively involved with the BRD Forum as soon as I can.

      All the best - TJ


        Team - I'm off again on an extended trip to the wilds of Yuma, Arizona, and will have only sporadic access to the internet.

        I leave you in the capable hands of Gordon and Ralph and look forward to joining you all again in early March.

        All the best - TJ


          Have fun, TJ!


            TJ - Thanks for leaving us, I am going back to my panic room...
            Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare express themselves as we did. Quote - Sophie Scholl - White Rose resistance group


              Are you kidding me?! We've got the most civil and supportive forum on the WAF!

              As we approach our 1st Anniversary as a "stand-alone" forum, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members for making the BRD site one of the most informative and friendly places on the Wehrmacht Awards Forum. The information I've gleaned from moderators and members alike is incredible. Scarcely a week goes by without me saying to myself, "Wow, I didn't know that!"

              Thanks again to everyone for all of your many contributions. Ralph, Gordon, and myself are looking forward to another extraordinary year of learning and sharing.

              All the best - TJ



                My turn for a short absence while I attend a funeral. I'll be away from Home from Wed. morning 10 May until the afternoon of Friday 12 May.





                  I am back and its good to be back on the net. I was in a Travel Lodge that did not have an internet terminal. I didn't know there were any motels left that didn't have one. It wouldn't have done me any good to take my laptop because there were hook ups for that either!




                    Gordon - Please accept my condolences on your loss.

                    It's good to have you back and "on the net".

                    All the best - TJ



                      Thanks. Good to be back.




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