Belgian Liege gunmakers (N to R) - Volume 5
The text is written in French AND English.
Webpage with details :
This book is the fifth of the series and is covering the gun makers whose names are in the N to R range of the alphabetical order. Each gun maker is presented with the maximum of data available and a wealth of color pictures about the most typical pieces of his production. Are also discussed the many markings found applied on the guns and their significance or purpose.
N section
P section
R section
Neufcour J. E.
Neumann & Cie
Neumann - Clément
Neumann Fréres
Neuprez Frères
New Haven Arms
Niquet Claude
Niquet Julien
Niquet Le Jeune
Noisette J.
O section
Ortmann W.
Ory L.
Ory Ch. & Duquenne J.
Oury Dieudonné
Oury J. J.
Oyez Arms Co
Pahaut & Carmanne
Paulus J. B.
Pecklers & Fils
Pecklers Mathias & Fils
Petitjean H.
Petry J. Auguste
Pieper (Dynasty)
Pieper Henri
Pieper S.A
Pieper S.A. (Anc. Ets.)
Pieper Nicolas
Piot - Lepage & Lepine
Pire J. & Cie
Pirlet H.
Pirlot Frères
Pirlot & Frésart
Pirlot & Simonis
Pirotte Jacques & Fils
Pirotte Martin
Pliers Adrien
Poilvache Léonard
Polain Prosper
Polain Jules
Poncin Ailid
Poncin F.
Poudrerie Pelgrims & Bombeek
Poudrerie d'Ombret
Poudrerie de Clermont
Prévost Gustave
Prion Antoine
Puraye J-B
Raick Frères
Raker Théodore
Reel F.
Remy Hubert
Renkin J (Veuve)
Renotte Dieudonné Joseph
Riga Alphonse
Rissack M. Fils
Rissack Jean Jacques
Robar & de Kerkhove
Robar L. & Cie
Robert Charles & Cie
Robert Ch. & Gillon Noël
Robiefroid Paul
Rocour B.
Rocour - Delsa B. & Cie
Roland Désiré
Rongé Jean Baptiste
Rongé Jean Baptiste Fils
Rongé Antoine
Rosseel Jules
Rotsaert Léonard
Rouhette G.
Rouma Lambert
Rousseaux Victor