Helmut Weitze


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New Kurt Sametreiter Photo Book

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    Just received my copy.fantastic book!
    Run out and get this one before they are sold out!


      Congrats and well done Peter . Yet again you have produced another fine work . Looking forward to getting my copy , things have come along way from when we met our first SS veterans in the late 1980's .
      Keep up the super work.


        Thanks SchnellMeyer - agree, meeting those guys then was an honour, as has every additional meeting since. A real glimpse into history whilst the opportunity exists!

        It has also been a great honour to have the chance to work on this new project with Herr Sametreiter and have him endorse this. A true hero in every sense and a very humble man, plus someone I can now count as a dear friend.

        Not many 'sleeps' until you have your copy!



          Got my copy of this fantastic book when I met the author in person at the weekend . What a wonderful labour of love , again well done Peter . Hopefully we get get to travel over to Germany together again soon as I am long overdue a trip with you


            Just an update to say I have now sold copy number 82, so 18 left of this signed and numbered edition.



              Fantastic book top quality well done Peter,


                Just got my copy, great job Peter, amazing pictures.

                Such a valuable contribution to the history and study of the Waffen SS.

                Keep up the great work



                  Glad that both your books arrived and even more pleased that you like the finished project.

                  Have taken an additional perspective on this book project and created a Facebook and Twitter page.

                  The concept is to post regular updates that give an insight into the sort of things that Kurt Sametreiter would have experienced at different points in his military career - posted as a timeline, much in the same vein as the book.

                  Search for Kurt Sametreiter on FB, but not the one attached to the Wikipedia page. You will see the timeline updates on the correct one.

                  Search for LAH Publishing on Twitter for the same timeline feed.

                  This may give an additional insight and new 'slant' on history?



                    Just to keep you updated, down to the last 5 copies of this first print run.

                    If you are considering this book, please get in touch asap.



                      Kurt Sametreiter - A labour of love


                      Kurt has to be thanked for sharing his wartime experiences, photos and documents with the historically interested.

                      To Peter a big "thank you" for dedicating his valuable free time, taking all this material and transforming it into a book. He could have enjoyed it privately by himself sitting on a couch with Kurt only, but chose to share!

                      The reader follows Kurt's way through the war following a timeline, refected and documented through photos from Kurt's personal photo album. (a shame that the majority of award docs got lost during/after the war...)

                      Additionally the book comments on specific comrades and superiors who fought the war side-by-side with him, where additional value is given.

                      The book is a true labour of love, considering it's custom-design in the shape of a period photo album and quite thick and heavy with a good hi-res printing quality. Going through it and reading the photo captions almost feels like one is sitting on the couch with Kurt on a quite afternoon, diving into history.

                      It would have been nice to also see Kurt's insignias and medals, given to a collector and close friend of Kurt's in Austria a few years ago, integrated in the book.

                      Thumbs up for Peter on his work and I'm looking forward to his next title!



                        Hello, how are you guys?

                        I received my Copy a few days ago.
                        The Book is just great. I love the design of the Book. Is very well made.
                        And our friend Peter is a great Writer. I really enjoy reading his Book.
                        I recommend you the Book. I`m sure you will be happy to bought it .
                        Also Peter is a such a great person. He`s very Kind and I`m happy to meet him.
                        Thanks a lot!



                          50 additional copies just collected yesterday, just in time for the War and Peace show in the UK, taking place in it's new location near Folkestone.

                          If you're planning on coming, pop along and say hello - I will be on the Second Battle Group stand, facing the main grandstands and right next to the arena.

                          If you are not attending that show, but would like a copy, drop me a note.



                            My copy no.94 arrived a couple of weeks ago and I agree with the other posters that this is an excellently produced 1st rate hard back photo book. The printing and design quality give it a real 'no expense spared' kind of luxury feel to it. Photos, maps, paperwork are all excellently presented. Congrats on a job well done !


                              Thanks for the positive comments Helden, appreciated and glad that you like the end result. All of what you have commented on were deliberate parts of the concept and it's nice when people like you can enjoy the finished item.

                              up to number 107, if you are seeking a copy, let me know.



                                This is one fine historical documentation
                                Cheers Steve


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