Peter ERich Cremer began his military career in 1932 beginning in the German sailing scholl Niobe. After that completed his basix on board training at cruiser Deutchland and became IIWO of the destroyed Theodor Riedel.
He was transfered in 1940 to U boats and was comissiones his first U boat, the U152 in January 1941. later he got the comand of U333...he was very succesfull, in his first patrol he sank three boats and sadly by error the German blockade runner Spreenwald was also sunk. That incident was investigated by Doenitz and , following Cremer memories, the bLocakde runner was guilty as was out of his ordered position.
Cremer adopted for his U boat the emblem of three little fishes.
In next patrol at US waters, 4 more boats were to the botton and althought very damaged he was able to save the U boat. He was awarded KC on 5 June 1942.
In his third Patrol U 333 was severely dameged after attacking HMS Crocus. Althought seven men died and he was severely wounded, Cremer was able to come back with his U boat....sailors said that..."Ali on board is the best life insurance!!
He was transfered in 1940 to U boats and was comissiones his first U boat, the U152 in January 1941. later he got the comand of U333...he was very succesfull, in his first patrol he sank three boats and sadly by error the German blockade runner Spreenwald was also sunk. That incident was investigated by Doenitz and , following Cremer memories, the bLocakde runner was guilty as was out of his ordered position.
Cremer adopted for his U boat the emblem of three little fishes.
In next patrol at US waters, 4 more boats were to the botton and althought very damaged he was able to save the U boat. He was awarded KC on 5 June 1942.
In his third Patrol U 333 was severely dameged after attacking HMS Crocus. Althought seven men died and he was severely wounded, Cremer was able to come back with his U boat....sailors said that..."Ali on board is the best life insurance!!