It's actually a very crude Hollywood film prop, made by Sean Barry Weske. He was a British actor that also worked in Hollywood as a technical advisor and prop man. He used his initials 'SBW' within the three joined circles as his trademark...
"Having been a student of German Military History, Sean was always around to give technical advice on many War Movies & TV Dramas and as an Actor, he has played 'Uniformed Characters' countless times, from British 'Bobbies' to German Officers..... Sean now lives and works around Hollywood as an actor and also creates uniforms & insignias for the big production companies and is always "on call" to offer technical advice on 'war movies'. Sean is also well known for being the last photographer to photograph the late Sharon Tate. His photos of her are now the basis of all the "Sharon Tate Memorabilia" on sale around the world."