Santa's helper Stogie-Rick stopped by today for a quorum meeting with our fellow Moderator Being from out in the Rockies, and delivered this early Christmas present.
Long, long have I sought the One Ring... no, no... I mean, uh...
the full size tunic buttonhole ribbon with Prussian Hohenzollern House Order with Swords device. These were worn during the First World War, usually when a ribbon bar was NOT being worn, as "Highest Prussian Award Only" without the EK2 ribbon, and well into WW2 some officers like von Manstein could be found wearing it from their second tunic buttonhole as well.
Long, long have I sought the One Ring... no, no... I mean, uh...
the full size tunic buttonhole ribbon with Prussian Hohenzollern House Order with Swords device. These were worn during the First World War, usually when a ribbon bar was NOT being worn, as "Highest Prussian Award Only" without the EK2 ribbon, and well into WW2 some officers like von Manstein could be found wearing it from their second tunic buttonhole as well.