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KC holders on Hoffmann postcards

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    KC holders on Hoffmann postcards

    I currently try to compile a list which would give all the KC holders published by Hoffmann. Considering the first elements of info available, there might be several hundreds of postcards.
    Should you have any those in your collection, I would really appreciate your help.
    Drop a line below giving :
    - the exact name and rank of the recipient as it is shown on the obverse of the card (e.g. Oberst Mölders or Oberst Karl Wilhelm Specht)
    - the code number on the reverse (very important).
    For members who don't knwo how to recognize a Hoffmann card, I have attached below an example showing both obverse and reverse side. There is most of time a caption on the obverse and the Hoffman name is always written on the back.

    Thanks in adanvce
    Attached Files

    Hi Denis,
    Are we the only two guys in this forum that have an interest in or collect Knights Cross winners postcards? You and I should be able to buy lots of postcards then. Don't give up yet.


      Hi Dick
      It would be a good news. Please send us all your unwanted KC Holders photos/postcards to Dick or me. PM us for addresses.
      More seriously, I find hard to believe that no fellow member have any Hoffmann photo to share with us !!
      Come on, guys !
      Many thanks in advance
      Denis, one of the 2 KC holders postcards collector on the WA forum


        Hoffmann Postcards

        Hi Denis, I only have a few Luftwaffe examples of Hoffmann Postcards in my collection, for what it's worth I will list the details below;
        Generalmajor GALLAND R6
        Major OESAU 1545
        Oberleutnant MUNCHEBERG 1524
        Major MUNCHEBERG R11
        Oberleutnant PRILLER R145
        Oberleutnant SCHNELL R102
        Hauptmann zu SAYN WITTGENSTEIN R175
        Leutnant WURMHELLER R68
        Oberleutnant WEISSENBERGER R169
        Major GRASSER R178
        Hauptmann HENNE R13
        I hope to of been of some help.
        Regards Richard.
        Always looking for Luftwaffe Kampfflieger related document groups. In particular anything to Kampfgeschwader 2.


          Here's a few more:

          GFM von Reichenau - R26
          Adm. Doenitz - R191
          Glt. Mickl - R284
          Oberlt. Baumgartner-Crusius - R301
          Glt Graf Schwerin - R318
          Glt. Specht - R338




            Many Thanks to both of you.
            To Richard : your info allows me to fill several gaps in the list.
            To Valdis : there is a misunderstnading. The code numbers that you gave are in fact assigned to Film Foto Verlag (also known as Ross Verlag). These photos have IMHO a much better quality than the Hoffmann ones even if they are less known by collectors. But these are not Hoffmann.
            Here is an example of a Film Foto Verlag production. Most of them have a caption on the obverse giving both name, rank and the award as well as the R code while this latter code is always found on the reverse side on Hoffmann's ones.
            BTW, with my friend Dick, we are still looking for the following Film Foto Verlag R codes

            If anybody owns these KC holders postcards in their collection, we would really like to know the name of the soldier.

            For all other members : don't be shy, keep on giving new R codes for Hoffmann's !!

            Attached Files


              Oops! My mistake! Thanks for putting me straight Denis.




                Hoffmann RKT Postcards

                Hi Denis, I have found another Hoffmann postcard:
                SA-Gruppenfuhrer Bernhard Hofmann R152
                I hope to of been of some small help.
                Regards Richard.
                Always looking for Luftwaffe Kampfflieger related document groups. In particular anything to Kampfgeschwader 2.


                  Hoffmann RKT Karten

                  This is what I have in my collection.

                  R 1 Korvetenkapitan Prien
                  R 2 Major Wick
                  R 3 Oberts Molders 2 different types one closer than the
                  R 4 Korvettenkapitan Kretschmar
                  R 5 Kapitanleutnant Schepke
                  R 6 Oberst Galland type 2 shows General Galland
                  R 7 Obergefreiter Brinkforth
                  R 8 General Oberst Udet
                  R 9 Hauptmann Joppien Luftwaffe
                  R 10 Kapitanleutnant Lehmann-Willenbrock
                  R 11 Hauptmann Muncheberg type 2 shows Major
                  R 12 SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Klingenberg
                  R 13 Hauptmann Henne Luftwaffe
                  R 14 Hauptmann Baumbach Luftwaffe
                  R 15 Generalmajor Heinrich Kirchheim Heer
                  R 16 Generaloberst Guderian Heer
                  R 17 Generaloberst Hoth Heer
                  R 18 Hauptmann Balthasar Luftwaffe
                  R 19 Oberfeldwebel Portsteffen Heer
                  R 20 Generalmajor Ringel 3 types captions in different
                  R 21 Major Walter Storp Luftwaffe
                  R 22 Hauptmann Baer
                  R 23 Major Ihlefeld Luftwaffe 2 different poses
                  R 24 Oblt. Philipp Luftwaffe 2 types Major Philipp

                  This will give you a start. I have numbers up through R 290. Do you want me to continue to list them for you? Please advise. Also, you should note that many of these cards were also listed in the 1500 number series as well. Hoffmann has long been a specialty of my mine. My collection now numbers over 3,500 items.


                    Hoffmann RKT Karten

                    To continue...

                    R 24 Hauptman Hahn Luftwaffe
                    R 26 Major Oesau Luftwaffe
                    R 27 Kapitanleutnant Schultze Note on the reverse of some
                    the Hoffman address Munchen is misspelled
                    R 28 Kapitanleutnant Endrass
                    R 29 Major Lutzow Luftwaffe
                    R 30 Major Niemack Heer
                    R 31 Generalmajor Scherer Heer 3 types 1 card address
                    misspelled as R 27 type 2 Generalleutnant type 3
                    Generalleutnant with different pose
                    R 32 Hauptmann Huy Luftwaffe
                    R 33 Lautnant Hans Strelow Luftwaffe 2 types
                    different poses
                    R 34 Oberleutnant Spate Luftwaffe
                    R 35 Major Graf Luftwaffe 2 types Major Graf Type 2
                    Major Hermann Graf
                    R 36 Oberst Karl Wilhelm Specht Heer 2 types misspelled
                    R 37 Feldwebel Schuster Luftwaffe
                    R 38 Oberleutnant Marseille Luftwaffe 2 types Hauptmann
                    R 39 Major Gollob Luftwaffe 2 types oaksleaves inserted
                    R 40 Oberfelfwebel Steinbatz Luftwaffe
                    R 41 Uffz. Reiser Heer
                    R 42 Major Trautloff Luftwaffe 2 types Oberst Trautloft
                    R 42a Oberstleutnant Trautloft Luftwaffe
                    R 42b Oberst Trautloft Luftwaffe
                    R 43 Kapitanleutnant Topp 2 type Korvettenkapitan Erich Topp
                    R 43a Korvettenkapitan Erich Topp
                    R 44 Major Colleve Luftwaffe
                    R 45 Oberstleutnant Walter Gorn Heer 2 ty0pes Oberst
                    Walter Gorn different pose
                    R 46 Kapitanleutnant Rosenbaum
                    R 47 General Pualus Heer 2 types Generalfeldmarschall
                    R 48 Generalmajor Traugott Heer
                    R 49 Generaloberst Frhrr. v. Richthofen 3 types of which 2
                    Generalfeldmarschall with caption in 2 positions
                    R 50 Kapitanleutnant Reinhard Suhren
                    R 51 Major Helbig Luftwaffe
                    R 52 Genealoberst von Kleist Heer type 2 Generalfeld-
                    marschall von Kleist different photo
                    R 53 Obereutnant Ostermann Lustwaffe 2 types a 1 comma
                    after Hoffmann type 2 two commas after Hoffmann
                    R 54 Generaladmiral Saalwachter
                    R 55 Kapitanleutnant Rolf Mutzelburg
                    R 56 Oberst Postel Heer type 2 Generalmajor Postel
                    R 57 Grenadier Guenther Halm Heer
                    R 58 Admiral Donitz
                    R 58a Grossadmiral Donitz
                    R 58b Grossadmiral Donitz different pose
                    R 58c Grossadmiral Donitz different pose
                    R 59 Oberleutnant Beisswenger Luftwaffe
                    R 59a Oberleutnant Beisswenger Luftwaffe
                    R 60 General Cruwell 2 types misspelled address
                    R 61 General Bogatsch Luftwaffe
                    R 62 General der Flieger Dessloch Luftwaffe
                    R 63 Oberleutnant Rall 3 types Hauptmann Rall 2 poses
                    R 64 Kapitanleutnant Bleichrodt 2 types different poses
                    R 65 Hauptmann Kummel 2 type missnumbered as R 63
                    another type with caption moved
                    R 66 Oberleutnant Wolfgang Tonne Luftwaffe 2 types
                    Hauptmann Wolfgang Tonne
                    R 67 Korvettenkapitan Laus Scholz
                    R 68 Leutnant Wurmheller Luftwaffe also listed as R 168
                    R 69 Rittmeister Sachenbacher Heer
                    R 70 Oberst Freiherr von Waldenfels Heer
                    R 71 Oberst Hitzfeld Heer 2 types 1 comma 2 commas by
                    R 72 General Wolff Heer
                    R 73 Oberstleutnant Graf Strachwitz Heer 2 types Oberst
                    Graf Strachwitz
                    R 74 Major W. D. Wilcke Luftwaffe
                    R 75 Oberstleutnant Alfred Haase Heer
                    R 76 Generalmajor Eibl Heer 2 types 7 of R76 has 2 and 3
                    R 77 Oberst H. v. Pannwitz Heer
                    R 78 SS Obergruppenfuhrer und General der Waffen-SS
                    Theodor Eicke 2nd type SS Obergruppenfuhrer und
                    General der Waffen-SS Eicke
                    R 79 Genralleutnant Rodenburg Heer
                    R 80 Major Lent Luftwaffe
                    R 81 Generaloberst Heitzl Heer
                    R 83 Generalleutnant Kreysing Heer 2nd type General
                    leutnant Hans Kreysing
                    R 84 General Strecker Heer
                    R 82 Generaloberst Model Heer
                    R 85 Generalfeldmarschall Frhrr. von Weichs Heer
                    R 86 Hauptmann Willie Riedel Heer
                    R 87 Generaloberst von Falkenhorst Heer
                    R 88 Oberstrumfuher Hoffritz Waffen SS
                    R 89 Kapitanleutnant Werner Toeniges
                    R 90 Korvettenkapitan K. F. Merten 2 types 1 comma 2
                    commas after Hoffmann
                    R 91 Kapitanleutnant Wolfgang Luth 2 types Korvetten
                    kapitan Wolfgang Luth different pose
                    R 92 Kapitanleutnant F. Guggenberger
                    R 93 Oberwachmeister Hugo Primozic Heer type 2
                    Leutnant Hugo Primozic
                    R 94 Hauptmann Erwin Fischer Luftwaffe
                    R 95 Generalfeldmarschall Busch Heer
                    R 96 Leutnant Danzer
                    R 97 SS Standartenfuhrer Frtiz Witt
                    R 98 Bootsmannsmaat Karl Jorss
                    R 99 Generallautnant Gause Heer
                    R 100 General von Knobelsdorff Heer
                    R 101 SS-Rottenfuhrer G. Mooymann
                    R 102 Oberleutnant Schnell Luftwaffe
                    R 103 Major Alfred Druschel Luftwaffe
                    R 104 Kapitanleutnant von Bulow
                    R 105 unknown
                    R 106 Max Wunsche Waffen SS
                    R 107 Hauptmann Pfeiffer Luftwaffe

                    Will continue later....


                      Many thanks Ramon
                      Owing to your info, I could add 33 new numbers to my list. This matter is IMHO very interesting and I am glad that you have responded to the thread.
                      Thanks again and thumbs up for typing all these data.


                        By the way, R105 is assigned to Obst. Max Schrank. Here is a picture of this postcard.
                        Hope this helps
                        Attached Files


                          Hoffmann RKT Karten

                          Denis, many thanks for the R 105 Schrank card info. I have a copy of his card as an unnumbered postwar manufactured copy.

                          To continue with the list....

                          R 108 Oberfeldwebel Kohnz Heer 2 types caption location
                          R 109 Oberstleutnant Ernst Gurke Luftwaffe
                          R 110 Major Dr. Werner Pankow Heer
                          R 111 Leutnant Schramm Luftwaffe
                          R 112 Oberfeldwevel Karl Ketterer Heer
                          R 113 Major Egon Mayer
                          R 114 Unknown
                          R 115 Generalmajor Walther von Hunersdorf Heer
                          R 116 SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Rudolf Pannier
                          R 117 Hauptmann Lamprecht Luftwaffe
                          R 118 Generalmajor Schulz Heer
                          R 119 Feldwebel G Kummer Heer
                          R 120 Generalleutnant Erich Schopper Heer
                          R 121 Feldwebel Alois Lehrkinder Heer
                          R 122 SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer Hermann Weiser
                          R 123 Leutnant Georg Schmid Heer
                          R 124 Major Fritx-Heinrich Musculus Heer
                          R 125 Oberleutnant Michael Fischer Heer
                          R 126 Oberst Karl Gobel Heer
                          R 127 Oberleutnant Georg Einhoff Heer
                          R 128 Feldwebel Schreiber Heer
                          R 129 Generalleutnant Balck Heer
                          R 130 Major W. Kretschmar Heer
                          R 131 Gefreiter W. Hackbarth Heer
                          R 132 Oberfeldwebel R. Eichert Heer
                          R 133 Hauptmann Walter Salzmann Heer
                          R 134 Oberfeldwebel A. Fahrenholz Heer
                          R 135 Leutnant Walter Oberloskamp Heer
                          R 136 Unknown
                          R 137 Generalmajor Graf vons Schwerin Heer
                          R 138 Unknown
                          R 139 Oberst Franz Griesbach Heer
                          R 140 Feldwebel Franz Juschkat Heer
                          R 141 Oberfeldwebel Josef Kas Heer
                          R 142 Haupmann Alfons Konig Heer
                          R 143 Oberst Hermann Seitz Heer
                          R 144 Oberleutnant Heinz Reverchon Heer
                          R 145 Oberleutnant Priller Luftwaffe
                          R 146 Oberfeldwevel Otto Starosta Heer
                          R 147 Unknown
                          R 148 Oberst Peltz Luftwaffe
                          R 149 Oberfeldwebel Wilhelm Bredemeyer Heer
                          R 150 Major Zahn Heer
                          R 151 Hauptmann Fritz Fressmann Heer type 2 Hauptmann
                          Fessmann different pose
                          R 152 SA-Gruppenfuhrer Bernhard Hofmann
                          R 153 Hauptmann Schroer Luftwaffe
                          R 154 Hauptmann Kirschner Luftwaffe
                          R 155 Hauptmann Boerst
                          R 156 Kapitanleutnant Brandi
                          R 157 Hauptmann Ehrler Luftwaffe
                          R 158 Major Hohne Heer
                          R 159 Unknown
                          R 160 Major Haho Hermann 2 types Oberst Hajo Hermann
                          different pose
                          R 161 Major Kahl Heer
                          R 162 Major Langesee Heer
                          R 163 General Lause Heer 2 types General der Infanterie
                          R 164 Hauptmann zur Lippe-Weissenfeld Luftwaffe
                          R 165 Hauptmann Meurer Luftwaffe
                          R 166 General Obstfelder 2 tuypes General von Obstfelder
                          R 167 Major Rodel Luftwaffe
                          R 168 Leutnant Wurmheller 2 types card mislabeled as R 68
                          R 169 Oberleutnant Weissenberger Luftwaffe
                          R 170 Generaloberst Lindemann
                          R 171 Oberleutnant Kylling-Schmidt Heer 2 types last 1 of
                          R 171 upside down
                          R 172 SS-Oberfuhrer Hermann Fegelein
                          R 173 Hauptmann von Hirschfeld Heer
                          R 174 SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Skorzeny
                          R 175 General der Panzertruppen Lemelsen Heer 2 types
                          General J. Lemelsen
                          R 176 Hauptmann zu Sayn Wittgenstein Luftwaffe
                          R 177 Hauptmann Nowotny Luftwaffe
                          R 178 Mahor Grasser Luftwaffe
                          R 179 Mahjor von Gazen gen. von Gaza Heer
                          R 180 SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Dieckmann
                          R 181 Korvettenkapitan Gysae
                          R 182 NSKK-Obergruppenfuhrer Prohl
                          R 183 Generalleutnant Hans Freiherr von Funk Heer
                          R 184 General der Panzer Josef Harpe Heer
                          R 185 Korpsfuhrer Keller
                          R 186 Oberst Alfred Reinhardt Heer
                          R 187 SS-Obergruppenfuhrer und General der Waffen SS
                          Sepp Dietrich
                          R 187a as above of Dietrich
                          R 188 Hauptmann Alois Eisele Heer
                          R 189 Major Hupfer Heer
                          R 190 Leutnant Tange Luftwaffe
                          R 191 Major Bohme Heer
                          R 192 Major Helmut Gross Heer
                          R 193 Unknown
                          R 194 Major Karl Heinz Holzapfel Heer
                          R 195 Oberst Dr. Beyer Heer
                          R 196 Generalleytnant Fr. Wilh. Muller
                          R 197 Unknown
                          R 198 Unknown
                          R 199 Leutnant E. W. Reinert Luftwaffe
                          R 200 Hauptmann Karl Kennel Luftwaffe

                          Will continue later....


                            I sent you a PM. Have you read it ?
                            Go to the User Configuratio panel by clicking the "USer cp" button on the top of your screen
                            Thanks again


                              Hoffmann RKT Karten, Part III

                              To continue the listing of RKT Cards, we'll start with the R Series then go to the 1500 series. From that point we will proceed to the known unnumbered cards that are know to have been publshed by Hoffmann before the War's conclusion and should not be confused with the counterfeit cards.

                              Let's begin,

                              R 201 Korvettenkapitan Christiansen
                              R 202
                              R 203 Oberst Voigtberger Heer
                              R 204
                              R 205
                              R 206 General Schmidt Heer
                              R 207 Generalleutnant Grasser Heer
                              R 208
                              R 209
                              R 210 Oberst Langkeit Heer
                              R 211 Korvettenkapitan Kluge
                              R 212 SS-Gruppenfuhrer Steiner
                              R 213 Feldwebel Franz Jasiek Heer
                              R 214 Generalleutnant Hermann Recknagel Heer
                              R 215 SS-Gruppenfuhere und Generalleutnant Herbert Gille
                              R 216
                              R 217 Major BarenFanger Heer
                              R 218 Generalleutnant Lieb Heer
                              R 219 Major Wilhelm Spies luftwaffe
                              R 220 Hauptmann Hilt Heer
                              R 221 Leutnant Edo Muller Heer
                              R 222
                              R 223 Major Edo Fritsche Heer
                              R 224 SS-Brigagefuhrer und Generalmajor Fritz von Scholz
                              R 225
                              R 226 Oberts Kuhl Heer
                              R 227
                              R 228 General Wiese Heer
                              R 229
                              R 230
                              R 231 General der Panzertruppen Veiel Heer
                              R 232 Oberleutnant Ludwig Becker Luftwaffe
                              R 233 Oberstleutnant Josef Heindl Heer
                              R 234
                              R 235 Hauptmann Franz Posch Heer
                              R 236 Major Rudel Luftwaffe
                              R 236a Major Rudel Luftwaffe
                              R 236b Major Rudel Luftwaffe
                              R 237
                              R 238 Generalfeldmarschall Rommel Heer
                              R 239
                              R 240
                              R 241
                              R 242
                              R 243
                              R 244
                              R 245 Generaloberst Dietl Heer
                              R 246 Generalfeldmarschall Sperrle Luftwaffe
                              R 247
                              R 248 Hauptmann Friedrich Bauer Heer
                              R 249 General der Panzertruppen Hube Heer
                              R 250 General Jordan Heer
                              R 251 Oberleutnant z. See Otto Pollmann
                              R 252 Generalleutnant Walter Kruger Heer
                              R 253
                              R 254
                              R 255
                              R 256
                              R 257
                              R 258
                              R 259 Oberleutnant Erich Hartmann Luftwaffe
                              R 260
                              R 261
                              R 262
                              R 263 Generalleutnant Meyer Heer
                              R 264
                              R 265 Generalmahor Kallner Heer
                              R 266
                              R 267 General der Panzertruppen Kirchner Heer
                              R 268
                              R 269
                              R 270 Major Barkhorn Luftwaffe
                              R 271 Generalmajor Wend von Wietersheim
                              R 272 Oberst Bake Heer
                              R 273
                              R 274
                              R 275 Oberstleutnant Stepp Luftwaffe
                              R 276
                              R 277
                              R 278 Major Rettemeier
                              R 279
                              R 280
                              R 281 General der Panzertruppen Kirchner Heer
                              R 282 Oberst Behrend Heer
                              R 283
                              R 284 Oberst Erich Lorenz Heer
                              R 285
                              R 286 Major Walter Mix Heer
                              R 287 Oberfeldwebel Petersen Luftwaffe
                              R 288 Feldwebel Moese Heer
                              R 289 Oberst Kosmalla Heer
                              R 290 Leutnant Otto Kittel Luftwaffe

                              Numbered Series of RKT cards by Hoffmann

                              368 SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Dietrich 3 types, different
                              Poses type 3 shows only his RK no Eichenlaub
                              433 Generalfeldmarschall Rommel color postcard
                              456 Gunther Prien color postcard
                              488 Generalfeldmarschall Hermann Goring
                              734 General der Flieger Milch no RK in picture
                              734a Generalfeldmarschall Milch with RK
                              910 Generalfeldmarschall Goring Nach einem Originalgemalde
                              von Profess Conrad Hommel color postcard
                              917 General Dietl color postcard
                              1171 Generalfeldmarschall Sperrle 3 types
                              1181 Generaloberst von Rundstedt 2 types type 2 has
                              Rundstedt with his RK
                              1183 Korvettenkapitan Prien same as R1
                              1183a Kapitanleutnant Prien 2 types type 2 similiar to 456
                              1501 Reichsfuhrer-ss H. Himmler obviously no RK but he
                              begins the 1500 series...
                              1502 Hans Frank
                              1503 Reichsjugendfuhrer Arthur Axmann 2 types 2 poses
                              1503a Reichsjugendfuhrer Artur Axmann
                              1504 Ministeraldirigent Hans Fritzsche
                              1505 Reichsstatthalter Baldur v. Schirach
                              1506 Reichsjugendfuhrer Chief of Staff Mockel
                              1508 Foreign Minister of Slovakia Professor Dr. Tuka
                              1509 Major Wick Luftwaffe 2 types type 2 same as R 2
                              1510 Dr. Karl Roos
                              1511 Oberstleutnant Molders Luftwaffe 2 poses
                              1511a Der Fuhrer und Oberste Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht empfing Oberst Molders ( Hitler and Molders shaking hands)
                              1512 Gauleiter Hartmann Lauterbacher
                              1513 Kretschmar same of R 4
                              1514 General Franz Ritter von Epp
                              1515 Schepke same as R 5
                              1516 Oberstleutnant Adolf Galland 2 types type 2 Oberst
                              1517 Hanna Reitsch
                              1518 Generalfeldmarschall von Reichenau
                              1519 Brinkforth same as R 7
                              1520 General Rommel 4 types 2 each Generaloberst 2 each
                              Generalfeldmarschall different poses
                              1520a Generalfeldmarschall Rommel
                              1520b Generalfeldmarschall Rommel same as 1520 type 1
                              1521 Generaloberst Ernst Udet 2 types
                              1522 Hauptmann Joppien same as R 9
                              1523 Kapitanleutnant Lehmann-Willenbrock same as R10
                              1524 Oberleutnant Muncheberg 3 types type 2a/b Hauptmann Muncheberg
                              1525 SS-Hauptsturnfuhrer Klingenberg same as R 12
                              1526 Generaloberst Grauert Luftwaffe
                              1527 FlottenAdmiral Lutjens
                              1528 Oberleutnant Baumbach 2 types type 2 Hauptmann Baumbach
                              1529 Generalfelfmarschall Kesselring
                              1530 Generalmajor Heinrich Kirchheim 2 types type 2 General Kirchheim different pose

                              Will close for know and come back later with more of the 1500 series and some of the genuine unnumbered RKT series.



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