I recieved this packet today from a friend, so I thought we'd take a closer look at the packet with the Ldo warranty on the reverse.
While doubt and dubious reckoning surround this packet for founded reasons in fold, I'm of the opinion the packet is genuine. The paper and designation prescribe to what I'd purport as genuine of the period concerned. I have no contention with the actual maker mark as a printed facet of this anomalous packet.
Two versions are encountered as such, those with the Ldo warranty and of course those without, I'm of the knowledge both 'versions' emersed from the hoard. In regards to the Ldo warranty, I don't know and will be discussed later in this thread.
Hoard, this makes one sceptical from the onset, we've all heard and read similar stories. The condition, again this seems deter collectors......but I must have half a dozen or more mint packets, from small or large 'hoards','finds' how ever you wish to call it. It is however true, that these other packets came with awards !
The other contention, this maker Carl Forster & Graf cannot be attributed to an EK, nor is this maker as of yet known to have produced EK's.
I'm not going to waste my finger tips on the key board, discounting these to any extent, I can with all objective plauseable reason, not because I want the packet to be genuine I just don't think it's been researched properly yet, if at all possible.
This is a non definitive thread, just looking and questioning a few things concerning the the packet itself.
Lets take a look then:
The packet with Ldo warranty, exactly the same as the void warranty packets.
While doubt and dubious reckoning surround this packet for founded reasons in fold, I'm of the opinion the packet is genuine. The paper and designation prescribe to what I'd purport as genuine of the period concerned. I have no contention with the actual maker mark as a printed facet of this anomalous packet.
Two versions are encountered as such, those with the Ldo warranty and of course those without, I'm of the knowledge both 'versions' emersed from the hoard. In regards to the Ldo warranty, I don't know and will be discussed later in this thread.
Hoard, this makes one sceptical from the onset, we've all heard and read similar stories. The condition, again this seems deter collectors......but I must have half a dozen or more mint packets, from small or large 'hoards','finds' how ever you wish to call it. It is however true, that these other packets came with awards !
The other contention, this maker Carl Forster & Graf cannot be attributed to an EK, nor is this maker as of yet known to have produced EK's.
I'm not going to waste my finger tips on the key board, discounting these to any extent, I can with all objective plauseable reason, not because I want the packet to be genuine I just don't think it's been researched properly yet, if at all possible.
This is a non definitive thread, just looking and questioning a few things concerning the the packet itself.
Lets take a look then:
The packet with Ldo warranty, exactly the same as the void warranty packets.