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FJ camo helmet on ebay

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    FJ camo helmet on ebay

    Any comments on this helmet before I offer mine?


    Preußens Gloria!


    Sapere aude

    Private Auction

    After a bad transaction I have to be suspicious of “private auctions” on eBay. That seems like an instant red flag to me. The other “issue” I would have is that the seller won’t allow the use of credit card through Pay Pal – meaning that the buyer might have a serious fight getting the money back if/when this turns out to be a fake.

    As for what is shown, I’m not liking the camo pattern at all – it is interesting but it is also unlike anything I’ve ever seen or have ever read about. The seller is calling this a “spring pattern” like it is a common pattern but I don’t recall seeing another example with this pattern of paint! I’m also not liking the liner or chinstrap, both seem too new as do the rubber pads. All in all this looks kind of “newish” too me.





        Well, I guess no one is going to go out on a limb here, so I will venture a tempered opinion ( based on the scans provided ).

        You all know I am not a helmet guy, but honestly, from what I can see, I can't see any problems with the liner and straps. The manufacturing, stamps, leather, etc. seem consistant with many unquestionable originals I have seen.

        As to the shell and paint, I just wouldn't offer an opinion without seeing it in the flesh. The pattern is certainly strange, but I have seen stranger. If its a fake, its not an obvious one ( to me at least )

        Willi / John

        You would be more qualified to offer an opinion on this than I.



          camo helmet on ebay

          Willi, Eric and all,
          In my view, this is clearly a one-looker bad camo, the paint is clearly bad.
          I'm afraid this may be one of the "corrected" ET 71 czech repos.




            Do you think the liner is bad as well? I must admit, I am surprised if that is the case. I keep going back and forth about the straps. Can't really see them well enough. Can't tell if the brown backing material is the correct suede type of material or not.

            Willi and John H,

            Don't keep us in suspense !! Thumbs up or down ? and why ?

            Looking forward to learning more about whats being made.




              Here is my take on this helmet. Usually I can clearly spot a Czech repro just by the photos. But, this deal seems to be quite a thought out ambush: small photos that hide some details, the private bidder issue, the very limited payment plan........but a reserve that was met at $2700??

              The photos do not clearly show the rear flange......and it's angle from the side...always a Czech repro giveaway. The liner actually does not "scream" Czech repro. Can't tell for sure if the pads are foam rubber...... Though camo could have that pattern, the paint does not have the "right look"......better photos would reveal more. But, as is, I don't like the paint. The straps have the Czech look........that bright color on the backside of the straps.....that artificial looking aging......the very rigid look where the strap goes over the liner edge....even mint straps have been folded for 60 years.

              I guess my conclusion is that I am not ready to say it is a total Czech repro based on the photos. The liner does not meet their normal reddish look. Certainly if Czech, it is the improved model......better pads, lack of the foot on the "1", etc. A hands on look would hold the key.

              Though I don't want to scare everyone on size 71 shells.....real ones are out there, but in limited numbers. These sexy rare helmets offered are always size 71s......and the Czechs, to date, have only made size 71's. No need to tool up to make another size shell, when these bad 71s always sell. Someone on ebay is about to buy a $5000 camo FJ helmet for $2700...with most advanced FJ helmet collectors viewing it....that should say it all.


              Preußens Gloria!


              Sapere aude


                Another problem

                I'd also like to point out that the same seller has another helmet offered for sale and numerous folks have spotted problems with it as well:


                I have to be wary when I see two very rare items come from a relative unknown dealer at the same time. With my current state of mind that just raises some serious red flags.


                  I agree Peter.......he seems to know what he is doing. Rare helmets get sold with phone calls.

                  BTW, did you get that FJ helmet that we looked at during the Union show? And, did you make the Totowa show?


                  Preußens Gloria!


                  Sapere aude


                    Hello Willi & all,
                    I have an ET71 FJ helmet & I bought it from Bill Shea about 2 years ago, I think it is a real one. The serial # of mine is 1531 & the key point that I want to mention is the upper part of the numeral "3" on my FJ helmet is of flat form but this one on eBay is of rounded form. BTW, I think the shape of the numeral "6" on the eBay's one is different from the one on a real ET68 FJ helmet, the real one should be much more rounded. Maybe you could check your own FJ helmet & find out the shape of the numerals "3" & "6". I'm very interesting to know which one is correct, maybe both? Please comment & I hope this information is helpful.


                      Did get the helmet

                      Hi Willi--
                      I did get the helmet and I'm going to bring it with me during the holidays to give to my uncle. He is actually making a bit of a recovery -- for everyone else, I wanted a para helmet for my great uncle who was at D-Day. His health has been failing but he has made a recovery and I have him excited about going to the Max show with me next year.

                      As for the Towata show...I slept in. It didn't sound worth like it was worth going.


                        bad para camo

                        Eric, As I said before the paint is unquestionably bad. But I agree with Willi about the liner, it looks good, but I am still suspicious. I have more reservations about the harness, I think they are a good repo.

                        So it makes sense, maybe a real shell and liner with no harness. How do you increase the value? With camo paint and fake chinstraps.


                          John, the shell looks very "Czech".......just can't tell exactly from the pics....usually a nice side view is enough. The liner could be ok.......I am sure if we had it in our hands, we would know for sure.

                          Glad you got the helmet Peter, and glad I could help. We will have to hook up at the next Union show......not sure if it is in Jan or Feb.

                          Hi Joseph, you make a very interesting observation. I looked at some of my FJ helmets and agree with your theory on the "3". All of mine (that had a 3, sizes 71, 68 and 66) had the flat top. Will have to further explore this theory, since they are correcting the "1". I could not, however, come to the same conclusion on the "6". I could not see a clear difference. I am sure the one you got from Bill is original.


                          Preußens Gloria!


                          Sapere aude




                              'doubting Thomas'

                              Hi guys,

                              I'm not ignoring good threads, but still having problems with my home internet service since the ice storm we suffered here, so for now I will do short comments from work during lunch or breaks.

                              I don't even like the liner all that much. The sharp, crisp, totally even printing of the ink stampings strike me as a little odd.... What do you think? Perhaps good, but not normal.
                              Esse Quam Videri


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