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The L 59 Pin Anchor Flaw Recall :

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    The L 59 Pin Anchor Flaw Recall :

    L 59 faulty pin recall :
    Project 1 :

    L59 Rettenmaier is one many companies that produced LDO crosses for private sale - mainly EK1s - and is known for having a lot of small extra marks as well . Because of the complexity of this maker and all the marks I had to split this into different projects , those will be part of a seperate presentation later .

    Rettenmaier had an EK1 cross exchange notification = a recall - ....to most of the readers this will be something new .
    I obtained this EK1 1979 in Munich at a very scary meeting at the actual residence direct from the vet with an in error issued EK2 . Army Hauptmann at the time but did up go to Oberst . The recall letter I unfortunatly was not able to obtained as it was part of the large document lot that went with the fully decked 9 piece Parade uniform . A picture of the document with name does exist by another US collector which I happen to run into - but have not been able to obtain it again .
    Reason of the recall/exchange was to replace the pin anchor , as their first one they used had a manufacturing flaw , where the pin would actualy break the anchor in half . As per LDO regulations they had to take them back fix/replace and be sent back . In the recall letter an option was given to send the cross back to them or direct to the Awards Co-op in Pforzheim with that letter , which ever the customer wanted . '0.1' Orden-Herstellergemeinschaft Pforzheim did a lot of repair work for Rettenmaier . An example is shown later .
    The information obtained from the letter stated that the effects of this flaw starting to show up approximatly 2 months or so after the EK1 first being sold . They were very sorry and apollowgized about this . Rettenmaier in accordance with the LDO quality guidelines - had to take and took action to rectify this problem and tried to contact as many customers as they could . This included the Hauptmann as he had original contacted them - the company - so they had is name and address on hand - as he had put in a specialy tailored cross order for his EK1 . Further more it is mentioned in the first letter when he received his cross that it had a Silver Mark- the 'Diamond Mark' - that indicated that high grade 800/1000 fine silver and or silver parts were used in production of his cross in accordance as he had ordered it !!!
    The number of still existing flawed crosses is not known , as no one now knows how many owners Rettenmaier was able to contact and or how many contacted them ! Over time , depending of use , the pin could break and some eventualy did later on . In the case of this one - the owner opted not to send it back as it was for his parade uniform to replace his issue 65 EK1 . Lucky for us this made the following presentation possible .
    For the purpose of this demonstration/comparison I intentional took - and was fortunet to have - a very early unmarked 26 with their first pin set . As I remember from the recall letter - Rettenmaier refered to it as 'their pin set' that was faulty . The evidence in the comparison shows this first L59 pin set is not a BH Mayer pin set but a copy of such one Rettenmaier probably did themselfs , which in the end back fired as a costly mistake . Learning from this Rettenmaier uses from then on only pin sets produced by other makers which is quit evident !
    At first glance one would think a 26 pin set . It is close in features but has signicant differences which are pointed out in the picture comparisons .
    Please wait for additions and comments until after the 13th posting, thanks .

    First the cross in question :
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    The marking on the back :
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      By itself the pin looks like a BH Mayer pin ,which it is not :
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        Putting the L59 beside an early BH Mayer 26 the difference becomes noticeable :
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          The most important shot the shows the flaw and size differences , construction and manufacturing is from the side !
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            The fine details what the flaw is and how to spot it !
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              Something else interesting about the' anchor jacket' !
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                Now I have been lucky enough to find a repaired L59 .
                Miller is the owner of this cross :
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                  How do we know this a L59 repaired cross . It is actualy marked !!!!
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                    A closeup of the mark , not the best picture .
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                      And what the back looks like after the period repair !
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                        Running into this repaired cross above was just by luck and the owner at first did not pay much attention to what was under the pin until I pointed it out . Knowing what there is - then one can look and identify signs and markings .
                        I know there are alot of L59s owned by members here and by others that just visit and would like to ask now for all to have another look again at theirs to see if there is one with a fault pin anchor as described in this project and as most members here , this will be something new and probably no owner ever has looked for . Appearance at times can be misleading as the owners themselves could have and did polish their crosses and the thin silver plating is now completely gone . How many of these faulty hinges have survived depends on their use , so I am hoping for one or two more to be found here .
                        Additionaly any crosses still with flawed pin anchors will also therefor have ealiest used 'extra markings' which is of interest to me for another project . Sofar because of this flaw we can confirm these as early markings : the Wedge , the single Dot and 2 silver marks . Any help by other member is much appreciated .
                        This ends the presentation and now any coments and additional pictures to the subject above are welcome .



                          Originally posted by Douglas 5 View Post
                          Running into this repaired cross above was just by luck and the owner at first did not pay much attention to what was under the pin until I pointed it out . Knowing what there is - then one can look and identify signs and markings .
                          I know there are alot of L59s owned by members here and by others that just visit and would like to ask now for all to have another look again at theirs to see if there is one with a fault pin anchor as described in this project and as most members here , this will be something new and probably no owner ever has looked for . Appearance at times can be misleading as the owners themselves could have and did polish their crosses and the thin silver plating is now completely gone . How many of these faulty hinges have survived depends on their use , so I am hoping for one or two more to be found here .
                          Additionaly any crosses still with flawed pin anchors will also therefor have ealiest used 'extra markings' which is of interest to me for another project . Sofar because of this flaw we can confirm these as early markings : the Wedge , the single Dot and 2 silver marks . Any help by other member is much appreciated .
                          This ends the presentation and now any coments and additional pictures to the subject above are welcome


                          Just a few shots of the hinge , markings & left handed catch on my newly aquired L/59 , don't know if they will help you Douglas
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