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Hitler's Phone for sale

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    the Siemens W38 telephone was produced in a variety of countries, in many variants, so a specialist could confirm if it is a period telephone used in Germany before 1945.
    Many messageboards exist on old Siemens telephone, many are still used today.

    Sound of the telephone (it seemed that a few variants exist too) :


    See You



      Originally posted by planet View Post
      Engraving for an ordinary phone makes no sense in my view. I doubt the whole story. Also do not believe it will be sold.
      Best, Thomas
      Agree... Nonsense engraving (better a gold plaque attached for the Führer), nonsense red color with a poor quality paint (red bakelite, way not?). Red phone to call... Москва?



        Soviet NKVD probably made plenty of pictures in the bunker, including written reports of everything that was found in every room.

        So it could be interesting to have access to them.

        See You



          Originally posted by Jeff V View Post
          The auction description is some of the most bs I have ever seen written.
          I agree.

          I had a run in with the same auctioneer (auction house) on facebook. His name was Bill Panagopulos who is the auctioneer. He had made a post in one of the private helmet collecting groups. The post was about one of their helmets in an upcoming auction. I understand the plug for business but I told him the 3 paragraph long winded provenance was totally embellished and a load of manure. Bill became irate and fired back. As an Admin within that group I just deleted the post and blocked him out.

          Just because a description is loaded with "fluff" does not make it authentic.


            Here is an interesting study that a phone collector made -



              Public chatter in the comments sections on the news outlets are most interesting as the commentators are tying in the sale of the phone in/to their anti-Trump rhetoric


                I disagree....it is quite probably authentic...the uniquely shaped eagle and letter font of stamped eagle monogram is identical in Form to a common exampke of Hitlers stationary.


                  Originally posted by John T View Post
                  Here is an interesting study that a phone collector made -


                  A vet story as provenance. So he had the phone, but is it the same being auctioned off ?


                    All very interesting. I have seen braided cables before on original phones, not all of them used a single cable with the wiring inside.

                    The handset is IMO a German one as I have seen the ear and mouth pieces before but I cannot recall which German phone they are from. They would not however fit on a British handset as the threads are different.


                      Originally posted by John T View Post
                      Here is an interesting study that a phone collector made -

                      If the author of this analysis is correct it is a fake.
                      Looking for a 30 '06 Chauchat magazine.



                        can't we find color or better pictures of brigadier Rayner with the phone taken before his death ?

                        Also is it confirmed that brigadier Rayner was the first western soldier to enter the bunker ?

                        More on the first western war correspondents who visited the Führerbunker on July 3, 1945 :


                        Private First Class Richard V. Blust (March 14, 1912 - June 26, 2006) examines the bed believed to be used by Führer und Reichskanzler ("Leader and Reich Chancellor") Adolf Hitler from January 16, 1945 to his death on April 30, 1945. A safe, which was cracked open by the Soviet engineers who first entered the bunker, is at the foot of the bed. Hitler's bedroom was behind his private conference room, off the main conference room of the bunker. The exact layout of the bunker is disputed. Note book on the table behind Blust; the bunker was stocked with furniture, books and fine art from the Chancellery above. He is standing on cushions because of the water in the bunker.

                        Blust was escorting the press corps from the Potsdam Conference to examine the bunker. Soviet soldiers were also present during this visit. The first western correspondents to visit the bunker arrived with the American forces in Berlin on July 3, 1945. Prior to arriving in Berlin, William W. Vandivert (August 16, 1912 - December 1, 1989) and Percival "Percy" R. Knauth (June 17, 1914 - January 15, 1995) from TIME/LIFE, with Jack M. Fleischer (November 10, 1914 - October 5, 2006) from United Press and Pierre J. Huss (May 1, 1901 - March 22, 1966) of the International News Service, interviewed SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer (Lieutenant Colonel) Erich Kempka (September 16, 1910 - January 24, 1975).

                        On June 20, 1945, Kempka was captured by U.S. troops at Berchtesgaden and the press interviewed him there. He drew a map of the bunker for the four correspondents and told them that Hitler married Eva Braun and then committed suicide by pistol and cyanide.

                        Arriving at the bunker on July 3 ahead of the rest of the press corps by forty minutes, Vandivert took photos while the other three correspondents navigated the Vorbunker ("Forward bunker") into the Fuhrerbunker by candlelight and flashlight. The bunker was partially flooded and few lights functioned. At least one Soviet Red Army soldier accompanied them and warned them that mines in the Chancellery garden were still active. The reporters located the couch that Hitler and Braun sat on when they committed suicide. They found bloodstains and believed Kempka's story.

                        Knauth later wrote, "I went down into the Fuhrer's bunker, descending the many-flights of stairs until the light of day had vanished far above. Rubble littered the steps—scraps of paper, gas masks, unexploded cartridges, moldering German uniforms—making the footing uncertain. A cold smell of dampness and long-dead fire came up from the blackness. At the bottom, the flashlight picked out a small steel door, swung ajar. This was a guardroom, with double-decker bunks on which lay tumbled mattresses and junk of all kinds. Beyond it was the underground apartment where the Fuhrer and his closest advisers had spent the last hours before Berlin fell. Two other correspondents. Jack Fleischer and Pierre Huss, had a map of the bunker given them by Kempka. With its aid, we found our way through the rubble-littered rooms. The large anteroom adjoining the guardroom had been blackened by fire. Pictures charred paper-thin hung on the walls, ready to collapse into nothingness at a breath. The walls were black-flaked and peeling, and tumbled everywhere were pieces of charred furniture. There was water on the floor two inches deep, and carpets squashed soddenly underfoot as we picked our way through. A right turn from the anteroom brought us into a smaller room, likewise burned out, and then into the Fuhrer's room itself, according to the map. No fire had burned here. Against the wall opposite the entrance stood a sofa, deep-cushioned in a frame of light-colored wood. Here, if Kempka had spoken the truth, Adolf Hitler and his bride of forty-eight hours, had shot themselves. We bent close to look, too excited to say a word. The flashlight beams traveled jerkily up and down the brocade upholstery. According to Kempka, Eva had sat in the right-hand corner of the sofa and shot herself through the heart; Hitler, sitting next to her, had shot himself in the temple, his body slumping forward on his knees. We held the lights close to the corner. There were unmistakable bloodstains on the light-colored wooden arm. Blood had flowed down and coagulated in little rivulets in the comer. There was blood on the outside too, a broad trickle that had soaked the upholstery and dripped onto the floor."

                        Huss wrote in a story dated July 4, "There were not only bloodstains in Hitler's room but in the adjoining bunkers. The chambers were blackened from gasoline fed flames where subsequently Propaganda Minister Goebbels and his wife are said to have committed suicide. Outside in the shell-pitted garden, fifteen paces from the bunker exit, there Is a shallow trench. It was here, according to Kempka's description that he and six other Nazis watched the gasoline-soaked bodies of Hitler and Eva. burning while Russian shells screamed overhead."

                        Shortly, other reporters, including J. Emlyn Williams of the Christian Science Monitor, Louis P. Lochner (February 22, 1887 - January 8, 1975) and Daniel De Luce (June 8, 1911 - January 29, 2002) of the Associated Press, entered Chancellery and some entered the bunker. Lochner found the evidence inconclusive, but it's unclear if he was familiar with Kempka's story or even if he was prepared to enter the bunker with candles or a flashlight. The first group of reporters had their stories published in early July.

                        By the time of the Potsdam Conference, the Fuhrerbunker ("Leader's Bunker") was quite a tourist destination for visiting press and politicians. United Kingdom Prime Minister Winston Churchill visited the bunker on July 24, 1945. United Kingdom Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS) female soldiers were invited to tour the Chancellery around the same date. Acme News Service photographer Charles Haacker accessed the bunker during that trip, and this photograph was taken at that time.

                        Numerous Allied generals and politicians visited the bunker throughout the summer and fall of 1945. The Soviets attempted to destroy the bunker in 1947 but only destroyed the surface structures. In 1959 a more complete deconstruction left the underground structures intact but removed all the debris. The bunker area was in no man's land by the Berlin Wall until 1989. The underground bunkers were extensively, but not completely, removed in 1990. The area is an apartment complex today. A simple marker denotes the history of the area.

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                        Last edited by FrenchVolunteer; 02-03-2017, 10:31 PM.


                          Vince, that eyewitness account sheds light on why eyewitness accounts are not always very reliable. In it we read that Eva Braun shot herself in the heart, it has always been stated that she committed suicide via poison, not a gunshot.
                          Looking for a 30 '06 Chauchat magazine.



                            map of the Führerbunker.

                            See You

                            Attached Files



                              ROOM #1 (Hitler's bedroom)

                              Supposed location of the "red telephone" taken by brigadier Rayner, near the bed of Hitler.

                              See You

                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by FrenchVolunteer; 02-03-2017, 10:52 PM.



                                ROOM #2 (Hitler's work room)

                                In this room Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide on April 30, 1945.
                                The coach is behind the photographer on the first picture.
                                The other picture shows the coach with the blood of Hitler on it.

                                At least two black telephones on the main table.

                                See You

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